Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Kuběna Ivo

Ing. Ivo Kuběna, Ph.D.

Phone number+420 532 290 408
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Researcher IDG-1035-2014
Positionhead - Advanced High-temperature Materials Group


Babinský T., Šulák I., Gálíková M., Kuběna I., Poloprudský J., Náhlík L.: Room-temperature low-cycle fatigue behaviour of cast and additively manufactured IN939 superalloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 924 (2025) 147730


Kuběna I., Babinský T., Náhlík L., Šulák I.: Cyclic stress strain behaviour of additively manufactured gamma prime strengthened superalloy at elevated temperatures. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 133 (2024) 104623

Šiška F., Fintová S., Chlup Z., Kuběna I., Jambor M., Šulák I., Chlupová A.: Numerical analysis of plastic deformation mechanisms in polycrystaline copper under cyclic loading with different frequencies. Int. J. Fatigue 188 (2024) 108524

Šulák I., Chlupová A., Záležák T., Kuběna I., Roth J., Jahns K., Krupp U., Kruml T.: High-temperature fatigue and creep performance of additively manufactured NiCu-based alloy. Procedia Struct. Integr. 52 (2024) 143-153

Sojková T., Gröger R., Poloprudský J., Kuběna I., Schneeweiss O., Sojka M., Šiška Z., Pongrácz J., Pizúrová N.: Kinetics of spontaneous phase transitions from wüstite to magnetite in superparamagnetic core-shell nanocubes of iron oxides. Nanoscale 16 (2024) 5551-5560

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Chlupová A., Šulák I., Chlup Z., Trško L., Polák J.: Very high frequency induced fatigue damage. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 133 (2024) 104590

Wibner P., Kriegel R., Garstenauer D., Zobač O., Kuběna I., Rösch N., Seyller T., Armbrüster M., Richter K.: Facile thermodynamically controlled synthesis of intermetallic Zn1-xPdx/Al2O3 and its methanol steam reforming properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (2024) 6906-6916


Fintová S., Kunz L., Chlup Z., Kuběna I., Mertová K., Hradil D., Duchek M.: Grain refinement effect on fatigue life of two grades of commercially pure titanium. Int. J. Fatigue 176 (2023) 107883

Man J., Blinn B., Šulák I., Kuběna I., Smaga M., Chlup Z., Kruml T., Beck T., Polák J.: Formation of deformation induced martensite in fatigued 316L steels manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM). Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 203-208

Sojková T., Rizzo G., Di Girolamo A., Avugadda S., Soni N., Milbrandt N., Tsai Y., Kuběna I., Sojka M., Silvestri N., Samia A., Gröger R., Pellegrino T.: From core-shell FeO/Fe3O4 to magnetite nanocubes: Enhancing magnetic hyperthermia and imaging performance by thermal annealing. Chem. Mater. 35 (2023) 6201-6219

Babinský T., Šulák I., Kuběna I., Man J., Weiser A., Švábenská E., Englert L., Guth S.: Thermomechanical fatigue of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 869 (2023) 144831

Kuběna I., Fintová S., Jambor M., Šmíd M.: TKD/EBSD and TEM analysis of microstructural changes ongoing in AISI 304L steel exposed to the cyclic loading. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 872 (2023) 144943

Pizúrová N., Hlaváček A., Kavčiaková Z., Roupcová P., Kuběna I., Buršík J., Sokovnin S.: Nanoceria prepared by electron beam evaporation. Nanocon 2022 Conference proceedings 2022 (2023) 33-38

Chlupová A., Šulák I., Kuběna I., Kruml T., Roth J., Jahns K.: Comparison of microstructure and properties of nickel-copper alloy prepared by casting and laser powder bed fusion process. Mater. Sci. Forum 1082 (2023) 171-176


Buchtík M., Hasoňová M., Horník P., Březina M., Doskočil L., Másilko J., Mrňa L., Filipenský J., Kuběna I., Fintová S., Wasserbauer J., Doležal P.: Influence of laser remelting on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of HVOF-sprayed Fe-based coatings on magnesium alloy. Mater. Character. 194 (2022) 112343

Man J., Šulák I., Chlupová A., Kuběna I., Douša L., Polák J.: Cyclic plasticity and LCF behavior of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM). Ninth International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue 1 (2022) 241-246

Procházková E., Filo J., Mužíková Čechová L., Dračínský M., Císařová I., Janeba Z., Kawamura I., Naito A., Kuběna I., Nádaždy P., Šiffalovič P., Cigáň M.: Photoswitching of 5-phenylazopyrimidines in crystalline powders and thin films. Dyes and Pigments 199 (2022) 110066

Šiška F., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Fintová S., Kuběna I.: Effects of grains´ morphology on strengthening mechanisms in ODM401 14Cr ODS steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 852 (2022) 143663

Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Kuběna I.: 9Cr-1W steel strengthened by AlN and BN dispersion. J. Mater. Sci. 57 (2022) 12572-12584


Fintová S., Kuběna I., Chlupová A., Jambor M., Šulák I., Chlup Z., Polák J.: Frequency-dependent fatigue damage in polycrystalline copper analyzed by FIB tomography. Acta Mater. 211 (2021) 116859

Trávníček L., Kuběna I., Mazánová V., Vojtek T., Polák J., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Advantageous Description of Short Fatigue Crack Growth Rates in Austenitic Stainless Steels with Distinct Properties. Metals 11 (2021) 475

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Jarý M., Luptáková N., Stratil L., Šiška F., Svoboda J.: Creep properties of heat-treated Fe-Al-O ODS alloy. Kovové materiály 59 (2021) 39-50

Babinský T., Kuběna I., Šulák I., Kruml T., Tobiáš J., Polák J.: Surface relief evolution and fatigue crack initiation in René 41 superalloy cycled at room temperature. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 819 (2021) 141520

Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Jambor M., Fintová S.: Effect of solution annealing on low cycle fatigue of 304L stainless steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 824 (2021) 141807


Abdel-Mohnsen A., Frankova J., Abdel-Rahman R., Salem A., Sahffie N., Kuběna I., Jančar J.: Chitosan-glucan complex hollow fibers reinforced collagen wound dressing embedded with aloe vera. II. Multifunctional properties to promote cutaneous wound healing. Int. J. Pharmaceut. 582 (2020) 119349

Drábiková J., Fintová S., Ptáček P., Kuběna I., Březina M., Wasserbauer J., Doležal P., Pastorek F.: Structure and growth kinetic of unconventional fluoride conversion coating prepared on wrought AZ61 magnesium alloy. Surf. Coat. Technol. 399 (2020) 126101

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Palán J., Mertová K., Duchek M., Hutař P., Pastorek F., Kunz L.: Influence of sandblasting and acid etching on fatigue properties of ultra-fine grained Ti grade 4 for dental implants. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 111 (2020) 104016

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Trško L., Horník V., Kunz L.: Fatigue behavior of AW7075 aluminum alloy in ultra-high cycle fatigue region. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 774 (2020) 138922

Que Z., Heczko M., Kuběna I., Seifert H., Spätig P.: Microstructural characterization of the synergic effects of dynamic strain ageing and hydrogen on fracture behaviour of low-alloy RPV steels in hightemperature water environments. Mater. Character. 165 (2020) 110405

Polatidis E., Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Hsu W., Laplanche G., Van Swygenhoven H.: Deformation mechanisms in a superelastic NiTi alloy: An in-situ high resolution digital image correlation study. Mater. & Design 191 (2020) 108622

Abdel-Mohnsen A., Abdel-Rahman R., Kuběna I., Kobera L., Spotz Z., Zboncak M., Prikryl R., Brus J., Jančar J.: Chitosan-glucan complex hollow fibers reinforced collagen wound dressing embedded with aloe vera. Part I: Preparation and characterization. Carbohydrate Polymers 230 (2020) 115708

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Luptáková N., Jarý M., Šmíd M., Stratil L., Šiška F., Svoboda J.: Development of advanced Fe-Al-O ODS alloy microstructure and properties due to heat treatment. J. Mater. Res. 35 (2020) 2789-2797

Mazánová V., Heczko M., Slone C., Kuběna I., Tobiáš J., George E., Kruml T., Polák J., Mills M.: SEM & STEM Multi-scale Characterization of Fatigue Damage in CrCoNi Medium-entropy Alloy with Fully Recrystallized Microstructure. Microscopy and Microanalysis 26 (Supp (2020) 2224


Gröger R., Chlup Z., Sojková T., Kuběna I.: Interplay of slip and twinning in niobium single crystals compressed at 77 K. J. Mater. Res. 34 (2019) 261-270

Halasová M., Kuběna I., Roupcová P., Černý M., Strachota A., Chlup Z.: Iron precipitation in basalt fibres embedded in partially pyrolysed methylsiloxane matrix. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 286-292

Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Kuběna I., Náhlík L., Fajkoš R., Hutař P.: Quantitative dependence of oxide-induced crack closure on air humidity for railway axle steel. Int. J. Fatigue 123 (2019) 213-224

Sofinowski K., Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Vives S., Casati N., Godet S., Van Swygenhoven H.: In situ characterization of a high work hardening Ti-6Al-4V prepared by electron beam melting. Acta Mater. 179 (2019) 224-236

Chlup Z., Fintová S., Hadraba H., Kuběna I., Vilémová M., Matějíček J.: Fatigue Behaviour and Crack Initiation in CoCrFeNiMn High-Entropy Alloy Processed by Powder Metallurgy. Metals 9 (2019) 1-12

Fintová S., Drábiková J., Pastorek F., Tkacz J., Kuběna I., Trško L., Hadzima B., Minda J., Doležal P., Wasserbauer J., Ptáček P.: Improvement of electrochemical corrosion characteristics of AZ61 magnesium alloy with unconventional fluoride conversion coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. 357 (2019) 638-650


Němcová A., Li Y., Kuběna I., Vickridge I., Ganem J., Yerokhin A., Habazaki H., Skeldon P.: Anodic film growth and silver enrichment during anodizing of an Mg- 0.6 at.% Ag alloy in fluoride-containing organic electrolytes. Electrochim. Acta 280 (2018) 300-307

Gröger R., Chlup Z., Kuběna I., Kruml T.: Slip activity in molybdenum single crystals compressed at 77 K. Philos. Mag. 98 (2018) 2749-2768

Man J., Järvenpää A., Jaskari M., Kuběna I., Fintová S., Chlupová A., Karjalainen L., Polák J.: Cyclic deformation behaviour and stability of grain-refined 301LN austenitic stainless structure. MATEC Web Conf. 165 (2018) 06005

Chlup Z., Bača L., Hadraba H., Kuběna I., Roupcová P., Kováčová Z.: Low-temperature consolidation of high-strength TiB2 ceramic composites via grain-boundary engineering using Ni-W alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 738 (2018) 194-202

Šiška F., Stratil L., Hadraba H., Fintová S., Kuběna I., Horník V., Husák R., Bártková D., Záležák T.: Strengthening mechanisms of different oxide particles in 9Cr ODS steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 732 (2018) 112-119


Man J., Chlupová A., Kuběna I., Kruml T., Man O., Järvenpää A., Karjalainen L., Polák J.: LCF behaviour of 301LN steel: coarse-grained vs. UFG-bimodal structure. Eighth International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue 1 (2017) 205-210

Fintová S., Arzaghi M., Kuběna I., Kunz L., Sarazin-Baudoux C.: Fatigue crack propagation in UFG Ti grade 4 processed by severe plastic deformation. Int. J. Fatigue 98 (2017) 187-194

Mazánová V., Heczko M., Kuběna I., Polák J.: Surface Relief Formation in Relation to the Underlying Dislocation Arrangement. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 526-529

Hutař P., Poduška J., Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Chlupová A., Náhlík L., Polák J., Kruml T.: Short fatigue crack behaviour under low cycle fatigue regime. Int. J. Fatigue 103 (2017) 207-215

Man J., Smaga M., Kuběna I., Eifler D., Polák J.: Effect of metallurgical variables on the austenite stability in fatigued AISI 304 type steels. Eng. Fract. Mech. 185 (2017) 139-159

Polák J., Mazánová V., Heczko M., Petráš R., Kuběna I., Casalena L., Man J.: The role of extrusions and intrusions in fatigue crack initiation. Eng. Fract. Mech. 185 (2017) 46-60

Moravčík I., Čížek J., Kováčová Z., Nejezchlebová J., Kitzmantel E., Neubauer E., Kuběna I., Horník V., Dlouhý I.: Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Powder Metallurgy CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 701 (2017) 370-380

Buršík J., Kuběna I., Buršíková V., Souček P., Zábranský L., Mirzaei S., Vašina P.: W-B-C Nanostructured Layers - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 416-419

Polák J., Mazánová V., Heczko M., Kuběna I., Man J.: Profiles of persistent slip markings and internal structure of underlying persistent slip bands. Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 40 (2017) 1101-1116

Šiška F., Stratil L., Hadraba H., Fintová S., Kuběna I., Záležák T., Bártková D.: High temperature deformation mechanisms in the 14% Cr ODS alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 689 (2017) 34-39

Hojna A., Gabriele F., Hadraba H., Husák R., Kuběna I., Rozumová L., Bublíková P., Kalivodová J., Matějíček J.: Fracture behaviour of the 14Cr ODS steel exposed to helium and liquid lead. J. Nucl. Mater. 490 (2017) 143-154


Buršík J., Kuběna I., Buršíková V., Souček P., Zábranský L., Vašina P.: Mo-B-C and Ta-B-C Nanostructured Layers with Promising Fracture Toughness. Defect Diffus. Forum 368 (2016) 107-110

Weidner A., Kolmorgen R., Kuběna I., Kulawinski D., Kruml T., Biermann H.: Decomposition and Precipitation Process During Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Duplex Stainless Steel. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 47 (2016) 2112-2124

Kuběna I., Kruml T., Polák J.: Behaviour of ODS Steels in Cyclic Loading. Trans. Indian Inst. Metals 69 (2016) 309-313

Polák J., Mazánová V., Kuběna I., Heczko M., Man J.: Surface Relief and Internal Structure in Fatigued Stainless Sanicro 25 Steel. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 47A (2016) 1907-1911

Němcová A., Kuběna I., Šmíd M., Habazaki H., Skeldon P., Thompson G.: Effect of current density and behaviour of second phases in anodizing of a Mg-Zn-RE alloy in a fluoride/glycerol/water electrolyte. J Solid State Electrochem. 20 (2016) 1155-1165

Man J., Kuběna I., Smaga M., Man O., Järvenpää A., Weidner A., Chlup Z., Polák J.: Microstructural changes during deformation of AISI 300 grade austenitic stainless steels: Impact of chemical heterogeneity. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 2299-2306


Kuběna I., Polák J., Plocinski T., Hébert C., Škorík V., Kruml T.: Microstructural stability of ODS steels in cyclic loading. Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 38 (2015) 936-947

Strečková M., Hadraba H., Bureš R., Faberová M., Roupcová P., Kuběna I., Medvecký L., Girman V., Kollar P., Fuzer J., Cizmar E.: Chemical synthesis of nickel ferrite spinel designed as an insulating bilayer coating on ferromagnetic particles. Surf. Coat. Technol. 270 (2015) 66-76

Palagonia M., Němcová A., Kuběna I., Šmíd M., Gao S., Liu H., Zhong X., Haigh S., Santamaria M., Quarto F., Habazaki H., Skeldon P., Thompson G.: Behavior of Alloying Elements during Anodizing of Mg-Cu and Mg-W Alloys in a Fluoride/Glycerol Electrolyte. J. Electrochem. Soc. 162 (2015) C487-C494

Man J., Valtr M., Petrenec M., Dluhoš J., Kuběna I., Obrtlík K., Polák J.: AFM and SEM-FEG study on fundamental mechanisms leading to fatigue crack initiation. Int. J. Fatigue 76 (2015) 11-18


Polák J., Man J., Kuběna I.: The true shape of persistent slip markings in fatigued metals. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 781-784

Hutař P., Kuběna I., Šmíd M., Ševčík M., Kruml T., Náhlík L.: Description of small fatigue crack propagation in ODS steel. Adv. Mater. Res. 891-892 (2014) 911-916

Hadraba H., Husák R., Kuběna I., Bureš R., Faberová M., Strečková M.: Preparation of ferritic 17%Cr ODS steel by mechanical alloying from prealloyed steel powder. Powder Metall. Progr. 14 (2014) 222-227

Chlupová A., Man J., Kuběna I., Polák J., Karjalainen L.: LCF behaviour of ultrafine grained 301LN stainless steel. Proc. Eng. 74 (2014) 147-150

Kuběna I., Polák J., Marmy P., Kruml T.: A comparison of microstructure evolution due to fatigue loading in Eurofer 97 and ODS Eurofer steels. Procedia Eng. 74 (2014) 401-404

Hutař P., Kuběna I., Ševčík M., Šmíd M., Kruml T., Náhlík L.: Small fatigue crack propagation in Y2O3 strengthened steels. J. Nucl. Mater. 452 (2014) 370-377

Polák J., Petráš R., Heczko M., Kuběna I., Kruml T., Chai G.: Low cycle fatigue behavior of Sanicro 25 steel at room and at elevated temperature. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 615 (2014) 175-182

Man J., Valtr M., Kuběna I., Petrenec M., Obrtlík K., Polák J.: AFM and FIB study of cyclic strain localization and surface relief evolution in fatigued f.c.c. polycrystals. Adv. Mater. Res. 891-892 (2014) 524-529


Kuběna I., Kruml T.: Fatigue life and microstructure of ODS steels. Eng. Fract. Mech. 103 (2013) 39-47

Polák J., Kuběna I., Man J.: The shape of early persistent slip markings in fatigued 316L steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 564 (2013) 8-12


Fournier B., Steckmeyer A., Rouffie A., Malaplate J., Garnier J., Ratti M., Wident P., Ziolek L., Tournie I., Rabeau V., Gentzbittel J., Kruml T., Kuběna I.: Mechanical behaviour of ferritic ODS steels - Temperature dependancy and anisotropy. J. Nucl. Mater. 430 (2012) 142-149

Man J., Vystavěl T., Weidner A., Kuběna I., Petrenec M., Kruml T., Polák J.: Study of cyclic strain localization and fatigue crack initiation using FIB technique. Int. J. Fatigue 39 (2012) 44-53

Kuběna I., Fournier B., Kruml T.: Effect of microstructure on low cycle fatigue properties of ODS steels. J. Nucl. Mater. 424 (2012) 101-108

Černý M., Strachota A., Chlup Z., Sucharda Z., Žaloudková M., Glogar P., Kuběna I.: Strength, Elasticity and Failure of Composites with Pyrolyzed Matrices Based on Polymethylsiloxane Resins with Optimized Ratio of D and T Components. J. Composite Mater. 47 (2012) 1055-1066


Kruml T., Kuběna I., Polák J.: Fatigue behaviour and surface relief in ODS steels. Procedia Eng. 10 (2011) 1690-1695


Man J., Weidner A., Kuběna I., Vystavěl T., Skrotzki W., Polák J.: Application of FIB technique to study early fatigue damage in polycrystals. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 240 (2010) 012058

Number of ProjectName
23-06167S High-temperature damage mechanisms in Ni-based superalloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
13-28685P Identification of fatigue damage mechanisms in modern steels under development for fusion and nuclear reactors