Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Laboratories > Structure of Materials
Device for simultaneous thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetrer analysis TGA/DSC-MS - Linesis PT1000 STA + QMS
Contact: Mgr. Ondřej Zobač, Ph.D.
Linesis PT1000 STA + Pfeiffer QMS - device for simultaneous thermogravimetric (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetrer (DSC) analysis, measures both, heat flow and weight change of a sample as a function of temperature or time under controlled atmosphere in the temperature range from RT to 1000 °C.
Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy Instrument
The instrument is consists of a horizontal furnace CLASSIC 4011T, a quadrupole mass spectrometer PFEIFFER PrismaPro QM 250 M1 and a vakuum station PFEIFFER EcoCube 80 for analyzing desorbed gases from solid samples at temperatures up to 1000°C and to estimate amount of these gases.
Differential Scanning Calorimeter NETZSCH Phoenix 204 F1
Low-temperature DSC enables the studies of phase transformations, measurments of enthalpy and heat capacityat temperatures from -180°C.
Differential Scanning Calorimeters, DSC 204 Phoenix and DSC 404 Pegasus by Netzsch
Contact: RNDr. Aleš Kroupa, CSc.
The devices are used for the study of phase transformations in solids. DSC 204 is dedicated for low temperatures (-180 °C to 700 °C) and DCS 404 for high temperatures (to 1600 °C) range.
Setaram PCT PRO – E&E
It is a fully automated Sievert’s instrument for measurement of gas sorption properties of materials.
Diamond Saw LECO VC-50
The diamond saw is ideal for precise sectioning with minimal material deformation. It is suitable for sectioning of extremely hard materials - ceramics or metals.
Electrochemical hydrogen charging system
The system consists from a double jacked electroanalytical cell Biologic, source-measure unit Keysight U2722A and circulation water bath Witeg WCR-8. The systém is useful for cathodic hydrogen charging of metalic samples in a tempered electrolyte.
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
The furnace MILA-5000 is characterized by extremely high rate of heating and rapid cooling of samples in vacuum, protective atmosphere or air.
Laboratory furnace LAC LT
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
The laboratory horizontal tube furnace with 40mm inside diameter of tube. It can be used up to temperature 1300°C.
Laboratory furnaces Classic
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
Four horizontal tube furnaces with 40mm inside diameter of tube. They can be used up to temperature 1550°C. The temperature of sample is measured by thermocouple located near the sample. The temperature is stabilized within ± 1°C.
Microtom Leica RM2255
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
The rotary automated microtome which allows precise sectioning of radioactive samples with accurate specimen settings enables to set an exact zero point and angle of cutting.
HANNA HI-5521-02 Research Grade pH/ORP/EC/TDS/Resistivity/Salinity Bench Meter
This Multifunctional Instrument Enables Measurement of pH, Redox Potential, Electric Conductivity, Electric resistivity, Total Dissolved Solids and Salinity in water based solutions. This instrument can be connected to a PC and make time-record of measurments.
Furnace Balzers VSG 02
The vacuum induction furnace with maximum charge of about 0.3 kg. The melting experiments can be conducted under vacuum or in a protective atmosphere.
Furnace MAM-1
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
The furnace MAM-1 is an arc melter designed for melting samples of approximate weight of 5-20 g under protective atmosphere Ar. The batch is melted on water cooled copper plate and it is possible also suction casting. The maximum melting temperature is 3500°C.
High voltage breakdown tester GW Instek GPT-9802
This high voltage generator allows insulators characteristics and safety of electric devices testing.
Automatic demineralised water machine
Fully automatic machine to produce demineralised water. Process is based on reverse osmosis and filtration with mixture of catex and anex.
Digital indicator SYLVAC NANO
Digital indicator useful for metallographic preparation of samples with high precision thickness requirement (for small-punch testing samples or TEM foils).
Potentiostat Biologic SP-150
Research grade electrochemical workstation equipped with EIS useful for cathodic hydrogenation, a anodization (nanotubes growing) and corrosion measurement.
Structure of Materials
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Device for phase analysis of materials with high iron content (up to 1000°C), spectrometer with high resolution for surface analysis, depth profile analysis and bulk analysis of electrically conductive and non-conductive samples and thin films. Calibrated methods for metallic materials - steels, metal alloys based on Ni, Ti, Al and profile analysis. Top transmission and scanning electron microscopes with EDS and EBSD detectors, SEM with an ion beam (FIB), optical microscopy, confocal microscopy with AFM module and other equipment. |
Contact: Mgr. Ondřej Zobač, Ph.D.
Linesis PT1000 STA + Pfeiffer QMS - device for simultaneous thermogravimetric (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetrer (DSC) analysis, measures both, heat flow and weight change of a sample as a function of temperature or time under controlled atmosphere in the temperature range from RT to 1000 °C.
The instrument is consists of a horizontal furnace CLASSIC 4011T, a quadrupole mass spectrometer PFEIFFER PrismaPro QM 250 M1 and a vakuum station PFEIFFER EcoCube 80 for analyzing desorbed gases from solid samples at temperatures up to 1000°C and to estimate amount of these gases.
Low-temperature DSC enables the studies of phase transformations, measurments of enthalpy and heat capacityat temperatures from -180°C.
Contact: RNDr. Aleš Kroupa, CSc.
The devices are used for the study of phase transformations in solids. DSC 204 is dedicated for low temperatures (-180 °C to 700 °C) and DCS 404 for high temperatures (to 1600 °C) range.
It is a fully automated Sievert’s instrument for measurement of gas sorption properties of materials.
The diamond saw is ideal for precise sectioning with minimal material deformation. It is suitable for sectioning of extremely hard materials - ceramics or metals.
The system consists from a double jacked electroanalytical cell Biologic, source-measure unit Keysight U2722A and circulation water bath Witeg WCR-8. The systém is useful for cathodic hydrogen charging of metalic samples in a tempered electrolyte.
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
The furnace MILA-5000 is characterized by extremely high rate of heating and rapid cooling of samples in vacuum, protective atmosphere or air.
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
The laboratory horizontal tube furnace with 40mm inside diameter of tube. It can be used up to temperature 1300°C.
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
Four horizontal tube furnaces with 40mm inside diameter of tube. They can be used up to temperature 1550°C. The temperature of sample is measured by thermocouple located near the sample. The temperature is stabilized within ± 1°C.
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
The rotary automated microtome which allows precise sectioning of radioactive samples with accurate specimen settings enables to set an exact zero point and angle of cutting.
This Multifunctional Instrument Enables Measurement of pH, Redox Potential, Electric Conductivity, Electric resistivity, Total Dissolved Solids and Salinity in water based solutions. This instrument can be connected to a PC and make time-record of measurments.
The vacuum induction furnace with maximum charge of about 0.3 kg. The melting experiments can be conducted under vacuum or in a protective atmosphere.
Contact: Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D.
The furnace MAM-1 is an arc melter designed for melting samples of approximate weight of 5-20 g under protective atmosphere Ar. The batch is melted on water cooled copper plate and it is possible also suction casting. The maximum melting temperature is 3500°C.
This high voltage generator allows insulators characteristics and safety of electric devices testing.
Fully automatic machine to produce demineralised water. Process is based on reverse osmosis and filtration with mixture of catex and anex.
Digital indicator useful for metallographic preparation of samples with high precision thickness requirement (for small-punch testing samples or TEM foils).
Research grade electrochemical workstation equipped with EIS useful for cathodic hydrogenation, a anodization (nanotubes growing) and corrosion measurement.