Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > RoLiCer - Enhanced reliability and lifetime of ceramic components through multi-scale modelling of degradation and damage

RoLiCer - Enhanced reliability and lifetime of ceramic components through multi-scale modelling of degradation and damage

Co-investigatorIng. Zdeněk Chlup, Ph.D.
Number of Project263476
AgencyEvropská komise, FP7
Duration2011-10-31 - 2014-11-29

Engineering ceramics possess superior mechanical and physical properties. The exceptional wear, corrosion and contact fatigue resistance of silicon nitride (Si3N4) and SiAlON ceramics makes them attractive materials for high temperature metal forming tools and rolling elements for bearings. Despite the efforts devoted to study this class of materials, there still exists a gap between their micro-structural properties and their potential application limits. Developing multi-scale predictive models that deliver information on materials degradation mechanisms, based on realistic working conditions, will enable the systematic tailoring of ceramic materials for new applications, supported by validated evaluation techniques including tribology, damage analysis, and lifetime predictions.

The optimisation of the microstructure is clearly application-dependent and should rely on co-related material development efforts and multi-scale simulations. The bridging between the micro-structural properties and macro-scale behaviour should merge the knowledge acquired from the atomistic, micro-scale, meso-scale and macro-scale levels. Nonetheless, the chain of information would not be complete without including means of validation that rely on experimental techniques and functionality tests in real applications.

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Raga R., Khader I., Chlup Z., Kailer A.: Damage initiation and evolution in silicon nitride under non-conforming lubricated hybrid rolling contact. Wear 360-361 (2016) 147-159

Othmani Y., Böhlke T., Lube T., Fellmeth A., Chlup Z., Colonna F., Hashibon A.: Analysis of the effective thermoelastic properties and stress fields in silicon nitride based on EBSD data. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 36 (2016) 1109-1125


Kozák V., Chlup Z.: Crack Growth Modelling in the Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Application of the Cohesive Zone Approach. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 193-196