Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Laboratories > Laboratory of preparation and analysis of materials
OPAL 410 Hot Mounting Press ATM
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Fully automatic Opal 410 hot mounting metallographic press with an electro-hydraulic system and an included cooling system for automatic specimen cooling is used for the preparation of metallographic specimens.
Brillant 220 automatic / manual metallographic saw Metalco
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Brillant-220 is an universal precision saw designed for manual and automatic precision cutting of very small and larger specimens.
Digital microscope Olympus DSX1000
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The Olympus DSX1000 digital microscope enables recording of 2D / 3D images using long working distance objective lenses.
GW INSTEK PSU 60-25 programmable laboratory power supply
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
GW INSTEK PSU 60-25 DC switching laboratory power supply is a programmable power supply with an output voltage of 0-60 V and a maximum output current of 25 A.
Mortar grinder Fritsch Pulverisette 2
Contact: Ing. Hynek Hadraba, Ph.D.
Mechanical mortar for milling and mixing powders.
UF55 universal oven Memmert
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Universal equipment suitable for drying, heating, aging, burn-in, and hardening.
Olympus GX51 Inverted Metallographic Microscope
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The GX51 inverted microscope provides high stability to support excellent image clarity and superb resolution with high magnifications and comfortable operability.
ZEISS Neophot 32 Metallographic Microscope
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The inverted optical metallographic microscope for structural analysis of examined samples in a bright/dark field, polarized light, and differential interferometric contrast.
Duramin microhardness tester Struers
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Duramin microhardness tester for Vickers and Knoop hardness tests performed in a range of loads from 98.07 mN (10 g) to 19.61 N (2 kg).
P750 DOSTMANN thermometer with immersion probe
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
P750 DOSTMANN thermometer with an immersion probe allows temperature measurement of liquids and loose materials in measuring range from -100 to 1100 ° C with the possibility of on-line data processing.
SD1600 digital hotplate Stuart
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Digital hotplate with microprocessor temperature control and LCD display.
Saphir 320 and 330 Grinding & Polishing Machines ATM
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Single/double wheel manual grinders and polishers with Ø 230 mm wheels are used for specimens grinding on grinding papers/discs and polishing on polishing clothes with diamond pastes or suspensions.
Jacomex GP Campus glovebox
Contact: Ing. Hynek Hadraba, Ph.D.
The stainless steel glovebox with glass protective shield allows work in an atmosphere of inert gases (Ar, He).
Saphir 550 automatic grinder and polisher with Rubin 520 grinding unit Metalco
Saphir 550 automatic single-disc preparation system with 300 mm disk is designed for grinding and polishing of metallographic specimens.
Jenway 7415 spectrophotometer
Contact: doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D.
Jenway 7415 spectrophotometer allows measurement of spectra in ultraviolet and visible spectrum and the concentration of solutions.
Stereomicroscope Leica S9i
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Compact stereomicroscope with an optical system with 12° scattering optical paths and and apochromatic optics incorporated in the microscope and an integrated camera.
Tergeo plasma cleaner
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Compact cleaner designed for SEM specimen cleaning, activating functional groups on polymers, metals, and ceramics, achieving hydrophilic wettability, improving bonding strength and printability, etc.
Thermostat Lauda RP 290 E
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Lauda RP 290 E circulation thermostat is designed for external applications where rapid temperature changes are required (e.g. electrolyte cooling).
DuraScan 70 G5 ZwickRoell hardness tester
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The DuraScan 70 G5 hardness tester enables measurements using the Vickers method in the load range from 0.01 to 60 kg.
ZHV30 Vickers Hardness Tester ZwickRoell
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The ZHV30 low-load Vickers hardness tester used for hardness tests according to ISO 6507 and ASTM E384 in the test-load range from HV0.2 to HV30.
Sonopuls ultrasonic homogenizer Bandelin
Contact: Ing. Luca Bertolla, Ph.D.
Sonopuls ultrasonic homogenizer generates high-performance ultrasound with high intensities and ultrasonic amplitudes, which are transferred into liquid media using the probe (metal tip).
Rockwell 150CLK ZwickRoell universal hardness tester
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The Rockwell 150CLK universal hardness tester enables hardness measurements in the range of 5 to 187.5 kg.
Quintix® 224-1S precision balance Sartorius
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Accurate 0.1 mg precision balance with weighing capacity of 220 g and with internal, fully automatic, temperature and time-controlled "isoCAL" calibration, or manual external calibration.
VibroMet 2 Vibratory Polisher Buehler
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
VibroMet 2 Vibratory Polisher is designed to prepare high quality polished surfaces on a wide variety of problematically polished materials (such as soft materials, superalloys, microelectronic parts, etc.).
LectroPol-5 electrolytic polishing machine
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
LectroPol-5 is designed for automatized electrolytic polishing and etching of metallographic specimens.
Panalytical ZetaSizer Ultra Malvern
Contact: doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D.
The Zetasizer Ultra is a system for the measurement of particle and molecular size in the range from 0.3 nm to 10 µm, particle charge and particle concentration.
3D printer Prusa SL1
This 3D printer is based on SLA technology. It means a resin is cured with UV light layer by layer. In our laboratory we often use that for making sample holders useful for grinding or electrochemical experiments..
VC-50 saw LECO
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Precision saw with the diamond cutting disc is suitable for cutting extremely hard materials.
MATRIX MPS-7061 60V/10A power supply
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
DC regulated power supply of constant voltage or current is used for electrolytic polishing and etching.
Laboratory of preparation and analysis of materials
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The laboratory focuses on the preparation of nano to macro particle precursors for newly developing materials. Apart from the preparation of new materials, the Laboratory offers an analysis of a wide range of materials via light optical microscopy and selective/color etching. Another field of expertise is the preparation of a top quality surface for EBSD and AFM analysis, defect-free complex surfaces preparation via electrolytic and chemical polishing and hardness measurement. |

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Fully automatic Opal 410 hot mounting metallographic press with an electro-hydraulic system and an included cooling system for automatic specimen cooling is used for the preparation of metallographic specimens.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Brillant-220 is an universal precision saw designed for manual and automatic precision cutting of very small and larger specimens.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The Olympus DSX1000 digital microscope enables recording of 2D / 3D images using long working distance objective lenses.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
GW INSTEK PSU 60-25 DC switching laboratory power supply is a programmable power supply with an output voltage of 0-60 V and a maximum output current of 25 A.

Contact: Ing. Hynek Hadraba, Ph.D.
Mechanical mortar for milling and mixing powders.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Universal equipment suitable for drying, heating, aging, burn-in, and hardening.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The GX51 inverted microscope provides high stability to support excellent image clarity and superb resolution with high magnifications and comfortable operability.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The inverted optical metallographic microscope for structural analysis of examined samples in a bright/dark field, polarized light, and differential interferometric contrast.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Duramin microhardness tester for Vickers and Knoop hardness tests performed in a range of loads from 98.07 mN (10 g) to 19.61 N (2 kg).

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
P750 DOSTMANN thermometer with an immersion probe allows temperature measurement of liquids and loose materials in measuring range from -100 to 1100 ° C with the possibility of on-line data processing.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Digital hotplate with microprocessor temperature control and LCD display.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Single/double wheel manual grinders and polishers with Ø 230 mm wheels are used for specimens grinding on grinding papers/discs and polishing on polishing clothes with diamond pastes or suspensions.

Contact: Ing. Hynek Hadraba, Ph.D.
The stainless steel glovebox with glass protective shield allows work in an atmosphere of inert gases (Ar, He).

Saphir 550 automatic single-disc preparation system with 300 mm disk is designed for grinding and polishing of metallographic specimens.

Contact: doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D.
Jenway 7415 spectrophotometer allows measurement of spectra in ultraviolet and visible spectrum and the concentration of solutions.
Carl Zeiss Jena Stereo Microscope
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Binocular stereoscopic microscope predetermined for observation of three-dimensional objects in reflected light.
Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Binocular stereoscopic microscope predetermined for observation of three-dimensional objects in reflected light.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Compact stereomicroscope with an optical system with 12° scattering optical paths and and apochromatic optics incorporated in the microscope and an integrated camera.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Compact cleaner designed for SEM specimen cleaning, activating functional groups on polymers, metals, and ceramics, achieving hydrophilic wettability, improving bonding strength and printability, etc.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Lauda RP 290 E circulation thermostat is designed for external applications where rapid temperature changes are required (e.g. electrolyte cooling).

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The DuraScan 70 G5 hardness tester enables measurements using the Vickers method in the load range from 0.01 to 60 kg.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The ZHV30 low-load Vickers hardness tester used for hardness tests according to ISO 6507 and ASTM E384 in the test-load range from HV0.2 to HV30.

Contact: Ing. Luca Bertolla, Ph.D.
Sonopuls ultrasonic homogenizer generates high-performance ultrasound with high intensities and ultrasonic amplitudes, which are transferred into liquid media using the probe (metal tip).

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
The Rockwell 150CLK universal hardness tester enables hardness measurements in the range of 5 to 187.5 kg.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Accurate 0.1 mg precision balance with weighing capacity of 220 g and with internal, fully automatic, temperature and time-controlled "isoCAL" calibration, or manual external calibration.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
VibroMet 2 Vibratory Polisher is designed to prepare high quality polished surfaces on a wide variety of problematically polished materials (such as soft materials, superalloys, microelectronic parts, etc.).

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
LectroPol-5 is designed for automatized electrolytic polishing and etching of metallographic specimens.

Contact: doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D.
The Zetasizer Ultra is a system for the measurement of particle and molecular size in the range from 0.3 nm to 10 µm, particle charge and particle concentration.

This 3D printer is based on SLA technology. It means a resin is cured with UV light layer by layer. In our laboratory we often use that for making sample holders useful for grinding or electrochemical experiments..

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
Precision saw with the diamond cutting disc is suitable for cutting extremely hard materials.

Contact: doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, Ph.D.
DC regulated power supply of constant voltage or current is used for electrolytic polishing and etching.