Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > New Composite Materials for Environmental Applications (NKMEA)

New Composite Materials for Environmental Applications (NKMEA)

Number of ProjectCZ.02.1.01/0.0/17_048/0007399
AgencyMinisterstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Duration2018-03-01 - 2021-03-31

The objective of the project, which includes three partial research intents, is a pre-application research in the area of development, preparation, optimisation and testing of application of special composite materials that are capable of detecting, respectively removing, dangerous materials in water, air, ground and industrial plants. These special materials will allow increase in quality of life, safety for inhabitants and attractiveness in the city of Ostrava. The application sphere and various safety units can use the results of the project.


Životský O., Gembalová L., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Čížek J.: Mn2FeSi alloys produced in bulk and ribbon form: Microstructure, defects, magnetism. AIP Conference Proceedings 3118 (2024) 020002


Životský O., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Janickovic D., Čížek J.: Effect of rapid solidification in Mn2FeSi alloy formation and its physical properties. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 580 (2023) 170914


Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Životský O., Luňáček J., Alexa P., Uhlar R., Ederer J., Janoš P.: Nanostructured magnetite-ceria-based composite: synthesis, calcination, properties, and applications. J. Alloys Comp. 916 (2022) 165481


Životský O., Luňáček J., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Ederer J., Janoš P., Cabanova K.: Influence of annealing temperature on degradation efficiency and iron oxide transformations in CeO2/Fe-oxide sorbents. AIP Adv. 11 (2021) 015308


Nikodym M., Luňáček J., Jirásková Y., Janoš P., Jurica J., Životský O.: Fe-Oxide/CeO2 Composites - Magnetization Curves and Their Analyses Using the Jiles-Atherton Model. Acta Phys. Pol. A 137 (2020) 601-603

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Ederer J., Janoš P., Jurica J., Luňáček J., Životský O.: Effect of magnetite transformations on degradation efficiency of cerium dioxide-magnetite composite. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (2020) 4431-4439


Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Janoš P., Luňáček J., Chrobak A., Životský O.: Effect of Iron Impurities on Magnetic Properties of Nanosized CeO2 and Ce-Based Compounds. Metals 9 (2019) 222


Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Seidlerová J., Mamulová Kutláková K., Šafařík I., Šafaříková M., Pospíšková K., Životský O.: Microstructural Analysis and Magnetic Characterization of Native and Magnetically Modified Montmorillonite and Vermiculite. J. Nanomater. 2018 (2018) 3738106