Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Chlup Zdeněk

Ing. Zdeněk Chlup, Ph.D.

Room128a, 5, Zwick lab.
Phone number+420 532 290 335, +420 532 290 314, +420 532 290 308
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDH-5290-2011
Positionhead - Brittle Fracture Group

Scientific interest
Experimental fracture mechanics, relation between microstructure and fracture behaviour in advanced materials mainly in ceramics, and ceramics based composites. Fractographical analyses of fracture behaviour (OM, SEM) and study of failure micromechanisms. Application of advanced techniques for material characterisation as acoustic emission, surface deformation mapping (ESPI, DIC, LCM) and others.

  • 1987-1991 Secondary School
    Secondary Technical School of Mechanical Engineering in Olomouc
  • 1991-1996 Master Studies
    Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering
  • 1996-1999 Postgraduate Studies
    Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Physical and Materials Engineering
  • 1999-2001 IPM AS CR
    Specialist in the department of mechanical properties
  • 2001-2021 IPM AS CR
    Researcher in the Brittle fracture group at IPM AS CR, collaboration on projects running in the group
  • Since 2021 IPM AS CR
    Leader of the Brittle fracture group at IPM AS CR, collaboration on projects running in the group

  • 2024

    Matović B., Maletaškić J., Prekajski Đorđević M., Tatarko P., Hanzel O., Hičák M., Chlup Z., Cvijović-Alagić I.: Fabrication of boron carbide ceramics reinforced with silicon carbide fibers. Ceram. Int. 50 (2024) 42188-42194

    Drdlík D., Sokolov I., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Drdlíková K.: Sintering activation energies of anisotropic layered and particle alumina/zirconia-based composites and their mechanical response. Ceram. Int. 50 (2024) 37430-37440

    Šiška F., Fintová S., Chlup Z., Kuběna I., Jambor M., Šulák I., Chlupová A.: Numerical analysis of plastic deformation mechanisms in polycrystaline copper under cyclic loading with different frequencies. Int. J. Fatigue 188 (2024) 108524

    Trunec M., Šťastný P., Kaštyl J., Roupcová P., Chlup Z.: 2Y-TZP ceramics with high strength and toughness by optimizing the microstructure. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 44 (2024) 3258-3266

    Černý M., Chlup Z., Kužma J., Růžička M., Ševčík L., Kácha P., Schweigstillová J., Svítilová J., Strachota A.: Fire safety and impact and frost resistance of basalt fiber-reinforced polysiloxane matrix composite processed under partial pyrolysis conditions. Journal of Composite Science 8 (2024) 405

    Pejchalová L., Pejchal J., Roleček J., Vojníková M., Chlup Z., Mařák V., Salamon D.: In vivo assessment on freeze-cast calcium phosphate-based scaffolds with a selective cell/tissue ingrowth. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16 (2024) 58326-58336

    Šiška Virágová E., Novotná L., Chlup Z., Šťastný P., Sarfy P., Cihlář J., Kucirek M., Benak L., Streit L., Kocanda J., Sklensky J., Filipovic M., Repko M., Hampl A., Koutna I., Částková K.: Porous silica-doped calcium phosphate scaffolds prepared via in-situ foaming method. Ceram. Int. 50 (2024) 41215-41227

    Hadraba H., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Jambor M., Bertolla L.: Grain size manipulation of the Eurofer steel via mechanical alloying. J. Mater. Sci. 59 (2024) 11546-11558

    Fintová S., Kuběna I., Chlupová A., Šulák I., Chlup Z., Trško L., Polák J.: Very high frequency induced fatigue damage. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 133 (2024) 104590

    Friák M., Zobač O., Chlup Z., Fikar O., Papež P., Zelený M., Kroupa A.: Materials properties of defect-stabilized off-stoichiometric tau-phase Al2Ge2Mg. Intermetallics 169 (2024) 108294

    Kombamuthu V., Unsal H., Chlup Z., Tatarková M., Kovalčíková A., Zhukova I., Hosseini N., Hicak M., Dlouhý I., Tatarko P.: Effect of SiC on densification, microstructure and mechanical properties of high entropy diboride (Ti0.2Zr0.2Hf0.2Nb0.2Ta0.2)B2. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 44 (2024) 5358-5369

    Roth J., Šulák I., Chlup Z., Fischer-Bühner J., Krupp U., Jahns K.: The dispersion-strengthening effect of TiN evoked by in situ nitridation of NiCu-based alloy 400 during gas atomization for laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 893 (2024) 146129

    Mařák V., Drdlík D., Bijalwan V., Tofel P., Erhart J., Chlup Z., Maca K.: Effect of alumina or zirconia particles on the performance of lead-free BCZT piezoceramics. Ceram. Int. 50 (2024) 53491-53501

    Drdlík D., Mařák V., Hadraba H., Chlup Z.: A way for densification of lead-free BaTiO3-based/ZrO2 laminates for energy harvesting applications prepared by electrophoretic deposition. Mater. Lett. 355 (2024) 135424

    Samy V., Brasche F., Šulák I., Verma B., Nowak B., Chlup Z., Záležák T., Schleifenbaum J., Krupp U., Haase C.: The influence of microstructural heterogeneities on high-temperature mechanical properties of additively manufactured y´-forming Ni-based alloys. Additive Manufacturing 88 (2024) 104267

    Drdlík D., Mařák V., Klement R., Tofel P., Drdlíková K., Hadraba H., Chlup Z.: Basic microstructural, mechanical, electrical and optical characterisation of BaTiAl6O12 ceramics. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO 63 (2024) 368-376


    Šmíd M., Koutný D., Neumannová K., Chlup Z., Náhlík L., Jambor M.: Cyclic behaviour and microstructural evolution of metastable austenitic stainless steel 304L produced by laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing 68 (2023) 103503

    Man J., Blinn B., Šulák I., Kuběna I., Smaga M., Chlup Z., Kruml T., Beck T., Polák J.: Formation of deformation induced martensite in fatigued 316L steels manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM). Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 203-208

    Schlacher J., Chlup Z., Hofer A., Bermejo R.: High-temperature fracture behaviour of layered alumina ceramics with textured microstructure. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 43 (2023) 2917-2927

    Masaryková N., Tkadlec E., Chlup Z., Vrbský J., Brysová A., Černochová P., Izakovicová Hollá L.: Comparison of microleakage under orthodontic brackets bonded with five different adhesive systems: in vitro study. BMC Oral Health 23 (2023) 637

    Fintová S., Kunz L., Chlup Z., Kuběna I., Mertová K., Hradil D., Duchek M.: Grain refinement effect on fatigue life of two grades of commercially pure titanium. Int. J. Fatigue 176 (2023) 107883

    Šiška F., Stratil L., Chlup Z., Kotoulova H., Machů Z.: Poisson´s ratio reduction by geometrical patterns implemented in solid composites. MRS Commun. 13 (2023) 486-491

    Šťastný P., Chlup Z., Hlinican J., Kaštyl J., Trunec M.: Effect of cyclic loading on the microstructure of thin zirconia tapes. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 43 (2023) 4498-4505

    Chlup Z., Drdlík D., Hadraba H., Ševeček O., Šiška F., Erhart J., Maca K.: Temperature effect on elastic and fracture behaviour of lead-free piezoceramic BaTiO3. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 43 (2023) 1509-1522

    Janů L., Dvořáková E., Polášková K., Buchtelová M., Ryšánek P., Chlup Z., Kruml T., Galmiz O., Nečas D., Zajíčková L.: Enhanced adhesion of electrospun polycaprolactone nanofibers to plasma-modified polypropylene fabric. Polymers 15 (2023) 1686


    Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Rýglová Š., Schweigstillová J., Svítilová J., Trško L., Hadzima B.: Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Behaviour of Environmentally Friendly Hybrid Basalt Fibre Reinforced Composites. Appl. Composite Mater. 29 (2022) 829-843

    Novotná L., Chlup Z., Jaros J., Částková K., Drdlík D., Pospisil J., Hampl A., Koutna I., Cihlář J.: Macroporous bioceramic scaffolds based on tricalcium phosphates reinforced with silica: microstructural, mechanical, and biological evaluation. J. Asian Ceram. Soc. 10 (2022) 356-369

    Dobeš F., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Matějíček J.: Different Types of Particle Effects in Creep Tests of CoCrFeNiMn High-Entropy Alloy. Materials 15 (2022) 7363

    Kaštyl J., Šťastný P., Chlup Z., Song L., Scasnovic E., Trunec M.: Gelcast zirconia ceramics for dental applications combining high strength and high translucency. J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 105 (2022) 3909-3924

    Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Kuběna I.: 9Cr-1W steel strengthened by AlN and BN dispersion. J. Mater. Sci. 57 (2022) 12572-12584


    Veverka J., Vilémová M., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Matějíček J., Vontorová J., Chráska T.: Evolution of carbon and oxygen concentration in tungsten prepared by field assisted sintering and its effect on ductility. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 97 (2021) 105499

    Fintová S., Kuběna I., Chlupová A., Jambor M., Šulák I., Chlup Z., Polák J.: Frequency-dependent fatigue damage in polycrystalline copper analyzed by FIB tomography. Acta Mater. 211 (2021) 116859

    Fintová S., Dlhý P., Mertová K., Chlup Z., Duchek M., Procházka R., Hutař P.: Fatigue properties of UFG Ti grade 2 dental implant vs. conventionally tested smooth specimens. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 123 (2021) 104715

    Holzer J., Chlup Z., Kruml T., Gröger R.: Plastic deformation of magnetically isotropic Cr single crystals compressed at 77 K. Int. J. Plast. 138 (2021) 102938

    Moník M., Hadraba H., Milde D., Chlup Z., Nerudová Z., Schnabl P.: Heat treatment and mechanics of Moravian Jurassic cherts. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 13 (2021) 158

    Hammal M., Chlup Z., Ingr T., Staněk J., Mounajjed R.: Effectiveness of dentin pre-treatment on bond strength of two self-adhesive resin cements compared to an etch-and-rinse system: an in vitro study. PeerJ 9 (2021) e11736

    Drdlík D., Zeman D., Tofel P., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlíková K.: A comparative study of direct and indirect evaluation of piezoelectric properties of electrophoreticaly deposited (Ba, Ca) (Zr, Ti)O3 lead-free piezoceramics. Ceram. Int. 47 (2021) 2034-2042

    Šťastný P., Chlup Z., Částková K., Trunec M.: High strength alumina tapes prepared by gel-tape casting method. Ceram. Int. 47 (2021) 6988-6995

    Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Brus J., Schweigstillová J., Rýglová Š., Bičáková O.: In-situ measurement of mechanical properties and dimensional changes of preceramic thermosets during their pyrolysis conversion to ceramics using thermomechanical analysis. Ceram. Int. 47 (2021) 23285-23294

    Veverka J., Lukáč F., Kądzielawa A., Koller M., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Karlík M., Legut D., Vontorová J., Chráska T., Vilémová M.: Ultrafine-grained W-Cr composite prepared by controlled W-Cr solid solution decomposition. Mater. Lett. 304 (2021) 130728

    Fintová S., Trško L., Chlup Z., Pastorek F., Kajánek D., Kunz L.: Fatigue Crack Initiation Change of Cast AZ91 Magnesium Alloy from Low to Very High Cycle Fatigue Region. Materials 14 (2021) 6245

    Šťastný P., Chlup Z., Roupcová P., Trunec M.: Thin high-strength zirconia tapes with extreme flexibility. J. Asian Ceram. Soc. 9 (2021) 964-974


    Drdlík D., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlíková K.: Surface roughness improvement of near net shaped alumina by EPD. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 56 (2020) 721-727

    Šťastný P., Chlup Z., Trunec M.: Gel-tape casting as a novel method for the production of flexible fine-grained alumina sheets. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 2542-2547

    Šiška F., Čech J., Haušild P., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Husák R., Stratil L.: Twinning in CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy induced by nanoindentation. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 784 (2020) 139297

    Chlup Z., Černý M., Kácha P., Hadraba H., Strachota A.: Fracture resistance of partially pyrolysed polysiloxane preceramic polymer matrix composites reinforced by unidirectional basalt fibres. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 4879-4885

    Kovalčíková A., Tatarko P., Sedlák R., Medveď D., Chlup Z., Múdra E., Dusza J.: Mechanical and tribological properties of TiB2-SiC and TiB2-SiC-GNPs ceramic composites. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 4860-4871

    Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Drdlík D., Šiška F.: Characterisation of mechanical and fracture behaviour of Al2O3/ZrO2/BaTiO3 laminate by indentation. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 4799-4807

    Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Halasová M., Schweigstillová J., Kácha P., Svítilová J.: Potential of glass basalt or carbon fibres for reinforcement of partially pyrolysed compositeswith improved temperature and fire resistance. Ceramics - Silikáty 64 (2020) 115-124

    Fan N., Čížek J., Huang C., Xie X., Chlup Z., Jenkins R., Lupoi R., Yin S.: A new strategy for strengthening additively manufactured cold spray deposits through in-process densification. Additive Manufacturing 36 (2020) 101626

    Kastyl J., Chlup Z., Šťastný P., Trunec M.: Machinability and properties of zirconia ceramics prepared by gelcasting method. Adv. Appl. Ceram. 119 (2020) 252-260

    Vilémová M., Hadraba H., Weiss Z., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Chlup Z., Matějíček J., Chráska T.: Phase, Composition and Structure Changes of CoCrNi-Based Concentrated Alloys Resulting from High Temperature Oxidation. Materials 13 (2020) 2276

    Orlovská M., Chlup Z., Bača L., Janek M., Kitzmantel M.: Fracture and mechanical properties of lightweight alumina ceramics prepared by fused filament fabrication. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 4837-4843

    Chlup Z., Novotná L., Šiška F., Drdlík D., Hadraba H.: Effect of residual stresses to the crack path in alumina/zirconia laminates. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 5810-5818


    Vilémová M., Illková K., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Hadraba H., Matějíček J., Chlup Z., Klečka J.: Thermal and oxidation behavior of CoCrFeMnNi alloy with and without yttrium oxide particle dispersion. J. Mater. Eng. and Performance 28 (2019) 5850-5859

    Chlup Z., Černý M., Halasová M., Strachota A.: Behaviour of Partially Pyrolysed Composite Reinforced by Fibres of Various Compositions. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 505-510

    Husák R., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Heczko M., Kruml T., Puchý V.: ODS EUROFER Steel Strengthened by Y-(Ce, Hf, La, Sc, and Zr) Complex Oxides. Metals 9 (2019) 1148

    Gröger R., Chlup Z., Sojková T., Kuběna I.: Interplay of slip and twinning in niobium single crystals compressed at 77 K. J. Mater. Res. 34 (2019) 261-270

    Ševeček O., Bertolla L., Chlup Z., Řehořek L., Majer Z., Marcián P., Kotoul M.: Modelling of cracking of the ceramic foam specimen with a central notch under the tensile load. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 100 (2019) 242-250

    Halasová M., Kuběna I., Roupcová P., Černý M., Strachota A., Chlup Z.: Iron precipitation in basalt fibres embedded in partially pyrolysed methylsiloxane matrix. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 286-292

    Oplt T., Hutař P., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Chlup Z., Berto F.: Effect of the free surface on the fatigue crack front curvature at high stress asymmetry. Int. J. Fatigue 118 (2019) 249-261

    Chlup Z., Drdlík D., Fides M., Kovalčíková A., Hadraba H.: Properties of BaTiO3/Al2O3 Laminate Structure by Nanoindentation. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 499-504

    Chlup Z., Fintová S., Hadraba H., Kuběna I., Vilémová M., Matějíček J.: Fatigue Behaviour and Crack Initiation in CoCrFeNiMn High-Entropy Alloy Processed by Powder Metallurgy. Metals 9 (2019) 1-12

    Tofel P., Machů Z., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Ševeček O., Majer Z., Holcman V., Hadaš Z.: Novel layered architecture based on Al2O3/ZrO2/BaTiO3 for SMART piezoceramic electromechanical converters. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228 (2019) 1575-1588

    Masini A., Strohbach T., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Dlouhý I.: Electrolyte-Supported Fuel Cell: Co-Sintering Effects of Layer Deposition on Biaxial Strength of Layer Deposition on Biaxial Strength. Materials 12 (2019) 306


    Gröger R., Chlup Z., Kuběna I., Kruml T.: Slip activity in molybdenum single crystals compressed at 77 K. Philos. Mag. 98 (2018) 2749-2768

    Masini A., Šiška F., Ševeček O., Chlup Z., Dlouhý I.: Elastic properties of multi-layered ceramic systems for SOCs, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol. 15 (2018) 370-379

    Dobeš F., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Dlouhý A., Vilémová M., Matějíček J.: Compressive creep behavior of an oxide-dispersion-strengthened CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 732 (2018) 99-104

    Halasová M., Černý M., Strachota A., Chlup Z.: Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Mechanical Response in Partially Pyrolysed Polysiloxanes. Key Eng. Mater. 784 (2018) 55-60

    Bertolla L., Chlup Z., Tatarko P., Hanzel O., Ševeček O., Roupcová P., Dlouhý I.: Preparation and characterization of novel environmentally friendly Al2O3/SiO2/CaO ceramic foams. Ceram. Int. 44 (2018) 19063-19069

    Gröger R., Chlup Z., Sojková T.: Deformation twinning in vanadium single crystals tested in compression at 77 K. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 737 (2018) 413-421

    Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Hadraba H., Halasová M.: Effect of the exposition temperature on the behaviour of partially pyrolysed hybrid basalt fibre composites. Composites B 147 (2018) 122-127

    Chlup Z., Bača L., Hadraba H., Kuběna I., Roupcová P., Kováčová Z.: Low-temperature consolidation of high-strength TiB2 ceramic composites via grain-boundary engineering using Ni-W alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 738 (2018) 194-202

    Šťastný P., Chlup Z., Kalasová D., Zikmund T., Kaiser J., Trunec M.: Epoxy-based gelcasting of machinable hydroxyapatite foams for medical applications. J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 101 (2018) 3317-3327


    Hadraba H., Husák R., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Puchý V., Michalička J.: Survey of oxide candidate for advanced 9%, 14% and 17%Cr ODS steels for fusion applications. Fusion Eng. & Design 124 (2017) 1028-1032

    Tatarko P., Chlup Z., Mahajan A., Casalegno V., Saunders T., Dlouhý I., Reece M.: High temperature properties of the monolithic CVD Beta-SiC materials joined with a pre-sintered MAX phase Ti3SiC2 interlayer via solid-state diffusion bonding . J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 1205-1216

    Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Dlouhý A., Dobeš F., Roupcová P., Vilémová M., Matějíček J.: Oxide dispersion strengthened CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 689 (2017) 252-256

    Bertolla L., Dlouhý I., Tatarko P., Viani A., Mahajan A., Chlup Z., Reece M., Boccaccini A.: Pressureless spark plasma-sintered Bioglass 45S5 with enhanced mechanical properties and stress-induced new phase formation. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 2727-2736

    Roleček J., Salamon D., Chlup Z.: Mechanical properties of hybrid composites prepared by ice-templating of alumina. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 4279-4286

    Kastyl J., Chlup Z., Clemens F., Trunec M.: Mechanical properties of zirconia core-shell rods with porous core and dense shell prepared by thermoplastic co-extrusion. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 2439-2447

    Kozák V., Chlup Z., Padělek P., Dlouhý I.: Prediction of the Traction Separation Law of Ceramics Using Iterative Finite Element Modelling. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 186-189

    Chlup Z., Žižka R., Kania J., Přibyl M.: Fracture behaviour of teeth with conventional and mini-invasive access cavity designs. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 4423-4429

    Trunec M., Chlup Z.: Subtractive manufacturing of customized hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone regeneration. Ceram. Int. 43 (2017) 11265-11273

    Ševeček O., Majer Z., Bertolla L., Chlup Z., Kotoul M.: Fracture-Mechanics Behaviour of Ceramic Foam with Macroscopic Stress Concentrator upon the Tensile Test. Key Eng. Mater. 754 (2017) 99-102

    Maca K., Pouchlý V., Drdlík D., Hadraba H., Chlup Z.: Dilatometric study of anisotropic sintering of alumina/zirconialaminates with controlled fracture behaviour. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 4287-4295

    Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Schweigstillová J., Svítilová J., Halasová M.: Rheological behaviour and thermal dilation effects of alumino-silicate adhesives intended for joining of high-temperature resistant sandwich structures. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 2209-2218

    Raga R., Khader I., Chlup Z., Kailer A.: Damage progression in silicon nitride undergoing non-conforming hybrid cyclic contact. Int. J. Fatigue 105 (2017) 97-110


    Dlouhý I., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Řehořek L.: Response of alumina foam to tensile mechanical loading including stress concentrator effect. Prog. Mater. Sci. 12 (2016) 106-111

    Krautgasser C., Chlup Z., Supancic P., Danzer R., Bermejo R.: Influence of subcritical crack growth on the determination of fracture toughness in brittle materials. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 36 (2016) 1307-1312

    Man J., Kuběna I., Smaga M., Man O., Järvenpää A., Weidner A., Chlup Z., Polák J.: Microstructural changes during deformation of AISI 300 grade austenitic stainless steels: Impact of chemical heterogeneity. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 2299-2306

    Chlupová A., Chlup Z., Kruml T.: Fatigue properties and microstructure of quasicrystalline AlFeCrTi alloy. Int. J. Fatigue 91 (2016) 251-256

    Raga R., Khader I., Chlup Z., Kailer A.: Damage initiation and evolution in silicon nitride under non-conforming lubricated hybrid rolling contact. Wear 360-361 (2016) 147-159

    Othmani Y., Böhlke T., Lube T., Fellmeth A., Chlup Z., Colonna F., Hashibon A.: Analysis of the effective thermoelastic properties and stress fields in silicon nitride based on EBSD data. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 36 (2016) 1109-1125

    Halasová M., Černý M., Strachota A., Chlup Z., Dlouhý I.: Fracture response of SiOC-based, composites on dynamic loading. J. Composite Mater. 50 (2016) 1547-1554


    Strachota A., Černý M., Chlup Z., Šlouf M., Brus J., Pleštil J., Sucharda Z., Havelcová M., Halasová M.: Preparation of silicon oxynitrocarbide (SiONC) and of its ceramic-fibre-composites via hydrosilylation/radical polymerization/pyrolysis. J. Non-Crystall. Solids 423-424 (2015) 9-17

    Chlup Z., Bača L., Halasová M., Neubauer E., Hadraba H., Stelzer N., Roupcová P.: Effect of metallic dopants on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TiB2. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 35 (2015) 2745-2754

    Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Halasová M., Rýglová Š., Schweigstillová J., Svítilová J., Havelcová M.: Changes in structure and in mechanical properties during the pyrolysis conversion of crosslinked polymethylsiloxane and polymethylphenylsiloxane resins to silicon oxycarbide glass. Ceram. Int. 41 (2015) 6237-6247

    Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Svítilová J., Schweigstillová J., Halasová M., Rýglová Š.: S-O-C ceramic foams derived from polymethylphenylsiloxane precursor with starch as foaming agent. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 35 (2015) 3427-3436

    Strachota A., Černý M., Chlup Z., Depa K., Šlouf M., Sucharda Z.: Foaming of polysiloxane resins with ethanol: A new route to pyrolytic macrocellular SiOC foams. Ceram. Int. 41 (2015) 13561-13571

    Kastyl J., Chlup Z., Clemens F., Trunec M.: Ceramic core-shell composites with modified mechanical properties prepared by thermoplastic co-extrusion. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 35 (2015) 2873-2881

    Bertolla L., Chlup Z., Stratil L., Boccaccini A., Dlouhý I.: Effect of hybrid polymer coating of Bioglass (R) foams on mechanical response during tensile loading. Adv. Appl. Ceram. 114 (2015) S63-S69

    Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Svítilová J., Halasová M.: Effect of ageing at 1200 °C in oxidative environment on the mechanical response of SiOC foams. Ceram. Int. 41 (2015) 9030-9034

    Strachota A., Černý M., Chlup Z., Rodzeń K., Depa K., Halasová M., Šlouf M., Schweigstillová J.: Preparation of finely macroporous SiOC foams with high mechanical properties and with hierarchical porosity via pyrolysis of siloxane/epoxide composite. Ceram. Int. 41 (2015) 8402-8410

    Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Dlouhý I.: Micro fibres containing laminates prepared by EPD: microstructure and fracture behaviour. Key Eng. Mater. 654 (2015) 53-57

    Halasová M., Černý M., Strachota A., Chlup Z., Dlouhý I.: Fracture response of SiOC based composites on dynamic loading. J. Composite Mater. 1 (2015) 1-8


    Tatarko P., Grasso S., Chlup Z., Porwal H., Kašiarová M., Dlouhý I., Reece M.: Toughening effect of multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes and their influence on the sintering behaviour of 3Y-TZP zirconia ceramics. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 34 (2014) 1829-1843

    Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Maca K., Dlouhý I., Bermejo R.: On the determination of the stress-free temperature for alumina-zirconia multilayer structures. Ceram. Int. 40 (2014) 5787-5793

    Tatarko P., Grasso S., Porwal H., Chlup Z., Saggar R., Dlouhý I., Reece M.: Boron nitride nanotubes as a reinforcement for brittle matrices. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 34 (2014) 3339-3349

    Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Sucharda Z., Halasová M., Dlouhý I.: Influence of pyrolysis temperature on fracture response in SiOC based composites reinforced by basalt woven fabric. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 34 (2014) 3389-3398

    Kozák V., Chlup Z.: Crack Growth Modelling in the Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Application of the Cohesive Zone Approach. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 193-196

    Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Halasová M., Dlouhý I.: Fibre-matrix interface development during high temperature exposition of long fibre reinforced SiOC matrix. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 401-404


    Řehořek L., Chlup Z., Meng D., Yunos D., Boccaccini A., Dlouhý I.: Response of 45S5 Bioglass (R) foams to tensile loading. Ceram. Int. 39 (2013) 8015-8020

    Tatarko P., Kašiarová M., Chlup Z., Dusza J., Šajgalík P., Vávra I.: Influence of rare-earth oxide additives and SiC nanoparticles on the wear behaviour of Si3N4-based composites at temperatures up to 900°C. Wear 300 (2013) 155-162

    Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Chlup Z., Máca F., Dlouhý I., Cihlář J.: Layered ceramic composites via control of electrophoretic deposition kinetics. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 33 (2013) 2305-2312


    Černý M., Strachota A., Chlup Z., Sucharda Z., Žaloudková M., Glogar P., Kuběna I.: Strength, Elasticity and Failure of Composites with Pyrolyzed Matrices Based on Polymethylsiloxane Resins with Optimized Ratio of D and T Components. J. Composite Mater. 47 (2012) 1055-1066

    Šupová M., Svítilová J., Chlup Z., Černý M., Weishauptová Z., Suchý T., Machovič V., Sucharda Z., Žaloudková M.: Relation between mechanical properties and pyrolysis temperature of phenol formaldehyde resin for gas separation membranes. Ceramics - Silikáty 56 (2012) 40-49

    Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Drdlík D., Maca K., Dlouhý I.: Control of electrophoretic deposition kinetics for preparation of laminated alumina/zirconia ceramic composites. Key Eng. Mater. 507 (2012) 209-213

    Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Chlup Z., Maca K., Dlouhý I., Cihlář J.: Laminated alumina/zirconia ceramic composites prepared by electrophoretic deposition. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 32 (2012) 2053-2056

    Halasová M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Černý M., Dlouhý I.: Mechanical response of novel SiOC glasses to high temperature exposition. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 32 (2012) 4489-4495

    Ahmedw A., Chlup Z., Dlouhý I., Rawlings R., Boccaccini A.: Mechanical Properties of Low-Density SiC-Coated Carbon-Bonded Carbon Fiber Composites. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol. 9 (2012) 401-412

    Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Slabáková L., Drdlík D., Dlouhý I.: Fracture behaviour of alumina and zirconia thin layered laminate. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 32 (2012) 2057-2061

    Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Maca K., Dlouhý I.: Development of internal stresses in alumina-zirconia laminates. Key Eng. Mater. 507 (2012) 221-226


    Salamon D., Chlup Z., Lefferts L., Wessling M.: Tailoring of free standing microchannels structures via microtemplating. Mater. Res. Bull. 46 (2011) 505-551

    Cho J., Inam F., Reece M., Chlup Z., Dlouhý I., Shaffer M., Boccaccini A.: Carbon nanotubes: do they toughen brittle matrices?. J. Mater. Sci. 46 (2011) 4770-4779

    Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Kozák V.: Properties of modified polysiloxane based ceramic matrix for long fibre reinforced composite materials. Plastics, Rubber and Composites 40 (2011) 380-385

    Malíková (Šestáková) L., Bermejo R., Chlup Z., Danzer R.: Strategies for fracture toughness, strength and reliability optimisation of ceramic-ceramic laminates. Int. J. Mater. Res. 102 (2011) 613-626

    Tatarko P., Chlup Z., Dusza J.: Microstructure, fracture and damage mechanisms in rare-earth doped silicon nitride ceramics. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 93-96

    Dlouhý I., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Šmída T.: Prediction of fracture toughness temperature dependence applying neural network. Structur. Integr. and Life 11 (2011) 9-14

    Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Dlouhý I.: Role of pyrolysis conditions on fracture behaviour of fibre reinforced Composites. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 455-458

    Strachota A., Černý M., Glogar P., Sucharda Z., Havelcová M., Chlup Z., Dlouhý I., Kozák V.: Preparation and optimalization of silicon oxycarbide composites toughened by inorganic fibers by pyrolysis of precursor composites with siloxane matrix. Acta Phys. Pol. A 120 (2011) 326-330


    Chlup Z., Todd I., GARCIA-ESCORIAL A., Lieblich M., Chlupová A., O´Dwyer J.: Bulk nanostructured aluminium alloy Al93Fe3Cr2Ti2: Processing and characterisation. Mater. Sci. Forum 426 (2003) 2417-2422

    Number of ProjectName
    21-24805S Tailoring of interfaces in lead-free ferroelectric-dielecric composites to enhance their electromechanical properties
    17-12546S Fundamental aspects of partial pyrolysis of hybrid composites with polysiloxane matrix precursors
    17-08153S Novel material architectures for SMART piezoceramic electromechanical converters
    263476 RoLiCer - Enhanced reliability and lifetime of ceramic components through multi-scale modelling of degradation and damage
    GAP108/11/1644 Fracture mechanics characteristics of the interface of low toughness materials
    M100410902 Fracture behaviour of ceramic-ceramic and metal-ceramic interface in laminate structures
    GA106/09/1101 Development of new matrix types based on pyrolysed resins for composites reinforced with ceramic fibres
    MEB060714 Influence of Contact Stresses on Results of the Ball on the Three Balls Test
    ME854 (1016/2006-32) Synergetic effects of microstructure and testing conditions on ceramics fracture resistance assessment
    2005-23 Corrections of statistical size effects on fracture toughness characteristics of structural ceramics
    106/05/P119 Fracture toughness scatter in ceramics and brittle matrix composites at higher temperatures