Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Buršík Jiří

RNDr. Jiří Buršík, CSc., DSc.

Phone number+420 532 290 473
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDB-8684-2013
Positionresearcher - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group

Scientific interest
  • Analytical electron microscopy in the research of structural materials, thermoelectrics, nanoparticles and other crystalline materials

  • 1986-1990: Doctoral degree - Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Solid State Physics
  • 1980-1985: Master’s degree - Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Solid State Physics
Work experiences
  • From 1990: Researcher - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 10/1997-10/1999: Postdoc - McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
  • 10/1993-10/1994: Postdoc – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2019-2021: Principal Investigator - High entropy Half-Heusler thermoelectric materials with high efficiency (MEYS, 8J19AT011, Mobility ČR-Rakousko)
  • 2015-2016: Principal Investigator - Spinodal Decomposition in Half-Heusler Alloys: A nanostructuring route towards high efficiency thermoelectric materials (MEYS, 7AMB15AT002, Mobility ČR-Rakousko)
  • 2015-2017: Co-investigator - Thermal and phase stability of advanced thermoelectric materials (CSF, 17-12844S)
  • 2015-2017: Co-investigator - Local microstructural changes induced by static and dynamic indentation in nanostructured and nanolaminate coatings (CSF, 15-17875S)
  • 2009-2011: Co-investigator - Thermodynamics and microstructure of environmentally friendly nanoparticle solders (CSF, 106/09/0700)
  • 2009-2011: Co-investigator - Nucleation and growth of oxygen precipitates in silicon (CSF, 202/09/1013)
  • 2005-2007: Co-investigator - Synthesis of carbon micro- and nanostructures by plasma technologies (CSF, 202/05/0607)
  • 2002-2004: Co-investigator - Theoretical and experimental study of Ni-based model systems and thermodynamic description of phase equilibria (CSF, 106/02/0876)
  • 2001-2003: Principal Investigator - Ordering processes in Ni-based superalloys (CSF, 202/01/0383)
  • 1999-2001: Principal Investigator - Ni-base alloys with protective coatings: microstructure and thermodynamic modelling (CSF, 106/99/1176)
  • 2015: APDIC prize (The Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission)


Životský O., Gembalová L., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Čížek J.: Mn2FeSi alloys produced in bulk and ribbon form: Microstructure, defects, magnetism. AIP Conference Proceedings 3118 (2024) 020002

Záděra A., Sopoušek J., Buršík J., Čupera J., Brož P., Vít J.: Influence of substitution of Cr by Cu on phase equilibria and microstructures in the Fe-Ni-Co-Cr high-entropy alloys. Intermetallics 174 (2024) 108455

Rogl G., Eiberger M., Steiner S., Michor H., Buršík J., Giester G., Grytsiv A., Rogl P.: Borides Mn3-x{Rh,Ir}5B2 with Ti3Co5B2-type: X-ray single crystal and TEM data, physical properties. Solid State Sci. 154 (2024) 107583

Romaka V., Rogl G., Buršík J., Grytsiv A., Giester G., Rogl P.: Novel compounds in the Sc-rich part of the systems Sc-{Co,Pd,Pt}-Ga: Structure and bonding. J. Alloys Comp. 998 (2024) 174864

Failamani F., Grytsiv A., Buršík J., Giester G., Rogl P.: The Ce-Ni-Si system revisited: More homologue compounds?. Inorganic Chemistry 63 (2024) 8604-8614

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Gembalová L., Čížek J., Pytlik J., Životský O.: Effect of Si and Al on structural and physical properties of ternary and quaternary Co2Fe-based Heusler alloys. Physica B 673 (2024) 415463

Parzer M., Garmroudi F., Michor H., Yan X., Bauer E., Rogl G., Buršík J., Cottrell S., Podloucký R., Rogl P.: Vacancy-induced pseudogap formation in antiferromagnetic Cr0.86ZnSb. Phys. Rev. B 110 (2024) 195124

Rogl G., Binder G., Michor H., Buršík J., Eiberger M., Grytsiv A., Giester G., Rogl P.: Tau-borides (Mnx{Ru,Os,Ir}1-x)23B6: X-ray single crystal and TEM data, physical properties. J. Alloys Comp. 993 (2024) 174604

Brož P., Vřešťál J., Sopoušek J., Weiss K., Buršík J., Buršíková V., Záděra A., Müller P., Čupera J., Rogl G., Parzer M., Bauer E., Michor H., Rogl P.: High entropy alloys (FeCoNi)0.75Cr(0.25-x)Cux - thermal stability and physical properties. J. Alloys Comp. 993 (2024) 174628

Brož P., Yan X., Romaka V., Fabrichnaya O., Kriegel M., Buršíková V., Buršík J., Vřešťál J., Rogl G., Michor H., Bauer E., Eiberger M., Grytsiv A., Giester G., Rogl P.: Constitution, physical properties and thermodynamic modeling of the Hf-Mn system. J. Alloys Comp. 976 (2024) 173060


Životský O., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Janickovic D., Čížek J.: Effect of rapid solidification in Mn2FeSi alloy formation and its physical properties. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 580 (2023) 170914

Pizúrová N., Hlaváček A., Kavčiaková Z., Roupcová P., Kuběna I., Buršík J., Sokovnin S.: Nanoceria prepared by electron beam evaporation. Nanocon 2022 Conference proceedings 2022 (2023) 33-38

Mrázek J., Kamrádková S., Buršík J., Skála R., Bartoň I., Vařák P., Baravets Y., Podrazký O.: Nanocrystalline (HoxY1-x)2Ti2O7 luminophores for short- and mid-infrared lasers. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 107 (2023) 320-328


Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Životský O., Luňáček J., Alexa P., Uhlar R., Ederer J., Janoš P.: Nanostructured magnetite-ceria-based composite: synthesis, calcination, properties, and applications. J. Alloys Comp. 916 (2022) 165481

Buršík J., Charvátová Campbell A., Havlíček M., Klapetek P., Kelarová Š., Přibyl R., Václavik R., Stupavská M., Buršíková V.: Surface morphology of nanostructured plasma-polymer thin films deposited under dusty plasma conditions. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 2315 (2022) 012017

Jirásková Y., Zažímal F., Buršík J., Svoboda T., Dzik P., Homola T.: Structural and physical characterization of iron-oxide based inks for inkjet printing. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 562 (2022) 169810

Romaka V., Rogl G., Buršíková V., Buršík J., Michor H., Grytsiv A., Bauer E., Giester G., Rogl P.: Physical properties of {Ti,Zr,Hf}2Ni2Sn compounds. Dalton Trans. 51 (2022) 361-374

Jirásková Y., Pizúrová N., Buršík J., Friák M., Čížek J., Vlasák T., Čegan T., Nikodym M., Luňáček J.: Magneto-structural correlations in Fe-25 at%Al influenced by substitution of Fe by Co and by thermal treatment. J. Alloys Comp. 904 (2022) 163996

Romaka V., Rogl G., Binder G., Michor H., Buršík J., Grytsiv A., Giester G., Rogl P.: Phase relations, structure, properties and DFT study of compounds in the Sc-rich part of the systems Sc-{Mn,Fe,Co,Ni}-Ga. J. Alloys Comp. 919 (2022) 165540

Pizúrová N., Buršík J., Sojková T., Roupcová P., Schneeweiss O.: Magnetic properties and morphology of ultra-small iron oxide nanoparticles. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 2315 (2022) 012023


Životský O., Luňáček J., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Ederer J., Janoš P., Cabanova K.: Influence of annealing temperature on degradation efficiency and iron oxide transformations in CeO2/Fe-oxide sorbents. AIP Adv. 11 (2021) 015308

Životský O., Markov D., Hrabovská K., Buršík J., Jirásková Y.: Analysis of Magneto-Optical Hysteresis Loops of Amorphous and Surface-Crystalline Fe-Based Ribbons. Materials 14 (2021) 141

Zelenka F., Strádal J., Brož P., Vřešťál J., Buršík J., Zemanová A., Rogl G., Rogl P.: Study of thermal stability of n-type skutterudites Sr0.07Ba0.07Yb0.07Co4Sb12 by differential thermal analysis and Knudsen effusion method. CALPHAD 73 (2021) 102258

Zelenka F., Brož P., Vřešťál J., Buršík J., Zemanová A., Rogl G., Rogl P.: Study of thermal stability of half-Heusler alloys TiFe1.33Sb and TixNb1-xFeSb (x = 0, 0.15) by differential thermal analysis and Knudsen effusion method. CALPHAD 74 (2021) 102292

Bertolla L., Šulák I., Buršík J., Dlouhý I., Smilek J., Mácová P., Holas J.: Exfoliation of hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets in low-modulus concentrated alkali silicate pastes. Mater. Lett. 292 (2021) 129551

Sopoušek J., Drenčaková D., Brož P., Buršík J., Zemanová A., Roupcová P.: On thermal stability of nanocrystalline Ag-Cu-S powders. J Nanopart Res 23 (2021) 138

Rogl G., Renk O., Ghosh S., Mallik R., Grytsiv A., Buršík J., Schafler E., Tuomisto F., Bauer E., Rogl P.: Properties of HPT-Processed Large Bulks of p-Type Skutterudite DD0.7Fe3CoSb12 with ZT > 1.3. ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (2021) 4831-4844

Yan X., Brož P., Vřešťál J., Vlach J., Buršík J., Mazalová M., Pavlů J., Smetana B., Rogl G., Eiberger M., Grytsiv A., Michor H., Müller H., Giester G., Rogl P.: On the constitution and thermodynamic modeling of the phase diagrams Nb-Mn and Ta-Mn. J. Alloys Comp. 865 (2021) 158715


Brož P., Zelenka F., Vřešťál J., Zemanová A., Kroupa A., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Šimoníková L., Pokorný T.: Experimental study and thermodynamic re-assessment of the Co-Sb system. CALPHAD 68 (2020) 101694

Rogl G., Soprunyuk V., Schranz W., Zehetbauer M., Buršík J., Müller H., Bauer E., Rogl P.: Resistivity and Thermal Expansion (4.2-820 K) of Skutterudites after Severe Plastic Deformation via HPT. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 646 (2020) 1267-1272

Vykoukal V., Zelenka F., Buršík J., Káňa T., Kroupa A., Pinkas J.: Thermal properties of Ag@Ni core-shell nanoparticles. CALPHAD 69 (2020) 101741

Rogl G., Ghosh S., Wang L., Buršík J., Grytsiv A., Kerber M., Bauer E., Mallik R., Chen X., Zehetbauer M., Rogl P.: Half-Heusler alloys: Enhancement of ZT after severe plastic deformation (ultra-low thermal conductivity). Acta Mater. 183 (2020) 285-300

Sopoušek J., Pinkas J., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Krásenský P.: Continuous Flow Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using Water-in-Oil Microemulsion. Colloid Journal 82 (2020) 727-734

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Ederer J., Janoš P., Jurica J., Luňáček J., Životský O.: Effect of magnetite transformations on degradation efficiency of cerium dioxide-magnetite composite. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (2020) 4431-4439


Pinkas J., Sopoušek J., Brož P., Vykoukal V., Buršík J., Vřešťál J.: Synthesis, structure, stability and phase diagrams of selected bimetallic silver- and nickel-based nanoparticles. CALPHAD 64 (2019) 139-148

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Rogl G., Rogl P.: Local mechanical properties of advanced skutterudites processed by various routes. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 613 (2019) 012036

Brož P., Zelenka F., Kohoutek Z., Vřešťál J., Vykoukal V., Buršík J., Zemanová A., Rogl G., Rogl P.: Study of thermal stability of CoSb3 skutterudite by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry. CALPHAD 65 (2019) 1-7

Životský O., Buršík J., Janičkovič D., Titov A., Jirásková Y.: Low-temperature magnetic transitions in Fe2MnSi Heusler alloys prepared in bulk and ribbon form. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 475 (2019) 5-9

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Janoš P., Luňáček J., Chrobak A., Životský O.: Effect of Iron Impurities on Magnetic Properties of Nanosized CeO2 and Ce-Based Compounds. Metals 9 (2019) 222

Zábranský L., Souček P., Vašina P., Dugáček J., Sťahel P., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Mikšová R., Peřina V., Balázsi K., Cigány Z., Buršíková V.: Microstructural changes of amorphous Mo-B-C coatings upon thermal annealing. Surf. Coat. Technol. 379 (2019) 125052

Vykoukal V., Buršík J., Roupcová P., Cullen D., Pinkas J.: Solvothermal hot injection synthesis of core-shell AgNi nanoparticles. J. Alloys Comp. 770 (2019) 377-385

Vykoukal V., Halasta V., Babiak M., Buršík J., Pinkas J.: Morphology Control in AgCu Nanoalloy Synthesis by Molecular Cu(I) Precursors. Inorganic Chemistry 58 (2019) 15246-15254

Zelenka F., Brož P., Vřešťál J., Buršík J., Rogl G., Grytsiv A., Rogl P.: Study of thermal stability of p-type skutterudites DD0.7Fe3CoSb12 by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry. RSC Advances 9 (2019) 21451-21459

Mrázek J., Vytykáčová S., Buršík J., Puchý V., Girman V., Peterka P., Kašík I.: Sol-gel route to nanocrystalline Eu2Ti2O7 films with tailored structural and optical properties. J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 102 (2019) 6713-6723

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Janičkovič D., Životský O.: Influence of Preparation Technology on Microstructural and Magnetic Properties of Fe2MnSi and Fe2MnAl Heusler Alloys. Materials 12 (2019) 1-14

Brož P., Hejduková M., Vykoukal V., Zelenka F., Sopoušek J., Buršík J., Zobač O.: Study of surface effects and catalytic properties of selected Ni-based bimetallic nanoparticles by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry. CALPHAD 64 (2019) 334-341


Rogl G., Buršík J., Grytsiv A., Puchegger S., Soprunyuk V., Schranz W., Yan X., Bauer E., Rogl P.: Nanostructuring as a tool to adjust thermal expansion in high ZT skutterudites. Acta Mater. 145 (2018) 359-368

Mrázek J., Aubrecht J., Todorov F., Buršík J., Puchý V., Džunda R., Vytykáčová S., Kašík I.: CO2 laser-assisted preparation of transparent Eu2Ti2O7 thin films. Ceram. Int. 44 (2018) 9479-9483

Rogl P., Romaka V., Buršík J., Michor H., Reissner M., Giester G., Homolová V.: Structure and properties of a novel boride (V0.92Fe0.08)2FeB2 with partially ordered U3Si2-type. J. Alloys Comp. 746 (2018) 638-647

Bannov A., Jašek O., Prášek J., Buršík J., Zajíčková L.: Enhanced Ammonia Adsorption on Directly Deposited Nanofibrous Carbon Films. J. Sensors 2018 (2018) 7497619

Luňáček J., Životský O., Janoš P., Došek M., Chrobak A., Maryško M., Buršík J., Jirásková Y.: Structure and magnetic properties of synthesized fine cerium dioxide nanoparticles. J. Alloys Comp. 753 (2018) 167-175

Rogl G., Grytsiv A., Anbalagan R., Buršík J., Kerber M., Schafler E., Zehetbauer M., Bauer E., Rogl P.: Direct SPD-processing to achieve high-ZT skutterudites. Acta Mater. 159 (2018) 352-363

Failamani F., Podloucký R., Buršík J., Rogl G., Michor H., Müller H., Bauer E., Giester G., Rogl P.: Boron-phil and boron-phob structure units in novel borides Ni3Zn2B and Ni2ZnB: experiment and first principles calculations. Dalton Trans. 47 (2018) 3303-3320

Souček P., Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Buršík J., Debnárová S., Svoboda M., Peřina V., Vašina P.: Fracture Resistance Enhancement in Hard Mo-B-C Coatings Tailored by Composition and Microstructure. J. Nanomater. 2018 (2018) 5184587

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Rogl G., Rogl P.: Microstructure and Local Mechanical Properties of Skutterudites with Addition of Metallic Borides. Key Eng. Mater. 784 (2018) 9-14

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Seidlerová J., Mamulová Kutláková K., Šafařík I., Šafaříková M., Pospíšková K., Životský O.: Microstructural Analysis and Magnetic Characterization of Native and Magnetically Modified Montmorillonite and Vermiculite. J. Nanomater. 2018 (2018) 3738106

Titov A., Jirásková Y., Životský O., Buršík J., Janičkovič D.: Microstructure and magnetism of Co2FeAl Heusler alloy prepared by arc and induction melting compared with planar flow casting. AIP Adv. 8 (2018) 047206


Sopoušek J., Kryštofová A., Premović M., Zobač O., Polsterová S., Brož P., Buršík J.: Phase diagram prediction, synthesis, characterization, and thermal stability. CALPHAD 58 (2017) 25-33

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Souček P., Zábranský L., Vašina P.: Characterization of Ta-B-C nanostructured hard coatings. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 175 (2017) 012020

Ostapovec A., Buršík J., Krahula K., Král L., Serra A.: On the relationship between (1 1 -2 2) and (1 1 -2 6) conjugate twins and double extension twins in rolled pure Mg. Philos. Mag. 97 (2017) 1088-1101

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Zemanová A., Čížek J., Hruška P., Životský O.: Effect of hydrogen on Fe and Pd alloying and physical properties. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 6885-6901

Buršík J., Kuběna I., Buršíková V., Souček P., Zábranský L., Mirzaei S., Vašina P.: W-B-C Nanostructured Layers - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 416-419

Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Souček P., Vašina P., Dugáček J., Sťahel P., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Peřina V.: Thermal stability of hard nanocomposite Mo-B-C coatings. Vacuum 138 (2017) 199-204

Mrázek J., Boháček J., Vytykáčová S., Buršík J., Puchý V., Robert D., Kašík I.: Photolithographic patterning of nanocrystalline europium-titanate Eu2Ti2O7 thin films on silicon substrates. Mater. Lett. 209 (2017) 216-219

Buršíková V., Sobota J., Grossman J., Fořt T., Dupák L., Zábranský L., Souček P., Vašina P., Buršík J.: Study of Fracture Resistance of Nanolaminate Coatings Using Indentation and Impact Tests. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 318-321

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Životský O., Luňáček J., Janoš P.: Magnetic and Mössbauer Study of Cerium-Based Reactive Sorbent. Acta Phys. Pol. A 131 (2017) 1096-1098

Titov A., Životský O., Hendrych A., Janičkovič D., Buršík J., Jirásková Y.: Co2FeSi Heusler Alloy Prepared by Arc Melting and Planar. Acta Phys. Pol. A 131 (2017) 654-656


Buršíková V., Buršík J., Zábranský L., Souček P., Vašina P.: Study of the Local Mechanical Properties of Magnetron Sputtered Nanolaminate Coatings. Defect Diffus. Forum 368 (2016) 111-114

Luňáček J., Životský O., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Janoš P.: Thermally stimulated iron oxide transformations and magnetic behaviour of cerium dioxide/iron oxide reactive sorbents. Mater. Character. 120 (2016) 295-303

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Souček P., Zábranský L., Vašina P.: Nanostructured Mo-B-C coatings. Rom. Rep. Phys. 68 (2016) 1069-1075

Životský O., Titov A., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Hendrych A., Hrabovská K., Tsepelev V.: Surface and bulk magnetic anisotropy in bilayered CoSiB/FeNbCuSiB and FeNbSiB/FeSiB ribbons. J. Alloys Comp. 681 (2016) 402-411

Škoda D., Stýskalík A., Moravec Z., Bezdička P., Buršík J., Mutin P., Pinkas J.: Mesoporous SnO2-SiO2 and Sn-silica-carbon nanocomposites by novel non-hydrolytic templated sol-gel synthesis. RSC Advances 6 (2016) 68739-68747

Buršík J., Kuběna I., Buršíková V., Souček P., Zábranský L., Vašina P.: Mo-B-C and Ta-B-C Nanostructured Layers with Promising Fracture Toughness. Defect Diffus. Forum 368 (2016) 107-110

Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Souček P., Vašina P., Buršík J.: On the study of the mechanical properties of Mo-B-C coatings. Eur. Phys. J. - Appl. Phys. 75 (2016) 24716


Bauer E., Royanian E., Michor H., Sologub O., Scheidt E., Gonçalves A., Buršík J., Wolf W., Reith D., Blaas-Schenner C., Moser R., Podloucký R., Rogl P.: Superconductivity and spin fluctuations in the actinoid-platinum metal borides {Th,U}Pt3B. Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 024511

Mrázek J., Potel M., Buršík J., Mráček A., Kalistová A., Jonášová Š., Boháček J., Kašík I.: Sol-gel synthesis and crystallization kinetics of dysprosium-titanate Dy2Ti2O7 for photonic applications. Mater. Chem. Phys. 168 (2015) 159-167

Sopoušek J., Zobač O., Buršík J., Roupcová P., Vykoukal V., Brož P., Pinkas J., Vřešťál J.: Heat-induced spinodal decomposition of Ag-Cu nanoparticles. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 28277-28285

Mrázek J., Surýnek M., Bakardijeva S., Buršík J., Proboštová J., Kašík I.: Luminescence properties of nanocrystalline europium titanate Eu2Ti2O7. J. Alloys Comp. 645 (2015) 57-63

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Jirásková Y.: Study of the Mechanical Properties of Single-Layered and Bilayered CoCrFeSi Ribbons Using Quasistatic and Dynamic Nanoindentation Tests. Key Eng. Mater. 662 (2015) 91-94

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Hapla M., Turek I.: Influence of molybdenum on the alloying and physical properties of Fe-Al. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 28 (2015) 905-910

Ostapovec A., Buršík J., Gröger R.: Deformation due to migration of faceted twin boundaries in magnesium and cobalt. Philos. Mag. 95 (2015) 4106-4117

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Roupcová P., Jančík D., Čížek J.: Structural and compositional stability of the mechanically alloyed (Fe,Mo)-Al at elevated temperatures. Mater. Chem. Phys. 168 (2015) 108-116

Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Daniel J., Souček P., Vašina P., Dugáček J., Sťahel P., Caha O., Buršík J., Peřina V.: Comparative analysis of thermal stability of two different nc-TiC/a-C:H coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. 267 (2015) 32-39

Rogl G., Grytsiv A., Buršík J., Horký J., Anbalagan R., Bauer E., Mallik R., Rogl P., Zehetbauer M.: Changes in microstructure and physical properties of skutterudites after severe plastic deformation. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 3715-3722

Sopoušek J., Zobač O., Vykoukal V., Buršík J., Roupcová P., Brož P., Pinkas J., Vřešťál J.: Temperature stability of AgCu nanoparticles. J Nanopart Res 17 (2015) 478

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Svoboda M.: Local Mechanical Properties of Cu-Co Alloys with Coherent Co Precipitates. Key Eng. Mater. 662 (2015) 15-18

Kroupa A., Káňa T., Buršík J., Zemanová A., Šob M.: Modelling of phase diagrams of nanoalloys with complex metallic phases: Application to Ni-Sn. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 28200-28210


Buršíková V., Buršík J., Zábranský L., Vašina P., Souček P., Peřina V.: Study of the Nanoindentation Induced Effects in Nanocomposite. Key Eng. Mater. 606 (2014) 159-162

Sopoušek J., Pinkas J., Brož P., Buršík J., Vykoukal V., Škoda D., Stýskalík A., Zobač O., Vřešťál J., Hrdlička A., Šimbera J.: Ag-Cu Colloid Synthesis: Bimetallic Nanoparticle Characterisation and Thermal Treatment. J. Nanomater. 2014 (2014) 638964

Souček P., Schmidtová T., Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Vašina P., Caha O., Buršík J., Peřina V., Mikšová R., Pei Y., De Hosson J.: On the control of mechanical properties of nc-TiC/a-C:H coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. 255 (2014) 8-14

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Turek I., Čížek J., Procházka I.: Structural and magnetic relaxations of mechanically alloyed Fe-Mo. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 435001

Zobač O., Sopoušek J., Buršík J., Zemanová A., Roupcová P.: Experimental study of the Sb-Sn-Zn alloy system. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 45 (2014) 1181-1188

Štrof J., Pavlů J., Wdowik U., Buršík J., Šob M., Vřešťál J.: Laves phases in the V-Zr system below room temperature: Stability analysis using ab initio results and phase diagram. CALPHAD 44 (2014) 62-69

Mrázek J., Surýnek M., Bakardijeva S., Buršík J., Kašík I.: Synthesis and crystallization mechanism of europium-titanate Eu2Ti2O7. J. Cryst. Growth 391 (2014) 25-32

Buršík J., Král P., Svoboda M., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.: Nanoindentation and microstructural study of Cu-Co alloys after severe plastic deformation. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 720-723

Kováč F., Petryshynets I., Buršík J., Sopko M.: Influence of New System Nano-Inhibitors on the Abnormal Grain Growth with Goss Crystallographic Orientation of Silicon Steels. Mater. Sci. Forum 783-786 (2014) 2579-2584

Falat L., Čiriprová L., Kepič J., Buršík J., Podstranská I.: Correlation between microstructure and creep performance of martensitic/austenitic transition weldment in dependence of its post-weld heat treatment. Eng. Fail. Anal. 40 (2014) 141-152

Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Souček P., Vašina P., Gardelka T., Sťahel P., Caha O., Peřina V., Buršík J.: Study of the thermal dependence of mechanical properties, chemical composition and structure of nanocomposite TiC/a-C:H coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. 242 (2014) 62-67

Žemlička R., Jílek M., Vogl P., Souček P., Buršíková V., Buršík J., Vašina P.: Understanding of hybrid PVD-PECVD process with aim of growing hard nc-TiC/a-C:H coatings using industrial devices with a rotating cylindrical magnetron. Surf. Coat. Technol. 255 (2014) 118-123

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Životský O., Cuda J.: Influence of Fe2O3 on alloying and magnetic properties of Fe-Al . Mater. Sci. Eng. B 186 (2014) 73-78

Wind J., Romaniv O., Schöllhammer G., Buršík J., Michor H., Giester G., Rogl P.: The systems Tantalum(Niobium)-Cobalt-Boron. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 35 (2014) 43-85

Sopoušek J., Vřešťál J., Pinkas J., Brož P., Buršík J., Stýskalík A., Škoda D., Zobač O., Lee J.: Cu-Ni nanoalloy phase diagram - Prediction and experiment. CALPHAD 45 (2014) 33-39

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Svoboda M., Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.: Microstructure and local mechanical properties of Cu-Co alloys after severe plastic deformation. Key Eng. Mater. 586 (2014) 100-103

Titov A., Životský O., Jirásková Y., Hendrych A., Buršík J., Švec P.: Infuence of Magnetostriction on Cross-Sectional Magnetic Properties in Bilayered Ribbons. IEEE Trans. Magnetics 50 (2014) 6500804

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Turek I., Hapla M., Titov A., Životský O.: Phase and magnetic studies of the high-energy alloyed Ni-Fe. J. Alloys Comp. 594 (2014) 133-140


Životský O., Titov A., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Kalbáčová D., Janickovic D., Švec P.: Full-scale magnetic, microstructural, and physical properties of bilayered CoSiB/FeSiB ribbons. J. Alloys Comp. 581 (2013) 685-692

Brož P., Khan A., Niu H., Chen X., Li D., Vřešťál J., Buršík J., Rogl P.: The system Ta-V-Si: Thermodynamic modeling. J. Solid State Chem. 199 (2013) 171-180

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Turek I.: Nanostructure, Composition, and Magnetic Behavior of Mechanically Alloyed Fe-Mo. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 26 (2013) 1717-1721

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Čížek J., Jančík D.: Solid-state reactions during mechanical milling of Fe-Al under nitrogen atmosphere. J. Alloys Comp. 568 (2013) 106-111

Malík Z., Grytsiv A., Rogl P., Giester G., Buršík J.: Phase relations and structural features in the system Ni-Zn-B. J. Solid State Chem. 198 (2013) 150-161

Jirásková Y., Hendrych A., Životský O., Buršík J., Žák T., Procházka I., Janičkovič D.: Surface magneto-optical and Mössbauer observations of Fe-Al. Appl. Surf. Sci. 276 (2013) 68-75

Životský O., Klimsa L., Hendrych A., Jirásková Y., Buršík J.: A New Phenomenon on the Surface of FINEMET Alloy. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 26 (2013) 1349-1352


Buršík J., Buršíková V., Pešina Z., Sopoušek J.: Mechanical properties and microstructure of model lead-free joints for electronics made with use of nanopowders. Chem. Listy 106 (2012) 390-392

Khan A., Buršík J., Rogl P.: Phase relations and crystal structures in the system Ta-V-Ge. Dalton Trans. 41 (2012) 6206-6214

Kratochvíl P., Dobeš F., Pešička J., Málek P., Buršík J., Vodičková V., Hanus P.: Microstructure and high temperature mechanical properties of Zr-alloyed Fe3Al-type aluminides: The effect of carbon. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 548 (2012) 175-182

Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Buršík J., Vašina P., Souček P., Caha O., Jílek M., Peřina V.: Study of the indentation response of nanocomposite n-TiC/a-C:H coatings. Chem. Listy 106 (2012) 1508-1511

Souček P., Schmidtová T., Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Vašina P., Caha O., Jílek M., Mel A., Tessier P., Schäfer J., Buršík J., Peřina V., Mikšová R.: Evaluation of composition, mechanical properties and structure of nc-TiC/a-C:H coatings prepared by balanced magnetron sputtering. Surf. Coat. Technol. 211 (2012) 111-116

Meduňa M., Caha O., Buršík J.: Studies of influence of high temperature preannealing on oxygen precipitation in CZ Si wafers. J. Cryst. Growth 348 (2012) 53-59

Sopoušek J., Buršík J., Zálešák J., Pešina Z.: Silver nanoparticles sintering at low temperature on a copper substrate: in situ characterisation under inert atmosphere and air. J. Mining Metall. B 48 (2012) 63-71

Khan A., Brož P., Niu H., Buršík J., Grytsiv A., Chen X., Giester G., Rogl P.: The system Ta-V-Si: Crystal structure and phase equilibria. J. Solid State Chem. 187 (2012) 114-123

Životský O., Jirásková Y., Hendrych A., Matějka V., Klimsa L., Buršík J.: Influence of Annealing Temperature and Atmosphere on Surface. IEEE Trans. Magnetics 48 (2012) 1367-1370

Životský O., Hendrych A., Klimsa L., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Gómez J., Janickovic D.: Surface microstructure and magnetic behavior in FeSiB amorphous ribbons from magneto-optical Kerr effect. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324 (2012) 569-577

Souček P., Vřešťál J., Zemanová A., Buršík J.: Phase diagram prediction and particle characterization of Sn-Ag nano alloy for low melting point lead-free solders. J. Mining Metall. B 48 (2012) 419-425

Milcheva N., Brož P., Buršík J., Vassilev G.: Thermochemical and phase diagram studies of the Bi-Ni-Sn system. Thermochimica Acta 534 (2012) 41-50

Meduňa M., Růžička J., Caha O., Buršík J., Svoboda M.: Precipitation in silicon wafers after high temperature preanneal studied by X-ray diffraction methods. Physica B 407 (2012) 3002-3005


Buršíková V., Bláhová O., Karásková M., Zajíčková L., Jašek O., Franta D., Klapetek P., Buršík J.: Mechanical properties of ultrananocrystalline thin films deposited using dual frequency discharges. Chem. Listy 105 (2011) s98-s101

Sopoušek J., Buršík J., Zálešák J., Buršíková V., Brož P.: Interaction of silver nanopowder with copper substrate. Sci. Sintering 43 (2011) 33-38

Buršík J., Sopoušek J., Buršíková V., Stýskalík A., Škoda D.: Characterization of sintered Ag nanopowder joints using nanoindentation tests. Chem. Listy 105 (2011) s777-s778

Buršík J.: Elastic parameters of various rafted structures of model Ni-base alloys. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 85-88

Stratil L., Hadraba H., Buršík J., Dlouhý I.: Comparison of microstructural properties and Charpy impact behaviour between different plates of the Eurofer97 steel and effect of isothermal ageing. J. Nucl. Mater. 416 (2011) 311-317

Khan A., Buršík J., Grytsiv A., Pomjakushin V., Effenberger H., Rogl P.: Crystal structure of t5-TiNi2-xAl5 (x = 0.48) and isotypic {Zr,Hf}Ni2-xAl5-y. Intermetallics 19 (2011) 1340-1347

Buršík J.: Modelling of hardness distribution curves obtained on two-phase materials by grid indentation technique. Chem. Listy 105 (2011) s660-s663

Vašina P., Souček P., Schmidtová T., Eliáš M., Buršíková V., Jílek M., Jílek M., Schäfer J., Buršík J.: Depth profile analyses of nc-TiC/a-C:H coating prepared by balanced magnetron sputtering. Surf. Coat. Technol. 205 (2011) S53-S56

Gandova V., Brož P., Buršík J., Vassilev G.: Thermochemical and phase diagram studies of the Sn-Zn-Ni system. Thermochimica Acta 524 (2011) 47-55

Priputen P., Černičková I., Kusý M., Llleková E., Švec P., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Dolinšek J., Janovec J.: A study of phase transformations in complex metallic alloys Al 73Mn23Pd4and Al73Mn 21Pd6. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 302-305

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Tuček J.: Phase and microstructural analysis of hot rolled FeNi42 sheet, its response in magnetic and mechanical properties. Steel Res. Int. 82 (2011) 898-904

Caha O., Bernatová S., Meduňa M., Svoboda M., Buršík J.: Study of oxide precipitates in silicon using X-ray diffraction techniques. Phys. Stat. Sol. A 208 (2011) 2587-2590

Number of ProjectName
8J19AT011 High entropy Half-Heusler thermoelectric materials with high efficiency
17-12844S Thermal and phase stability of advanced thermoelectric materials
15-17875S Local microstructural changes induced by static and dynamic indentation in nanostructured and nanolaminate coatings
7AMB15AT002 Spinodal Decomposition in Half-Heusler Alloys: A nanostructuring route towards high efficiency thermoelectric materials
202/09/1013 Nucleation and growth of oxygen precipitates in silicon
106/09/0700 Thermodynamics and microstructure of environmentally friendly nanoparticle solders
202/05/0607 Synthesis of carbon micro- and nanostructures by plasma technologies