Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Projects


Administration of projects from proposals to final stages provides the project team.

Running projects

SteeLs improved by Oxides and Nitrides dispersion for launchers applications (SLON)

The main project objective is to identify and demonstrate by test promising processing routes for simultaneous strength and ductility enhancement of metallic alloys for future space transportation structural applications. The proposed activity will focus on enhancing the strength and ductility properties of stainless-steel alloys by using bimodal microstructure with nanoparticle dispersion. Such material may well become the material of choice for the load-bearing structures in future – potentially reusable – launchers. Apart from strength and ductility characterization, the assessment of Stress Corrosion Cracking and corrosion resistance of the processed materials shall be performed.

Advanced modelling and characterization for power semiconductor materials and technologies (AddMorePower)

The development and integration of new materials for microelectronic semiconductor technologies was always crucially dependent on physical characterization techniques and predictive modelling. With the rapid and massive spread of power electronics, which enables both the digitalization and the electrification of our society on the one hand, and the generation and conversion of electrical energy needed for this transition on the other hand, completely new requirements arise for the conception and integration of semiconductor and interconnect materials. AddMorePower will provide the necessary characterization and modelling techniques that meet the particular needs of upcoming power semiconductor technology generations, which shall integrate and develop mono- and polycrystalline materials to an unprecedented extent. IPM activities will be devoted to the development of a physics-based modelling approach including anisotropic elasticity, plasticity, void formation and coalescence, and impurity and vacancy formation. The ambitious aim is to couple all effects and their interaction and implement them in a ready-to use simulation tool and provide the required material parameters to simulate the behaviour of the cooper layer during thermal loading.
The AddMorePower project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101091621.

Finished projects


Running projects

Partnership for Security in Sustainable Transport and Energy

The PSSITE project focuses on application-oriented research with partners in the areas of strategic for the Czech Republic, such as transport and energy. In particular, the research will result in new materials enabling more efficient operation, longer and safer lifetime of critical parts of equipment such as fuel rods, high-temperature equipment, turbine blades, etc. A significant contribution of the project lies in the strong link of the applicant with partners from the application sphere, which is of a long-term nature.

Sensors and Detectors for Future Information Society (SenDISo)

The aim of the project is to implement planned research projects that will achieve international excellence in quality and originality. Within the framework of capacity development of research teams, a team will be assembled to focus on research activities that will be linked through the workplaces of a consortium of nine partners. New international collaborations will also be established, thus strengthening the international dimension of research at the consortium sites. The necessary instrumentation and infrastructure to carry out the research projects will be acquired.  

MEBioSys - Mechanical engineering of biological and bio-inspired systems

The aim of the project is to strengthen international collaboration, team development, and implementation of cutting-edge research to develop a new generation of ground-breaking engineering products resulting from the convergence of biological and technological evolution. The project includes the development of internationalisation in collaboration with foreign institutes, including mobility, upgrading of technical equipment and deeper integration of the institutions involved. This will result in publications and technically realised results, including several patents.

Materials and technologies for sustainable development (MATUR)

The project is oriented towards the creation of a center of excellence in materials and technology research for sustainable development (MATUR), which aims at research of an interdisciplinary nature with a high potential for the creation of cutting-edge and future-applicable research results with a farreaching impact on various fields of human society, in an international context. The MATUR center of excellence will be built on an excellent research team and the development of international cooperation among research organizations. The project, within the framework of 4 research work packages, addresses current issues of the disciplines of materials engineering, whose research results will lead not only to sustainable development, but will also have an economic benefit in the form of improving the competitiveness of the Czech Republic.

Finished projects


Running projects

Number of ProjectNameInvestigator
25-16307S Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Damage and Deformation Mechanisms of Metal Matrix Composites: Experimental and Numerical ApproachIng. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
25-14017L Predictive modelling of pulsating waterjet erosion of biometalsIng. Alice Chlupová, Ph.D.
24-12763S Targeted microstructure manipulation for additive shaping of ODS alloysIng. Hynek Hadraba, Ph.D.
24-11058M Design and optimization of 3D printable oxide-dispersion-strengthened multi-principal element alloys for extreme environmentsMgr. Milan Heczko, Ph.D.
24-12526S Exploitation of surface phenomena for elimination of extended defects in semiconductor nanostructuresdoc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D.
23-07235S Microstructural manipulation of austenitic steels by laser powder bed fusion techniqueIng. Miroslav Šmíd, Ph.D.
23-05372S Surface and subsurface erosion due to multiple droplet impingementIng. Jiří Man, Ph.D.
23-04746S Theory of magnetic systems in electric and electromagnetic fieldsdoc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc.
23-06167S High-temperature damage mechanisms in Ni-based superalloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusionIng. Ivo Kuběna, Ph.D.
22-05801S Causes and mechanisms of degradation of tin-based materials with a low content of alloying elementsMgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D.
22-22187S The theoretical and experimental study of the Al-Ge-Mg-Sn systems, application of novel 3rd generation data in CALPHAD-type thermodynamic modellingRNDr. Aleš Kroupa, CSc.
21-02203X Beyond properties of current top performance alloysRNDr. Jiří Svoboda, CSc., DSc.

Finished projects


Running projects

Number of ProjectNameInvestigator
TN02000010 National Competence Centre of Mechatronics and Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineeringprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
TN02000018 National Centre of Competence ENGINEERINGprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
FW06010572 Development of testing machine (SPC 1300 DLS) for very high temperature (up to 1300°C) creep testing of miniature specimens according to EN 10371 – Metallic materials - small punch test methodIng. Petr Dymáček, Ph.D.
CK03000060 Advanced design methodology of railway axles for safe and efficient operationprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
FW03010149 New wheel design for freight transport with higher utility propertiesprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.

Finished projects


Running projects

Number of ProjectNameInvestigator
Lumina quaeruntur Transition metal borides nanodispersion strengthening as a new avenue for cutting-edge additively manufactured superalloys for advanced power stationsIng. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
8J24AT001 Damage initiation of concrete with recycled aggregates - fracture properties and role of interface (DICRAgg)Ing. Petr Miarka, Ph.D.
LUASK22219 Development of new joining methods for high entropy ceramicsprof. Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc.

Finished projects
