Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > List of facilities > Duramin microhardness tester Struers
Duramin microhardness tester Struers
Duramin microhardness tester for Vickers and Knoop hardness tests performed in a range of loads from 98.07 mN (10 g) to 19.61 N (2 kg).
The Duramin microhardness tester from Struers allows performing hardness tests reliably, reproducibly and accurately on metallic and non-metallic materials. High precision mechanical stage with micrometer screw arrangement allows for exact positioning in the x-y plane. The tester has a range of nine loads, from 98.07 mN (10 g) to 19.61 N (2 kg), which can be selected by the unique patented load-interchange mechanism. Loading and unloading of the indenter with the chosen weight occurs automatically with the relevant information displayed on the tester’s LCD touchpad.