Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People


NamePositionE-mailPhone numbersRooms
Ing. Al Khazali Mohammad Sami phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 336 128b
Ing. Balík Zdeněk technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 314, +420 532 290 308, +420 532 290 302 5, Zwick lab., INSTRON
Ing. Bártková Denisa, Ph.D. Postdoc [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 336 128b
Bc. Bartošík Vojtěch diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 421 106
Ing. Beranová Denisa technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 712 EM 2.06
Mgr. Berecová Valentína phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Bernovská Veronika char +420 532 290 499 Šatna uklízečky
Ing. Bernovský Jaromír technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 396, +420 532 290 323, +420 532 290 403 258a, Creep sut. I, Creep 1.p
Ing. Bertolla Luca, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 415 208
Ing. Bořil Petr, Ph.D. Postdoc [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 371 219
Ing. Brůža Jaromír phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 345 116
Ing. Bureš Ondřej head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 370 408
RNDr. Buršík Jiří, CSc., DSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 473 410
Cejnek Pavel technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 361 107
Citovecký Roman buyer [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 495 508
Čaněk Pavel porter +420 532 290 316 Vrátnice ÚFM
Ing. Černeková Barbora Project manager [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 458 422
Mgr. Čípek Petr phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Ing. Čupera Pavel technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 314, +420 532 290 308, +420 532 290 302 5, Zwick lab., INSTRON
Ing. Dlhý Pavol, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 338 108a
prof. RNDr. Dlouhý Antonín, CSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 412 205
prof. Ing. Dlouhý Ivo, CSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 342 125
Dofek František porter +420 532 290 316 Vrátnice ÚFM
Dojiva Tomáš technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 322 Údržba
Ing. Doubek Pavel phd student +420 532 290 417 316
Ing. Droběnová Lenka accountant [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 701 502a
Ing. Dvořák Jiří, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 397, +420 532 290 380 251, 131
Ing. Dymáček Petr, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 411, +420 532 290 380 204, 131
Bc. Dziubek Václav diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 347 114
Ing. Farmačka Petr Economist, assistant [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 496 509
Mgr. Fedor Adam diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 451 308
Mgr. Fikar Jan, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 455 419
doc. Ing. Fintová Stanislava, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 301 317
Franek Pavel Bachelor student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 415 208
Mgr. Friák Martin, Ph.D. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 400 310a
Ing. Gálíková Markéta phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 344 116b
doc. Ing. Gröger Roman, Ph.D. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 448 307
Ing. Hadraba Hynek, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 369 127
Ing. Hanáková Zdeňka buyer [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 495 508
Mgr. Havlíček Lubomír, Ph.D. Postdoc [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 462, +420 532 290 388, +420 532 290 309 426, 216, Domek 6
Mgr. Heczko Milan, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 341 116a
Ing. Herzánová Dagmar technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 714 EM 2.08
Hoffmann Petr head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 321, +420 532 290 307 Dílna, Sklad hut.mat.
Ing. Horník Vít, Ph.D. technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 713 EM 2.07
prof. Ing. Hrbáček Karel, DrSc. Project manager +420 532 290 494 329
prof. Ing. Hutař Pavel, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 351 223
Ing. Chlup Zdeněk, Ph.D. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 335, +420 532 290 314, +420 532 290 308 128a, 5, Zwick lab.
Ing. Chlupová Alice, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 344 116b
Ing. Jakůbek Zdeněk technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 712 EM 2.06
Ing. Jambor Michal, Ph.D. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 414 119
Janáková Iva, DiS. accountant [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 466 502a
Ing. Jaroš Jan phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 345 116
Ing. Jarý Milan, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 405, +420 532 290 380 252, 131
Jelínková Anna personnel clerk, payroll clerk [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 457 504a
Ing. Káňa Tomáš, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 423 320
Kaucká Jolana char +420 532 290 499 Šatna uklízečky
RNDr. Kloc Luboš, CSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 441 310
doc. Ing. Klusák Jan, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 348 118
Kodrlová Jana Bachelor student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Bc. Kolář Jakub diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 427 326
Bc. Koukalová Kateřina diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Mgr. Ing. Kovaříková Oweis Sabina phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 424 322
Ing. Kozáková Kamila phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 367 604
Král Ivo worker [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 700 Drátová řezačka
Ing. Král Lubomír, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 427, +420 532 290 333, +420 532 290 334 326, 121, 121
Ing. Král Petr, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 368 202
Mgr. Krejčí Michal phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
RNDr. Kroupa Aleš, CSc. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 467, +420 532 290 474, +420 532 290 482 415, 409, 318
prof. Mgr. Kruml Tomáš, CSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 464 423
Křiva Lukáš porter +420 532 290 316 Vrátnice ÚFM
Křivánek Pavel worker [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 317 Strojní dílna
Ing. Kuběna Ivo, Ph.D. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 408 113
Ing. Kubíček Radek phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 347 114
Kučerová Pavla assistant [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 377 329
doc. Ing. Kunčická Lenka, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 371 219
prof. RNDr. Kunz Ludvík, CSc., dr. h. c. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 379 112
Mgr. Kvapilová Marie, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 374 221a
Ing. Loubal Bořivoj porter +420 532 290 316, +420 532 290 110 Vrátnice ÚFM,
Ing. Luptáková Natália, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 373 221
Ing. Maděrová Hana head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 497 504b
Mádle Robert technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 352 105
Ing. Malíková Lucie, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 367 604
Malý Lukáš head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 381 222
Ing. Malý Martin, Ph.D. Postdoc [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 345 116
Ing. Man Jiří, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 363 110
Maňak Radoslav diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 336 128b
Ing. Markusík David phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 430 603
Marván Dominik student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 336 128b
Ing. Mašek Jan, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 430 603
Bc. Matějová Dana secretary [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 416 223
Ing. Mazánová Veronika, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 373 221
Ing. Miarka Petr, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 430 603
Mgr. Miháliková Ivana phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Bc. Michálek Jan diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Mgr. Mikšík Dávid phd student +420 532 290 424 322
Minařík Michal technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 361, +420 532 290 353 107, Zkušebna AMSLER
Dr. Mrovec Matouš visiting scientist [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 448 307
MSc. Muchangi Murithi Alfred phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 347 114
prof. Ing. Náhlík Luboš, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 358 416
Němečková Petra, DiS. technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 453 417
Neumannová Kateřina diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 421 106
Novák David diploma student +420 532 290 478 405
Ing. Novotný Luděk, Ph.D. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 385, +420 532 290 381 Datová ústředna, 222
Ing. Novotný Vincenc porter +420 532 290 316 Vrátnice ÚFM
Oliva Josef worker [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 317 Strojní dílna
Orságová Alexandra secretary [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 463 424
Mgr. Ostapovec Andrej, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 429 421
Ing. Papež Pavel phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Pavelčík Dalibor diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 336 128b
doc. Mgr. Pavlů Jana, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 400 310a
Ing. Peňáz Rudolf technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 442, +420 532 290 406 309, 220
RNDr. Pizúrová Naděžda, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 447 306
Ing. Poczklán Ladislav, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 341 116a
Ing. Podstranská Ivana technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 713 EM 2.07
Ing. Poduška Jan, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 338 108a
Ing. Pokorný Pavel, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 362 108
Bc. Polách Miroslav diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 451 308
prof. RNDr. Polák Jaroslav, DrSc., dr. h. c. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 366 111
Ing. Poloprudský Jakub, Ph.D. Postdoc [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 345 116
Ponížil Radek technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 364 109
Procházková Zuzana char +420 532 290 499 Šatna uklízečky
Radkovič Michal technician +420 532 290 312 120
Ráliš Vojtěch Bachelor student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Ing. Roupcová Pavla, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 446 305
doc. Ing. Seitl Stanislav, Ph.D. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 417 316
Sekanina Zdeněk worker +420 532 290 317 Strojní dílna
Ing. Schneeweiss Oldřich, DrSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 434, +420 532 290 311, +420 532 290 312 315, Mössbauer.lab., 120
prof. Ing. Sklenička Václav, DrSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 454 418
Ing. Slámečka Karel, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 338 108a
Ing. Smatana Peter technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 714 EM 2.08
doc. Mgr. Sobola Dinara, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 413 206
Mgr. Sojka Martin, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 425 328
Mgr. Sojková Tereza, Ph.D. PR specialist [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 458 422
Bc. Stojan Martin diploma student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Ing. Stratil Luděk, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 365, +420 532 290 308 126, Zwick lab.
RNDr. Svoboda Jiří, CSc., DSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 407 201
RNDr. Svoboda Milan, CSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 474, +420 532 290 476, +420 532 290 475 409, Philips SEM, 401
Šebek Filip Bachelor student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 345 116
Šedová Andrea char +420 532 290 499 Šatna uklízečky
Ing. Šesták Petr, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Ing. Ševčíková Jana secretary [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 463 424
Dr. Ing. Šiška Filip, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 365 126
Ing. Šiška Zuzana phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 451 308
Ing. Šmíd Miroslav, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 421 106
Šmídová Dita char +420 532 290 499 Šatna uklízečky
Šmýdová Šárka secretary [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 337 225
Ing. Šrámková Yvonna librarian [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 485 507
Štěpánek Pavel technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 493 226
Ing. Šulák Ivo, Ph.D. head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 343 117
Ing. Švábenská Eva, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 436 313
MSc. Thelappurath Aiswarya Vijayakumar phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 461 427
Ing. Tichoň Dušan phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 347 114
Ing. Tobiáš Jiří technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 352 105
Tomanec Jiří porter +420 532 290 316 Vrátnice ÚFM
Toncr Stanislav driver [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 410 Garáž
MSc. Tran Nhu Quynh Thi phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 451 308
Trávníček Jaroslav worker [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 317 Strojní dílna
Turečková Iva char +420 532 290 499 Šatna uklízečky
doc. RNDr. Turek Ilja, DrSc. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 437 311
Dr. Ullattil Sanjay Gopal researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 422 319
Ing. MSc. Urbancová Kateřina phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 345 116
Vacek Petr worker [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 324 Zámečnická dílna
Bc. Vácha Radek technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 364, +420 532 290 346, +420 532 290 302 109, Keramografie KL, INSTRON
Vašina Vojtěch Bachelor student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 475 401
Vávra Bohuslav technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 378 227
Ing. Vitula Miroslav technician [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 404, +420 532 290 323, +420 532 290 317 253, Creep sut. I, Strojní dílna
Ing. Vlasáková Irena accountant [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 330 504c
Ing. Vojtek Tomáš, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 362 108
Ing. Vražina Tomáš phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 347 114
Vrbová Eva head [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 329 504c
M.Tech. Yadav Ankit phd student [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 451 308
Mgr. Záležák Tomáš, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 372 258
Ing. Zemanová Adéla, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 402 302
Mgr. Zobač Ondřej, Ph.D. researcher [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 401 302
Ing. Zouhar Michal, Ph.D. Project manager [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 494 329
Žáková Eva librarian [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 487 505
Župa Peter worker [javascript protected email address] +420 532 290 317 Strojní dílna