Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > List of facilities > Rockwell 150CLK ZwickRoell universal hardness tester
Rockwell 150CLK ZwickRoell universal hardness tester

The Rockwell 150CLK universal hardness tester enables hardness measurements in the range of 5 to 187.5 kg.
The device allows automatic test sequence and automatic conversion of values into alternative hardness units. Thanks to the replaceable indenter, Rockwell measurements are possible for metals (ISO 6508, ASTM E18), plastics (HRα (Alpha), ISO 2039-1, 2039-2, ASTM D785 A, carbonaceous materials (DIN 51917), further according to Brinell HBT and Brinell (ISO 6506, ASTM E10).