Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Groups > Structural Integrity of Cyclically Loaded Materials

Structural integrity is a critical consideration in engineering, particularly for materials subjected to cyclic loading when repetitive strains over time are employed in facilities like gas turbines of aircraft or terrestrial power plants, turbochargers or railways axis. Unlike static loading, cyclic loading can induce fatigue, a phenomenon where small, repeated stresses or strains lead to the initiation and growth of microscopic cracks, ultimately resulting in catastrophic failure.
The study of cyclically loaded materials combines principles of materials science, mechanics, and design engineering. Key factors influencing structural integrity include the material’s fatigue strength, crack growth rate, and resistance to environmental effects such as high-temperature oxidation. Understanding the behaviour of materials under cyclic loading requires evaluating how strain amplitude, frequency, load ratio, and the presence of stress concentrators (e.g., notches) contribute to damage progression. Important subjects are particularly represented by high-temperature low-cycle fatigue, thermal and thermomechanical fatigue and multiaxial elasto-plastic fatigue.
The group of Structural integrity of cyclically loaded materials builds on strong foundations of fatigue of metals started in IPM under the leadership of the deceased Prof. Mirko Klesnil in the 1960s and brings the best combination of long-term experience in the field of low-cycle fatigue with a special focus on cyclic plasticity in cutting edge materials.
MTS Acumen 12 - Electrodynamic testing system
Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
The MTS Acumen 12 electrodynamic testing system allows static and dynamic loading up to ± 12 kN for cyclic, tensile, bending and compression tests.
MTS 809 axial – torsional test system
Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
Servohydraulic MTS 809 axial – torsional test system allowing us to perform isothermal fatigue testing with independent bi-axial loading at temperatures from 24°C up to 1400°C.
MTS 810 servo-hydraulic testing machine for fatigue loading at temperature range from -196°C up to 350°C
Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
Testing system allowing us to perform isothermal fatigue loading at temperature 24°C or when equipped with cryostat at low temperature from -196°C or equipped with environmental chamber in temperature range from -70°C up to 350°C.
MTS 810 servo-hydraulic testing machine for fatigue loading at temperature from 24°C up to 1000°C
Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
Testing system allowing us to perform isothermal fatigue loading at temperatures from 24°C up to 1000°C.
MTS 880 servo-hydraulic testing machine for thermo-mechanical fatigue
Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
MTS 880 servo-hydraulic testing system allowing us to perform an independent mechanical and thermal cyclic loading in the temperature range from 24°C to 1200°C.
Feritscope Fischer FMP 30
Contact person: Ing. Jiří Man, Ph.D.
Feritscope Fischer FMP 30 is equipment for measurement of the ferrite Content in Steels.
Long focal microscopes
Contact person:
Questar and Navitar are long focal microscopes for in-situ observation of specimen surface during loading.
all publications

Structural Integrity of Cyclically Loaded Materials
Head | Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D. |
[javascript protected email address] | |
Phone number | +420 532 290 343 |
Room | 117 |
Structural integrity is a critical consideration in engineering, particularly for materials subjected to cyclic loading when repetitive strains over time are employed in facilities like gas turbines of aircraft or terrestrial power plants, turbochargers or railways axis. Unlike static loading, cyclic loading can induce fatigue, a phenomenon where small, repeated stresses or strains lead to the initiation and growth of microscopic cracks, ultimately resulting in catastrophic failure.
The study of cyclically loaded materials combines principles of materials science, mechanics, and design engineering. Key factors influencing structural integrity include the material’s fatigue strength, crack growth rate, and resistance to environmental effects such as high-temperature oxidation. Understanding the behaviour of materials under cyclic loading requires evaluating how strain amplitude, frequency, load ratio, and the presence of stress concentrators (e.g., notches) contribute to damage progression. Important subjects are particularly represented by high-temperature low-cycle fatigue, thermal and thermomechanical fatigue and multiaxial elasto-plastic fatigue.
The group of Structural integrity of cyclically loaded materials builds on strong foundations of fatigue of metals started in IPM under the leadership of the deceased Prof. Mirko Klesnil in the 1960s and brings the best combination of long-term experience in the field of low-cycle fatigue with a special focus on cyclic plasticity in cutting edge materials.
The main subjects pursued:
- cyclic plastic straining the mechanisms, sources of the cyclic stress and relation to the internal structure. Analysis of the hysteresis loop using statistical theory in terms of the internal and effective stress, the relation of the macroscopic response to the internal dislocation structure.
- fatigue damage mechanisms - the mechanisms of cyclic slip localisation, fatigue crack nucleation
- interaction of low cycle fatigue with creep at elevated temperatures, structural changes and damage evolution in high temperature symmetric and asymmetric loading; nickel based superalloys
- fatigue of composite materials - damage evolution, cracking and fatigue fracture of laminate composites (GLARE, ARALL)
- effect of the coatings on the cyclic plasticity and fatigue life of advanced materials - effect of nitride and carbon layers and of the other coating procedures on the individual stages of fatigue process and on the fatigue life.
- effect of depressed and elevated temperatures on the early fatigue damage - study of the surface relief evolution using high resolution techniques (AFM, FESEM, EBSD, FIB) in austenitic, ferritic and austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steels
- short crack growth kinetics in advanced steels - duplex, Eurofer, effect of mean stress
- study of fatigue damage in TiAl intermetallics
The most important results in the last five years:
- quantitative description of short crack growth regime and its use for the fatigue life prediction
- experimental documentation of fatigue damage evolution in plastic strain amplitude controlled one-step and two-step loading
- separation of the cyclic stress into internal and effective component using loop shape analysis
- measurement of the effective stress and the distribution of the internal critical stresses in stainless austenitic, ferritic and duplex steels
- application of the atomic force microscopy (AFM), high resolution scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and focused ion beam (FIB) to the study of surface relief evolution and fatigue crack nucleation
- quantitative data on the extrusion and intrusion formation in stainless steel at ambient, depressed and elevated temperatures
- theoretical description of the temperature dependence of the extrusion growth in fatigued single and polycrystals
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Ing. Alice Chlupová, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 344 | 116b | [javascript protected email address] |
prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. | +420 532 290 464 | 423 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Jiří Man, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 363 | 110 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Veronika Mazánová, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 373 | 221 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Ladislav Poczklán, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 341 | 116a | [javascript protected email address] |
prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Polák, DrSc., dr. h. c. | +420 532 290 366 | 111 | [javascript protected email address] |
doc. Mgr. Dinara Sobola, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 413 | 206 | [javascript protected email address] |
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Ing. Martin Malý, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 345 | 116 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Jakub Poloprudský, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 345 | 116 | [javascript protected email address] |
Phd students
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Ing. Jaromír Brůža | +420 532 290 345 | 116 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Jan Jaroš | +420 532 290 345 | 116 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. MSc. Kateřina Urbancová | +420 532 290 345 | 116 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Tomáš Vražina | +420 532 290 347 | 114 | [javascript protected email address] |
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Robert Mádle | +420 532 290 352 | 105 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Jiří Tobiáš | +420 532 290 352 | 105 | [javascript protected email address] |
Diploma students
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Bc. Adam Kuník | +420 532 290 345 | 116 | [javascript protected email address] |
Bachelor students
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Filip Šebek | +420 532 290 345 | 116 | [javascript protected email address] |
Project number | Name | Investigator |
25-16307S | Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Damage and Deformation Mechanisms of Metal Matrix Composites: Experimental and Numerical Approach | Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D. |
25-14017L | Predictive modelling of pulsating waterjet erosion of biometals | Ing. Alice Chlupová, Ph.D. |
Lumina quaeruntur | Transition metal borides nanodispersion strengthening as a new avenue for cutting-edge additively manufactured superalloys for advanced power stations | Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D. |
24-11058M | Design and optimization of 3D printable oxide-dispersion-strengthened multi-principal element alloys for extreme environments | Mgr. Milan Heczko, Ph.D. |
23-05372S | Surface and subsurface erosion due to multiple droplet impingement | Ing. Jiří Man, Ph.D. |
Project number | Name | Investigator |
CK02000025 | Advanced welded structurus for enhanced operational safety in aviation | prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. |
958192, H2020-NMBP-ST-IND-2020-singlestage, LC-SPIRE-08-2020 | Tailoring ODS materials processing routes for additive manufacturing of high temperature devices for aggressive environments (topAM) | prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. |
19-00408S | Material integrity and structure at the early stages during pulsating liquid jet interaction | prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. |
18-03615S | Description of short fatigue crack growth in large scale yielding conditions | prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. |
TH02020482 | Compressor wheel’s performance increase in auxiliary power units for aerospace application | |
15-08826S | Damage mechanisms in multiaxial cyclic loading | prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. |
15-20991S | Plasma deposition, microstructural and thermo-mechanical stability of environmental barrier coatings | |
13-28685P | Identification of fatigue damage mechanisms in modern steels under development for fusion and nuclear reactors | Ing. Ivo Kuběna, Ph.D. |
13-23652S | Materials for high temperature applications – hardening and damaging mechanisms | prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Polák, DrSc., dr. h. c. |
13-32665S | Fatigue damage mechanisms in ultrafine grained stainless steels | Ing. Jiří Man, Ph.D. |
P204/11/1453 | Analysis of cyclic stress components in advanced high-temperature resistant structural materials | prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Polák, DrSc., dr. h. c. |
P107/11/2065 | Protective diffusion coatings on cast nickel-based superalloys for high temperature application | |
P107/11/0704 | Optimization of structure and properties of advanced high-temperature cast materials alloyed with carbon by complex heat treatment | prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. |
P108/10/2371 | Localization and irreversibility of cyclic slip in polycrystals | Ing. Jiří Man, Ph.D. |
106/09/1954 | Role of oxide dispersion in fatigue behaviour of ODS type steels | prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. |
106/08/1631 | Mechanism of cyclic deformation and fatigue life of advanced multiphase materials for high-temperature applications | Ing. Martin Petrenec, Ph.D. |
106/07/1507 | Low cycle fatigue-creep interaction in advanced high temperature structural materials | |
101/07/1500 | Novel principles for life prediction in variable loading of components | prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Polák, DrSc., dr. h. c. |
106/06/1096 | Role of lattice defects in early stadia of fatigue damage of structural materials | Ing. Jiří Man, Ph.D. |
106/05/P521 | Dislocation structure in cast superalloys INCONEL cyclicaly loaded at high temperatures | Ing. Martin Petrenec, Ph.D. |
AVOZ 2041904-I038 | Fatigue behaviour of nanostructural quasicrystalline materials based on Al | Ing. Alice Chlupová, Ph.D. |
106/03/1265 | Influence of selected factors on fatigue properties of ADI | |
106/02/D147 | Effect of cyclic loading with variable stress amplitude on fatigue behaviour of fibre-metal laminates | Ing. Alice Chlupová, Ph.D. |
106/02/0584 | Fatigue life and residual fatigue life assessment based on the kinetics of short crack growth | prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Polák, DrSc., dr. h. c. |
IAA2041201 | Mechanisms of fatigue damage in natural composites | prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Polák, DrSc., dr. h. c. |
C2041104 | Properties and behaviour of hybrid laminates dural-C/epoxy under cyclic loading | Ing. Alice Chlupová, Ph.D. |
106/01/0376 | Effect of cycle asymmetry on short crack growth and fatigue life in advanced structural materials | |
106/00/D055 | Effect of asymmetrical cyclic loading on early damage stadia of structural materials | Ing. Jiří Man, Ph.D. |

Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
The MTS Acumen 12 electrodynamic testing system allows static and dynamic loading up to ± 12 kN for cyclic, tensile, bending and compression tests.

Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
Servohydraulic MTS 809 axial – torsional test system allowing us to perform isothermal fatigue testing with independent bi-axial loading at temperatures from 24°C up to 1400°C.

Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
Testing system allowing us to perform isothermal fatigue loading at temperature 24°C or when equipped with cryostat at low temperature from -196°C or equipped with environmental chamber in temperature range from -70°C up to 350°C.

Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
Testing system allowing us to perform isothermal fatigue loading at temperatures from 24°C up to 1000°C.

Contact person: Ing. Ivo Šulák, Ph.D.
MTS 880 servo-hydraulic testing system allowing us to perform an independent mechanical and thermal cyclic loading in the temperature range from 24°C to 1200°C.

Contact person: Ing. Jiří Man, Ph.D.
Feritscope Fischer FMP 30 is equipment for measurement of the ferrite Content in Steels.

Contact person:
Questar and Navitar are long focal microscopes for in-situ observation of specimen surface during loading.
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