Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Groups > High Cycle Fatigue Group

High Cycle Fatigue Group

HeadIng. Michal Jambor, Ph.D.
E-mail [javascript protected email address]
Phone number+420 532 290 414

The research activities in the high cycle fatigue group are focused on the study of the nature and quantitative description of the fatigue processes in all fatigue stages. The main goal of the research is to contribute to better understanding of cyclic plasticity at low amplitudes, crack initiation and threshold values of fatigue crack propagation and to the fracture-mechanical description of the fatigue crack behaviour. Theoretical and experimental studies are focused on the relation between microstructure, microstructure evolution during damage progress, and macroscopic fatigue and fatigue/creep properties. The numerical estimation of the fracture parameters and simulations of the fracture behaviour are an important part of the research as well. The formulation of crack stability criteria for non-homogenous materials, notches and layered structures is a live issue studied in the group. Owing to this, the spectrum of studied materials is rapidly increasing. At present non-metallic materials such as polymers, polymer or ceramic based composites and advanced building materials are also dealt with.

In close cooperation with some industrial companies, the lifetime of advanced components is predicted based on numerical simulations and advanced fatigue tests.

The research of fatigue phenomena started at the IPM under the leadership of Prof. Mirko Klesnil in the 1960s. From the mid 1980s to 2010 the head of the high cycle fatigue group was assoc. Prof. Petr Lukáš, a well-known expert in the field of basic mechanisms of fatigue. The theoretically and computationally oriented part of the research group was established in the 1980s by Prof. Zdeněk Knésl, who was a natural and respected supervisor. The present staff of the group can be found here.

The main research projects currently running:

  • fatigue and fatigue/creep behaviour of single crystalline and polycrystalline superalloys,

  • fatigue properties of ultrafine-grained materials,

  • effect of mean stress on the cyclic stress-strain response and fatigue life,

  • effect of notches (including bi-material notches) and cracks on fatigue life and fatigue/creep life,

  • effect of a free surface on fatigue crack behaviour,

  • physical consequences of the constraint,

  • effect of the interface between two materials on a crack or notch behaviour,

  • basic fatigue and fracture characteristics of advanced building materials,

  • description of the crack behaviour in polymer materials,

  • description of the crack behaviour in advanced composite materials.


NamePhone numbersRoomsE-mail
Ing. Pavol Dlhý, Ph.D. +420 532 290 338108a [javascript protected email address]
doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D. +420 532 290 301317 [javascript protected email address]
prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D. +420 532 290 351223 [javascript protected email address]
prof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c. +420 532 290 379112 [javascript protected email address]
prof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D. +420 532 290 358416 [javascript protected email address]
Ing. Jan Poduška, Ph.D. +420 532 290 338108a [javascript protected email address]
Ing. Pavel Pokorný, Ph.D. +420 532 290 362108 [javascript protected email address]
Ing. Karel Slámečka, Ph.D. +420 532 290 338108a [javascript protected email address]
Ing. Miroslav Šmíd, Ph.D. +420 532 290 421106 [javascript protected email address]
Ing. Tomáš Vojtek, Ph.D. +420 532 290 362108 [javascript protected email address]


NamePhone numbersRoomsE-mail
Michal Minařík +420 532 290 361107 [javascript protected email address]

Phd students

NamePhone numbersRoomsE-mail
MSc. Alfred Muchangi Murithi +420 532 290 347114 [javascript protected email address]
Ing. Radek Kubíček +420 532 290 347114 [javascript protected email address]
Ing. Dušan Tichoň +420 532 290 347114 [javascript protected email address]

Diploma students

NamePhone numbersRoomsE-mail
Bc. Vojtěch Bartošík +420 532 290 421106 [javascript protected email address]
Bc. Václav Dziubek +420 532 290 347114 [javascript protected email address]
Kateřina Neumannová +420 532 290 421106 [javascript protected email address]
Dalibor Pavelčík +420 532 290 336128b [javascript protected email address]

Project numberNameInvestigator
CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004634 MEBioSys - Mechanical engineering of biological and bio-inspired systemsprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
23-07235S Microstructural manipulation of austenitic steels by laser powder bed fusion techniqueIng. Miroslav Šmíd, Ph.D.
TN02000010 National Competence Centre of Mechatronics and Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineeringprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
TN02000018 National Centre of Competence ENGINEERINGprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
CK03000060 Advanced design methodology of railway axles for safe and efficient operationprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
22-28283S Oxide-induced crack closure and its implications for lifetime prediction of mechanical components (OXILAP)prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
FW03010149 New wheel design for freight transport with higher utility propertiesprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.


Project numberNameInvestigator
FW03010190 Advanced precision casting technologies for new types of blade castings and blade segments of gas turbines and turbochargers from modern superalloys with increased service lifeprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
FW03010504 Development of in-situ techniques for characterization of materials and nanostructuresprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_321/0024465 Research of resistance of casted radial wheels of turbochargers to thermomechanical stress and techniques of increasing mechanical valuesprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0020138 Research and development of casting technology of thermally affected parts of aircraft engines and highly precise casts of new generation of turbochargersprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
FW01010183 Next Generation of Integrated Atomic Force and Scanning Electron Microscopy (GEFSEM)prof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03 ID: 857124 Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials obtained through additive Manufacturingprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
FV40327 Automatic optical system for fatigue crack propagation measurementprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
LTI19 The involvement of Czech research organizations in the Energy Research Alliance EERAprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
TN01000071 National Competence Centre of Mechatronics and Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineeringprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
TN01000015 National Centre of Competence ENGINEERINGprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
19-25591Y Effect of the microstructure on the fatigue in highly anisotropic stainless steel fabricated by selective laser meltingIng. Miroslav Šmíd, Ph.D.
FV40034 Development of new design of railway axles with high operational reliabilityprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
FV30219 3D print of implants for treating of a damaged skeleton, especially the human pelvisprof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
RFCS-02-2016 ID:747266 Innovative approach to improve fatigue performance of automotive components aiming at CO2 emissions reduction (INNOFAT)prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
PCCL-K1 K1-Center in Polymer Engineering and Scienceprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004399 Research and development of precision casting technology for new type of aircraft engine castings and axial turbocharger wheelsprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
RVO 68081723 Long-term conceptual development of research organizationsprof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004505 Complex design of girders from advanced concretesdoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
17-01589S Advanced computational and probabilistic modelling of steel structures taking account fatigue damagedoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0002421 Research and development of advanced precision casting technology of strongly thermally affected parts of new turbochargers from nickel based superalloysprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
GA15-09347S Role reziduálních napětí v životnosti keramických kompozitůprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
TA04011525 Výzkum a vývoj technologií přesného lití radiálních kol turbodmychadel nové generace a nových typů lopatek plynových turbí Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
CZ.1.07/2.3.00/45.0040 Science Academy - critical thinking and practical application of scientific and technical knowledge in real lifedoc. Ing. Jan Klusák, Ph.D.
7AMB1-4AT012 Development of new testing configurations for determination of relevant values of fracture characteristics of cementitious composites (DeTeCon)doc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0063 Talented postdocs for scientific excellence in physics of materialsprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0214 Human Resources Developments in the research of physical and material properties of emerging, newly developed and applied engineering materialsprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
CZ.1.07./2.3.00/20.0197 Multidisciplinary team in materials design and its involvement into international cooperationprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
M100411204 Utilization of termographic techniques and advance probabilistic method for the efficient estimation of Wöhler curve parametersdoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
P108/12/1560 Description of the slow crack growth in polymer materials under complex loading conditionsprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0006 Building up Cooperation in R&D with the Research and Industrial Partnersprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
P105/11/0466 Energetic and stress state aspects of quasi-brittle fracture – consequences for determination of fracture-mechanical parameters of silicate compositesdoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
P104/11/0833 Response of cement based composites to fatigue loading: advanced numerical modeling and testingdoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
GA ČR P108/10/2001 Cyclic plastic deformation and fatigue properties of ultrafine-grained materialsprof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
P108/10/2049 Crack initiation and propagation from interface-related singular stress concentratorsdoc. Ing. Jan Klusák, Ph.D.
M100410901 Fracture mechanics description of three dimensional structures: numerical analysis and physical consequences of constraintdoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
KJB200410901 Fracture of silicate based composites studied on core drilled specimens – numerical-modeling background for advanced fracture parameters determinationdoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
106/09/0279 Fracture damage mechanism of multilayer polymer bodyprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
101/09/0867 Assessment of fatigue damage of thin-walled structuresprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
101/09/J027 Correlation between structural changes, damage evolution and crack propagation behaviour of welded thermoplastics componentsprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
101/08/1623 Innovative techniques for assessment of residual life of bodies with fatiguedoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
106/08/1409 Role of Structure of Crosslinked Polymer Matrix in Particulate Composities. Multiscale Modeling and Experimental Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
101/08/0994 Determination of conditions of failure initiation in bi-material wedges composed of two orthotropic materialsdoc. Ing. Jan Klusák, Ph.D.
103/08/0963 Basic fatigue characteristic and fracture of advanced building materialsdoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
KJB200410803 Generalization of linear elastic fracture mechanics to crack propagation problems in non-homogenous materialsprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
FT-TA4/023 Research and development of mechanical properties of the materials used for new types of turbochargers RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
AST5-CT-2006-030889 Predictive Methods for Combined Cycle Fatigue in Gas Turbine Blades (PREMECCY)doc. RNDr. Petr Lukáš, CSc., dr. h. c.
106/06/P239 The effect of free surface on fatigue crack growthprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
AV0Z20410507 Physical properties of advanced materials in relation to their microstructure and processingdoc. RNDr. Petr Lukáš, CSc., dr. h. c.
1QS200410502 Properties of engineering materials under development applicable in the near future in traffic, medicine and power generating industryprof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
106/05/2112 High-cycle fatigue of Ni-base superalloys at high mean stressesprof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
1P05ME804 Fatigue behaviour of ultra fine-grained Copper and Magnesium alloy materialsprof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
101/04/P001 The influence of constraint on threshold values of the stress intensity factordoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
106/04/P084 Influence of the interface between two materials on fatigue crack propagationprof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
106/03/P054 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics of Bi-material notchesdoc. Ing. Jan Klusák, Ph.D.


INSTRON E10000 with linear motor technology, push-pull, torsion

Contact person: prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
An electrodynamic testing instrument INSTRON with closed control loop for static or dynamic testing from very small to high frequencies (100 Hz and more).

INSTRON E3000 with linear motor technology

Contact person: prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
Electrodynamic testing instrument INSTRON with closed control loop for static or dynamic testing from very small to high frequencies (200 Hz and more). Maximal load is of ±3000 N for dynamic testing and ±2100 N for static testing. The system is equipped with temperature controlled chamber INSTRON 3119-605 with a temperature range from -100°C in LN2 atmosphere (-70 °C in CO2) to 350 °C and the internal dimensions of 485×240×230 mm.

Resonant system Amsler 10 HFP 1478, 100 kN, push-pull

Contact person: prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
Resonant pulsator dedicated mainly for fatigue tests at high temperatures. The testing device is equipped by furnace with possible heating up to 1000 °C. Work resonant frequency is controlled by electromagnetic actuator. Test frequency is adjustable and is usually in range of 100 to 130 Hz. Movable crosshead of the pulsator enables application of mean force loads, i.e. asymmetrical fatigue tests.

Resonant system Amsler 20 HFP 5100, push-pull

Contact person: prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
A resonant electromagnetic pulsator is equipped by accessories for testing compact tensile specimens and 3 point bending test dedicated mainly for fatigue crack propagation measurements. Therefore, the pulsator is upgraded by pair of a camera system for fine measurement of actual crack length. The maximal load is ±10 kN for dynamic testing and ±20 kN for static testing. Test frequency can be in the range of 30 to 300 Hz.

Resonant system Schenck PVQ, 60 kN, push-pull

Contact person: prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
Resonant pulsator with mechanical actuator. Possible test frequencies are from 12 to 83 Hz. Test machine is suitable for force controlled fatigue tests of larger samples thanks to the size and stiffness of frame. Dynamic load can be up to 30 kN and mean load up to 36 kN. The pulsator is dedicated for fatigue crack propagation tests of flat specimens (push/pull or push/push tests) or 3 point bending test specimens.

Resonant system ZwickRoell Vibrophore 25, push-pull, temperature up to 1200 °C

Contact person: prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
A resonant electromagnetic pulsator is designed for dynamic testing of materials. Determination of fatigue life (S-N curve) or fatigue crack propagation (CT specimens) can be measured at room or high temperatures (up to 1200 °C).

Servohydraulic system Zwick/Roell Amsler HC25, push-pull

Contact person: prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
Compact table model of servo-hydraulic pulsator dedicated for static and dynamic material testing. Pulsator is capable to load the specimen by forces up to 25 kN. Maximum stroke of grips is 250 mm. Testing device is able to control mechanical tests in control regime of force or displacement. Electronic controlling system enables tailoring of a course of the mechanical test according to operator needs. Zwick/Roell Amsler HC25 is mainly determined for fatigue tests with low frequencies and with needs of fine level of control.

Ultrasonic system for very high cycle fatigue measurements

Contact person: doc. Ing. Jan Klusák, Ph.D.
Ultrasonic fatigue system pulsating at frequency of 20 kHz. This allows real-time measurement of very high cycle fatigue properties of materials at the number of cycles between 10 million to 10 billion. Measurement is possible under tension/compression and tension/tension conditions. It enables the measurement of SN (Wöhler) curves and fatigue crack propagation rates.

Resonant system Fractronic 7801, 100 kN, push-pull, temperature up to 800°C

Contact person: prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
Electromagnetic resonant pulsator mainly for fatigue tests at high temperatures. Movable crosshead with possible recording of its position enables to measure cyclic creep curves and also conducting tests with periodical changes of mean load (i.e. suitable for combined cyclic tests). Test frequency ranges from 100 to 130 Hz.


Šebestová H., Jambor M., Horník P., Novotný J., Mrňa L.: Laser beam oscillation welding for fatigue properties enhancement of tailor-welded blanks. Thin-Walled Struct. 196 (2024) 111506

Doubek P., Kozáková K., Kunz L., Seitl S.: Fatigue life of S960 high strength steel with laser cladded functional surface layers. Eng. Fail. Anal. 164 (2024) 108629

Kubíček R., Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Equations for efficient cycle-by-cycle computation of fatigue crack retardation and acceleration due to amplitude changes. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 133 (2024) 104547

Bartošák M., Šulák I., Horváth J., Jambor M., Pilsová L.: Isothermal low-cycle fatigue and fatigue creep behaviour of 2618 aluminium alloy. Int. J. Fatigue 179 (2024) 108027

Šiška F., Fintová S., Chlup Z., Kuběna I., Jambor M., Šulák I., Chlupová A.: Numerical analysis of plastic deformation mechanisms in polycrystaline copper under cyclic loading with different frequencies. Int. J. Fatigue 188 (2024) 108524

Luptáková N., Dlouhý V., Sobola D., Fintová S., Weiser A., Beneš 3rd V., Dlouhý A.: Interfaces between cranial bone and AISI 304 steel after long-term implantation: A case study of cranial screws. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 10 (2024) 4297-4310

Cardona C., Tinoco Navarro H., Perdomo-Hurtado L., Duque-Dussán E., Banout J.: Optimizing harvesting efficiency: Development and assessment of a pneumatic air jet excitation nozzle for delicate biostructures in food processing. Foods 13 (2024) 1458

Crisafulli D., Fintová S., Santonocito D., D'Andrea D.: Microstructural characterization and mechanical behaviour of laser powder Bed Fusion stainless steel 316L. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 131 (2024) 104343

Kubíček R., Vojtek T., Jambor M., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Pokluda J., Hutař P.: Solution to the problem of low sensitivity of crack closure models to material properties. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 130 (2024) 104243

Hadraba H., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Jambor M., Bertolla L.: Grain size manipulation of the Eurofer steel via mechanical alloying. J. Mater. Sci. 59 (2024) 11546-11558

Kuběna I., Babinský T., Náhlík L., Šulák I.: Cyclic stress strain behaviour of additively manufactured gamma prime strengthened superalloy at elevated temperatures. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 133 (2024) 104623

Klusák J., Fintová S., Kozáková K., Jambor M., Seitl S.: Risk volume effect in very high cycle fatigue of 304L stainless steel. Int. J. Fatigue 178 (2024) 108016

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Chlupová A., Šulák I., Chlup Z., Trško L., Polák J.: Very high frequency induced fatigue damage. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 133 (2024) 104590

Kozáková K., Klusák J., Fintová S.: The length parameter for gigacycle fatigue life predictions of notched specimens made of 304L steel. Int. J. Fatigue 178 (2024) 107980

Yarasu V., Jurči P., Ptačinová J., Dlouhý I., Horník V.: Effect of cryogenic treatments on hardness, fracture toughness, and wear properties of vanadis 6 tool steel. Materials 17 (2024) 1688


Kozáková K., Trávníček L., Klusák J., Poduška J., Hutař P.: The influence of different notches on fatigue lifetime of round bar specimens made of HDPE. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 23 (2023) 1-4

Kuběna I., Fintová S., Jambor M., Šmíd M.: TKD/EBSD and TEM analysis of microstructural changes ongoing in AISI 304L steel exposed to the cyclic loading. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 872 (2023) 144943

Sovík J., Kajánek D., Pastorek F., Štrbák M., Florková Z., Jambor M., Hadzima B.: The effect of mechanical pretreatment on the electrochemical characteristics of PEO coatings prepared on magnesium alloy AZ80. Materials 16 (2023) 5650

Trávníček L., Poduška J., Messiha M., Arbeiter F., Pinter G., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Effect of recycled material on failure by slow crack growth in multi-layer polyethylene pipes. Eng. Fract. Mech. 289 (2023) 109423

Trávníček L., Poduška J., Kučera J., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Comparison of fatigue performance of polyethylene pipe grades in the form of extruded and compression molded specimens. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 148-153

Šmíd M., Koutný D., Neumannová K., Chlup Z., Náhlík L., Jambor M.: Cyclic behaviour and microstructural evolution of metastable austenitic stainless steel 304L produced by laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing 68 (2023) 103503

Kunčická L., Jambor M., Král P.: High pressure torsion of copper; effect of processing temperature on structural features, microhardness and electric conductivity. Materials 16 (2023) 2738

Santonocito D., Fintová S., Di Cocco V., Iacoviello F., Risitano G., D'Andrea D.: Comparison on mechanical behavior and microstructural features between traditional and AM AISI 316L. Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 46 (2023) 379-395

Oplt T., Vojtek T., Kubíček R., Pokorný P., Hutař P.: Numerical modelling of fatigue crack closure and its implication on crack front curvature using deltaCTODp. Int. J. Fatigue 171 (2023) 107570

Kozáková K., Klusák J., Fintová S., Seitl S.: The effect of risk volume on the fatigue life of stainless steels subjected to high-frequency loading. Procedia Struct. Integr. 51 (2023) 145-151

Konečná R., Varmus T., Nicoletto G., Jambor M.: Influence of build orientation on surface roughness and fatigue life of the Al2024-RAM2 alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). Metals 13 (2023) 1615

Seitl S., Horník V., Lesiuk G., Kunz L.: Influence of micro-structure of selected components made from AISI 304 on the mechanical properties. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 113-118

Fintová S., Kunz L., Chlup Z., Kuběna I., Mertová K., Hradil D., Duchek M.: Grain refinement effect on fatigue life of two grades of commercially pure titanium. Int. J. Fatigue 176 (2023) 107883

Klusák J., Kozáková K., Jambor M., Seitl S.: Fatigue behavior of DIN 1.4307 and DIN 1.4306 stainless steels under high frequency loading. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 142-147

Jambor M., Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Koutný D., Náhlík L., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Anomalous fatigue crack propagation behavior in near-threshold region of L-PBF prepared austenitic stainless steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 872 (2023) 144982


Seitl S., Pokorný P., Klusák J., Duda S., Lesiuk G.: Effect of specimen thickness on fatigue crack growth resistance in Paris region in AISI 304 steel. Structural. Integr. 24 (2022) 291-297

Dlhý P., Poduška J., Pokorný P., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Kajánek D., Fajkoš R., Hutař P.: Estimation of residual stress distribution in railway axles. Eng. Fail. Anal. 135 (2022) 106142

Milovanović A., Poduška J., Trávníček L., Náhlík L., Milošević M., Sedmak A., Berto F.: Side-groove effect on fracture mechanical fatigue testing of PLA material. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 847-856

Kunčická L., Kocich R., Kačor P., Jambor M., Marek M.: Characterising Correlations between Electric Conductivity and Structural Features in Rotary Swaged Al/Cu Laminated Conductors. Materials 15 (2022) 1003

Kubíček R., Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Hutař P.: Sensitivity of numerically modelled crack closure to material. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 911-918

Jambor M., Pokorný P., Trško L., Oplt T., Jacková M., Hutař P.: Microstructure and the fatigue crack propagation in the dissimilar low alloy/stainless steel GMAW welded joints. Mater. Character. 191 (2022) 112119

Šiška F., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Fintová S., Kuběna I.: Effects of grains´ morphology on strengthening mechanisms in ODM401 14Cr ODS steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 852 (2022) 143663

Tinoco Navarro H., Fintová S., Heikkita I., Herrero D., Vuoristo T., Dlouhý I., Hutař P.: Experimental and numerical study of micromechanical damage induced by MnS-based inclusions. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 856 (2022) 144009

Kunčická L., Kocich R., Jambor M.: Shear strain induced recrystallization/recovery phenomena within rotary swaged Al/Cu composite conductors. Mater. Character. 194 (2022) 112399

Urban P., Astacio R., Ternero F., Náhlík L., Cintas J.: Amorphous Phase Formation and Heat Treating Evolution in Mechanically Alloyed Ti-Cu Alloy for Biomedical Applications. Trans. Indian Inst. Metals 75 (2022) 3039-3046

Kozáková K., Fintová S., Klusák J.: Fatigue life of notches: an effect of manufacturing. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 270-275

Kunčická L., Kocich R., Kačor P., Jambor M., Jopek M.: Influence of (Sub) Structure Development within Rotary Swaged Al?Cu Clad Conductors on Skin Effect during Transfer of Alternating Current. Materials 15 (2022) 650

Klusák J., Kozáková K., Fintová S., Seitl S.: Fatigue lifetimes of 1.4306 and 1.4307 stainless steels subjected to ultrasonic loading. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 1369-1375

Schieppati J., Schritesser B., Tagliabue S., Andena L., Poduška J., Pinter G.: Fatigue Analysis and Defect Size Evaluation of Filled NBR including Temperature Influence . Materials 15 (2022) 3745

Beneš J., Kunz L., Liška J., Šrám J., Krbec M., Džupa V., Křivohlávek M., Návrat T.: Determination of stress and displacement on human composite pelvis under static and dynamic loading. J. Eng. in Medicine 236 (2022) 951-959

Biswas B., Michel V., Fjellvag O., Bimashofer G., Döbeli M., Jambor M., Keller L., Müller E., Ukleev V., Pomjakushina E., Singh D., Stuhr U., Vaz C., Lipper T., Schneider C.: Role of Dy on the magnetic properties of orthorhombic DyFeO3. Phys. Rev. Mater. 6 (2022) 074401

Dlhý P., Poduška J., Pokorný P., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Residual stress determination by the layer removal and X-ray diffraction measurement correction method. MethodsX 9 (2022) 101768

Buchtík M., Hasoňová M., Horník P., Březina M., Doskočil L., Másilko J., Mrňa L., Filipenský J., Kuběna I., Fintová S., Wasserbauer J., Doležal P.: Influence of laser remelting on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of HVOF-sprayed Fe-based coatings on magnesium alloy. Mater. Character. 194 (2022) 112343

Šulák I., Babinský T., Chlupová A., Milovanović A., Náhlík L.: Effect of building direction and heat treatment on mechanical properties of Inconel 939 prepared by additive manufacturing. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (2022) 1-6

Seitl S., Pokorný P., Benešová A., Juhászová T., Kala Z.: Variance of selected properties from various structural elements made from AISI 304. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 22 (2022) 39-44

Slávik O., Vojtek T., Poczklán L., Tinoco Navarro H., Kruml T., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Improved description of low-cycle fatigue behaviour of 316L steel under axial, torsional and combined loading using plastic J-integral. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 118 (2022) 103212

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