Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Fikar Jan

Mgr. Jan Fikar, Ph.D.

Phone number+420 532 290 455
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDG-4365-2014
Positionresearcher - Multiscale Modelling and Measurements of Physical Properties

Scientific interest
  • Molecular dynamics simulations
  • Interatomic potentials
  • Irradiation defect
  • Dislocations

  • 1999-2003: Doctoral degree - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Institute de Genie Atomique, Physics of materials
  • 1992-1997: Master’s degree - Masaryk University, Faculty of Sciences, Physics
Work experiences
  • From 2013: Researcher in group of Multiscale Modelling and Measurements of Physical Properties, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 2005-2013: Researcher - Centre de recherches en physique des plasmas, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2004-2005: Postdoc - Condensed matter physics, Masaryk University
  • 2003-2005: Postdoc - Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France
  • 2016-2019: Principal Investigator - Interaction of prismatic dislocation loops in alpha iron and tungsten (GACR 16-24402S)


Yadav A., Bajtošová L., Cieslar M., Fikar J.: Two phase model for inverse Hall Petch effect in nanocrystalline thin film: Atomistic simulation study. Acta Mater. 276 (2024) 120084

Gröger R., Fikar J.: Nucleation of threading dislocations in atomistic simulations of strained layer epitaxy of III-nitrides. Acta Mater. 264 (2024) 119570


Bajtošová L., Křivská ., Králík ., Veselý J., Hanuš J., Harcuba P., Fikar J., Yadav A., Cieslar M.: Deformation mechanisms of Al thin films: In-situ TEM and molecular dynamics study. Scr. Mater. 215 (2022) 114688


Bajtošová L., Králík ., Křivská ., Veselý J., Fikar J., Cieslar M.: In-situ TEM deformation of free-standing thin films and molecular dynamics simulations. AIP Conference Proceedings 2411 (2021) 030002


Fikar J., Schäublin R.: Stability of small vacancy clusters in tungsten by molecular dynamics. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 464 (2020) 56-59


Friák M., Buršíková V., Pizúrová N., Pavlů J., Jirásková Y., Homola V., Miháliková I., Slávik A., Holec D., Všianská M., Koutná N., Fikar J., Janičkovič D., Šob M., Neugebauer J.: Elasticity of Phases in Fe-Al-Ti Superalloys: Impact of Atomic Order and Anti-Phase Boundaries. Crystals 9 (2019) 299


Fikar J., Schäublin R., Mason D., Nguyen-Manh D.: Nano-sized prismatic vacancy dislocation loops and vacancy clusters in tungsten. Nucl. Mater. Energy 16 (2018) 60-65


Fikar J., Gröger R., Schäublin R.: Effect of orientation of prismatic dislocation loops on interaction with free surfaces in BCC iron. J. Nucl. Mater. 497 (2017) 161-165

Fikar J., Gröger R., Schäublin R.: Interaction of irradiation-induced prismatic dislocation loops with free surfaces in tungsten. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 393 (2017) 186-189


Fikar J., Gröger R.: Shape of small prismatic dislocation loops in tungsten and iron. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2016) 97-101


Fikar J., Gröger R.: Interactions of prismatic dislocation loops with free surfaces in thin foils of body-centered cubic iron. Acta Mater. 99 (2015) 392-401

Number of ProjectName
16-24402S Interaction of prismatic dislocation loops in alpha iron and tungsten