Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Groups > Electrical and Magnetic Properties Group
all publications
Electrical and Magnetic Properties Group
Head | Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D. |
[javascript protected email address] | |
Phone number | +420 532 290 400 |
Room | 310a |
The activities of the group are focused on:
- theoretical studies of electronic and magnetic properties of disordered alloys, epitaxial multilayers, surfaces and interfaces as well as quantum-mechanical studies of extended defects in metallic materials
- experimental investigations of relations among structure and magnetic, transport and mechanical properties in metallic materials
In the first topic the research encompasses several topical fields as e.g. surface magnetism, magnetic exchange coupling and spin-dependent transport in multilayered systems, magnetic properties of amorphous materials, solute segregation in bulk disordered alloys and at grain boundaries and computer simulations of atomic configurations of defects. Quantum-mechanical and quantum-statistical methods are applied to these problems, and most studies are performed from the first principles.
The second of the mentioned topics is based on broad experimental macroscopic and micro- scopic investigations of crystal structure in relation to electrical and magnetic properties, both integral and microscopic. Predominate amount of results has been obtained from applications of Mossbauer spectroscopy. Crystalline, microcrystalline, nanocrystalline and amorphous materials have been investigated. The main idea is to obtain a deeper understanding of relations between changes in crystalline structure in dependence on heat and mechanical treatment, and electrical and magnetic properties.
The most important projects in the group within last five years have been oriented on:
- first-principles investigations of two-dimensional alloy magnetism and electron transport in magnetic multilayers
- first-principles studies of theoretical strength, phase stability and magnetism in metals and intermetallics
- atomistic studies of grain boundaries in metallic materials and development of relevant quantum-mechanical techniques
- influence of method of preparation, heat and mechanical treatments on structure and properties of nanocrystalline materials
- structure and properties of metallic and oxidic magnetic materials prepared by non- traditional technologies
- role of defects in electrical, magnetic and mechanical properties of ordered intermetallic systems.
Special software CONFIT2000 for Mössbauer spectra treating has been created in the group.
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Mgr. Lubomír Havlíček, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 462 | 426 | [javascript protected email address] |
RNDr. Naděžda Pizúrová, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 447 | 306 | [javascript protected email address] |
doc. RNDr. Martin Plesch, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Pavla Roupcová, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 446 | 305 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. | +420 532 290 434 | 315 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Petr Šesták, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Eva Švábenská, Ph.D. | +420 532 290 436 | 313 | [javascript protected email address] |
doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc. | +420 532 290 437 | 311 | [javascript protected email address] |
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Michal Radkovič | +420 532 290 312 | 120 |
Phd students
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Mgr. Valentína Berecová | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Mgr. Michal Ďuriška | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Mgr. Miroslav Golian | +420 532 290 462 | 426 | [javascript protected email address] |
Mgr. Ivana Miháliková | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Ing. Pavel Papež | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
MSc. Aiswarya Vijayakumar Thelappurath | +420 532 290 461 | 427 | [javascript protected email address] |
Diploma students
Name | Phone numbers | Rooms | |
Mgr. Petr Čípek | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Bc. Jan Michálek | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Filip Pomajbo | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Vojtěch Vašina | +420 532 290 475 | 401 | [javascript protected email address] |
Project number | Name | Investigator |
23-04746S | Theory of magnetic systems in electric and electromagnetic fields | doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc. |
22-05801S | Causes and mechanisms of degradation of tin-based materials with a low content of alloying elements | Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D. |
Project number | Name | Investigator |
21-31852J | Vlastnosti nanoprášků připravených pulzním elektronovým svazkem při nízkém tlaku plynu | RNDr. Naděžda Pizúrová, Ph.D. |
20-16130S | Multifunctional properties of powdered Ni-Mn-Sn intermetallics | Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D. |
8J19UA037 | Non-Schmid behavior of dislocations in magnesium and its alloys | Mgr. Andrej Ostapovec, Ph.D. |
19-23411S | Interplay of plasticity and magnetism in alpha-iron and chromium | doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D. |
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/17_048/0007399 | New Composite Materials for Environmental Applications (NKMEA) | |
18-07172S | Topical problems in theory of manipulation of spin polarization in bulk and layered systems | doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc. |
8J18AT008 | Theory-guided design of novel superlattice nanocomposites | Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D. |
17-22139S | Theory-guided design of novel Fe-Al-based superalloys | Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D. |
16-24711S | Structure and properties of selected nanocomposites | |
16-24402S | Interaction of prismatic dislocation loops in alpha iron and tungsten | Mgr. Jan Fikar, Ph.D. |
16-14599S | Mechanisms of plastic deformation and twinning interfaces in hexagonal metals | Mgr. Andrej Ostapovec, Ph.D. |
16-13797S | Origin and mechanism of anomalous slip in non-magnetic bcc metals | doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D. |
15-13436S | Relativistic effects in the response of spin-polarized electrons to external fields | doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc. |
TE02000232 | Special rotary machine engineering centre | Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. |
M100411202 | Theoretical and experimental investigation of strength of transition-metal disilicides | |
7AMB12SK009 | Microstructure of Fe-Al based alloys | |
GAP108-12-0311 | Strength, embrittlement and magnetism of clean and impurity-segregated grain boundaries in metallic materials | |
OC10008 | Strength and magnetism of composites | |
P204/11/1228 | Theory of spin-dependent transport in magnetic solids and nanostructures | doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc. |
P108/11/1350 | Effects of cores and boundaries of nanograins on the structural and physical properties of ball milled and mechanically alloyed iron-based materials | |
P204/10/0255 | Calculation of the Peierls barrier in bcc metals and its dependence on stress | doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D. |
Marie-Curie International Reintegration Grant (IRG), No. 247705 “MesoPhysDef” | Mesoscopic framework for modeling physical processes in multiphase materials with defects | doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D. |
OC09011 | Multiscale modelling of structure and properties of nanowires | |
IAA100100920 | Theoretical and experimental study of interfaces and martensitic phase transitions | |
106/08/1440 | Iron and iron oxide nanoparticles with applications in the magnetic separation processes | Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. |
A100100616 | Electronic structure and physical properties of materials for nanoelectronics | doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc. |
VC 1M 0512 | Research center of powdered nanomaterials | Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. |
202/05/2111 | Structure and magnetic properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe(Ni)MoCuB based alloys | |
202/04/0583 | Ab initio theory of magnetic semiconductors | doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc. |
A1041404 | Atomic ordering at surfaces and interfaces of alloys of 3d metals | Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. |
202/04/0221 | Structure, electrical and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline materials composed of carbon and 3d transition metals | Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. |
OC 526.40, 1P04OC 526.40 | Optimization of heat treatment of magnetic materials applying the thermomagnetic curves data | |
S2041105 | Surfaces and interfaces in structural materials - applications of modern technologies and computer modelling | Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. |
Software CONFIT2000 version 4.12.39 (new): Mössbauer spectra fitting
Contact person:
This application allows a complex treatment of Mössbauer spectra starting from a setting of the background and of the individual components according to the selected model by the mouse drag-and-drop technique. It is designed for the spectroscopy of 57Fe and 119Sn isotopes with nuclear spin values of 1/2 and 3/2. An original method has been applied combining a non-linear least-squares procedure with the Fast Fourier Transform technique. An improved matrix formalism allows one to construct nearly all imaginable physical models of Mössbauer spectra supported by a computer-aided matrix model design. It is possible to introduce not only hyperfine magnetic field distributions, but now also doublets quadrupole splitting distribution with a Gaussian profile. In the connection with the distribution it is always supposed that the quadrupole interaction is much weaker than the magnetic one. When the final thickness of the sample has to be considered, the transmission integral calculation can be established. A special parameter can be introduced that characterises the increase in the width of all spectra lines in dependence on their distance from the spectrum middle (on the absolute velocity). The fitted spectra can be taken in the transmission or back-scattering (conversion electrons) geometry. The fitting process is very fast also for complicated spectra.
Contact person:
This application allows a complex treatment of Mössbauer spectra starting from a setting of the background and of the individual components according to the selected model by the mouse drag-and-drop technique. It is designed for the spectroscopy of 57Fe and 119Sn isotopes with nuclear spin values of 1/2 and 3/2. An original method has been applied combining a non-linear least-squares procedure with the Fast Fourier Transform technique. An improved matrix formalism allows one to construct nearly all imaginable physical models of Mössbauer spectra supported by a computer-aided matrix model design. It is possible to introduce not only hyperfine magnetic field distributions, but now also doublets quadrupole splitting distribution with a Gaussian profile. In the connection with the distribution it is always supposed that the quadrupole interaction is much weaker than the magnetic one. When the final thickness of the sample has to be considered, the transmission integral calculation can be established. A special parameter can be introduced that characterises the increase in the width of all spectra lines in dependence on their distance from the spectrum middle (on the absolute velocity). The fitted spectra can be taken in the transmission or back-scattering (conversion electrons) geometry. The fitting process is very fast also for complicated spectra.
Quantum-mechanical (ab-initio or first-principles) methods
Contact person: Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D.
for electronic structure calculations
Contact person: Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D.
for electronic structure calculations
Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (GD-OES) - GD-PROFILER 2 by HORIBA Jobin Yvon
Contact person: Ing. Eva Švábenská, Ph.D.
RF Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (RF-GD-OES) can provide both the surface and bulk composition to all elements for almost all solid materials, including metals, metal coatings, semiconductors, polymer coatings, glass, ceramics, etc.
Contact person: Ing. Eva Švábenská, Ph.D.
RF Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (RF-GD-OES) can provide both the surface and bulk composition to all elements for almost all solid materials, including metals, metal coatings, semiconductors, polymer coatings, glass, ceramics, etc.
X-ray powder diffractometer – Empyrean
Contact person: Ing. Pavla Roupcová, Ph.D.
X-ray powder diffractometer Empyrean (PanAnalytical) with Bragg-Brentano and parallel beam geometry.
Contact person: Ing. Pavla Roupcová, Ph.D.
X-ray powder diffractometer Empyrean (PanAnalytical) with Bragg-Brentano and parallel beam geometry.
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS©) 9T
Contact person: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
EverCool II (2 - 400 K; 0 - 9 T)
Contact person: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
EverCool II (2 - 400 K; 0 - 9 T)
Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line
Contact person:
● optimal for hard, medium-hard, and britttle materials; ● 2 milling positions; ● grinding size of the bowl 80 ml; ● sample quantity 20 ml (min), 70 ml (max); ● material of grinding tools: tempered steel, stainless steel, zirconium oxide; ● dry/wet grinding process; ● milling in inert atmosphere; ● 100 up to 1100 rpm rotational speed
Contact person:
● optimal for hard, medium-hard, and britttle materials; ● 2 milling positions; ● grinding size of the bowl 80 ml; ● sample quantity 20 ml (min), 70 ml (max); ● material of grinding tools: tempered steel, stainless steel, zirconium oxide; ● dry/wet grinding process; ● milling in inert atmosphere; ● 100 up to 1100 rpm rotational speed
Furnaces for heat treatment of materials
Contact person: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
Oil free vacuum or gas atmosphere, up to 1300 K
Contact person: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
Oil free vacuum or gas atmosphere, up to 1300 K
Remagraph-Remacomp Combination C710
Contact person: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
at room temperature
Contact person: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
at room temperature
Spark erosion system for material synthesis
Contact person: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
Powder production
Contact person: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
Powder production
Equipments for measurements of electrical resistivity
Contact person: Ing. Pavla Roupcová, Ph.D.
300 – 1000 K
Contact person: Ing. Pavla Roupcová, Ph.D.
300 – 1000 K
Equipments for measurements of magnetoresistance
Contact person: Ing. Pavla Roupcová, Ph.D.
80 – 900 K, 1 T
Contact person: Ing. Pavla Roupcová, Ph.D.
80 – 900 K, 1 T
all publications