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News / Events

Prof. Yunzhi Wang has started his month-long visit at IPM

Prof. Yunzhi Wang from The Ohio State University (USA) has started his visit of IPM as a part of the MEBioSys OP JAK project. During his month-long stay in Brno, Prof. Wang will lead an Autumn computer modeling school called „Phase Field Method and Its Applications for Simulating Complex Microstructures“, which will take place at […]
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The meeting of the MEBioSys project was held in Pilsen

On September 10, 2024, a meeting of the MEBioSys research project was held. The conference, attended by 45 experts presenting the results achieved in the project’s first year, was organized by the NTC research center at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB).
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Stanislav Seitl was selected as an ESIS Fellow

Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Seitl was selected as an ESIS Fellow at the 24th European Conference on Fracture, the largest worldwide event dedicated to these topics, co-organized by ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) in Zagreb, Croatia, 24-30 August 2024.
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Advanced manufacturing revs up in Europe with 3D printing

The European Commission portal published an article in Horizon magazine mentioning the successfully implemented project Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials obtained through additive Manufacturing (SIRAMM). Prof. Luboš Náhlík was the co-investigator of the project for the IPM.
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Project SLON solves the banana curve dilemma

The project supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) is focused on developing materials that will simultaneously increase strength and ductility. The target area of use of such materials is in the structural components of reusable launch vehicles.
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