Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Sklenička Václav

prof. Ing. Václav Sklenička, DrSc.

Phone number+420 532 290 454
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDG-7077-2014
Positionresearcher - Advanced High-temperature Materials Group


Dvořák J., Král P., Sklenička V., Kvapilová M., Šifner J., Koula V., Ohanková M.: Study of creep damage in P92 steel using acoustic emission. Procedia Struct. Integr. 52 (2024) 259 -266

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Vrtílková V., Krejčí J.: Thermal creep in a pre-hydrided Zr1 % Nb nuclear fuel cladding tube. J. Nucl. Mater. 596 (2024) 155084

Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Kadomtsev A., Sklenička V.: Enhancement of creep lifetime of aluminum through severe plastic deformation. Crystals 14 (2024) 230


Sklenička V., Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Kuchařová K.: Creep in nanostructured materials. Mater. Trans. 64 (2023) 1566-1574

Ohanková M., Čmakal J., Junek M., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.: Root cause of embrittlement of in-service exposed high pressure steam pipeline. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 300-305

Dvořák J., Král P., Kadomtsev A., Betekhtin V., Narykova M., Sklenička V., Kvapilová M.: Creep and microstructure stability of different purity aluminium and its alloy processed by ECAP method. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 2572 (2023) 012004

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Vrtílková V., Krejčí J.: Investigation of the thermal creep behaviour of non-irradiated Zr1%Nb cladding alloys between 623 and 1223K. J. Nucl. Mater. 583 (2023) 154518


Kvapilová M., Ohanková M., Král P., Dvořák J., Kuchařová K., Čmakal J., Sklenička V.: Characterization of creep properties and the microstructure of a service-exposed low alloy CrMoV steel steam pipe. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 853 (2022) 143684

Edalati K., Bachmaier A., Beloshenko V., Beygelzimer Y., Blank V., Botta W., Bryla K., Čížek J., Divinski S., Enikeev N., Estrin Y., Faraji G., Figueiredo R., Fuji M., Furuta T., Grosdidier T., Gubicza J., Hohenwarter A., Král P., Sklenička V.: Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances. Materials Research Letters 10 (2022) 163-256

Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Horita Z., Takizawa Y., Tang Y., Král L., Kvapilová M., Roupcová P., Horváth J.: Creep Resistance of S304H Austenitic Steel Processed by High-Pressure Sliding. Materials 15 (2022) 331

Betekhtin V., Kadomtsev A., Narykova M., Amosová O., Kolobov Y., Sklenička V., Dvořák J.: Effect of the Structural State and Oxide Coating on the Mechanostability of VT1-0 Titanium upon Its Cyclic Loading. Physics of the Solid State 1 (2022) 1901-1905

Dvořák J., Král P., Kadomtsev A., Betekhtin V., Narykova M., Kvapilová M., Sklenička V.: Influence of Cryo-Processing and Post-SPD Annealing on Creep Behavior of CP Titanium. Materials 15 (2022) 1646

Dvořák J., Král P., Kadomtsev A., Betekhtin V., Narykova M., Kvapilová M., Sklenička V.: Influence of processing technology on creep damage of ultrafine grained titanium. Key Eng. Mater. 923 (2022) 93-98


Sklenička V., Král P., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J., Kloc L.: Thermal creep fracture of a Zr1%Nb cladding alloy in the alpha and (alpha+beta) phase regions. J. Nucl. Mater. 553 (2021) 152950

Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Masuda T., Tang Y., Horita Z., Kunčická L., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: Effect of severe plastic deformation on creep behaviour and microstructure changes of P92 at 923 K. Kovové materiály 59 (2021) 141 -148

Král P., Dvořák J., Kunčická L., Kocich R., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M., Sklenička V.: Influence of Rotary Swaging on Creep Behaviour of P92 Steel. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1190 (2021) 012033

Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Horita Z., Takizawa Y., Tang Y., Kunčická L., Kvapilová M., Ohanková M.: Influence of High Pressure Sliding and Rotary Swaging on Creep Behavior of P92 Steel at 500 °C. Metals 11 (2021) 2044

Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.: High Temperature Creep Behaviour of Cast Nickel-Based Superalloys INC 713 LC, B1914 and MAR-M247. Metals 11 (2021) 152

Sklenička V., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M., Dvořák J., Král P., Kuchařová K., Čmakal J.: Aplikace empirických vztahů pro predikci creepového chování a životnosti vysokoteplotních materiálů. Životnost komponent energetických zařízení 16 (2021) 107-112

Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Horita Z., Takizawa Y., Tang Y., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: Microstructure changes occurring in heat-resistant steels during severe plastic deformation and subsequent creep. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1178 (2021) 012033

Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Horita Z., Takizawa Y., Tang Y., Kunčická L., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: Influence of severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing on creep behaviour of martensitic 9% Cr steel . METAL 2021 Conf. Proc. 2021 (2021) 429-434

Sklenička V., Dvořák J., Král P., Betekhtin V., Kadomtsev A., Narykova M., Dobatkin S., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M.: Influence of a prior pressurization treatment on creep behaviour of an ultrafine-grained Zr-2.5%Nb alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 820 (2021) 141570

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J.: The transition from the power-law to the power-law breakdown regimes in thermal creep of Zr1%Nb cladding alloys. Kovové materiály 59 (2021) 279-289

Král P., Dvořák J., Král L., Sklenička V., Horita Z., Takizawa Y., Tang Y., Kunčická L., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: Paper 035: Creep behaviour and microstructure changes of heat resistant steel P92 processed by severe plastic deformation. ECCC 2021, 5th Int. Creep and Fract. Conf. 2021 (2021) 123-132

Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Král P., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M., Šifner J., Koula V.: Studie odhadu creepového poškození oceli pro energetická zařízení. Životnost komponent energetických zařízení 16 (2021) 93-99

Dvořák J., Kadomtsev A., Betekhtin V., Sklenička V., Král P., Kvapilová M.: Creep behaviour of ultrafine-grained CP titanium processed by multipass rolling. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1178 (2021) 012013


Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J., Král P.: Creep behaviour of unreinforced and reinforced QE22 magnesium alloy: A comparison. Kovové materiály 58 (2020) 71-82

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M., Král P., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J.: The Creep Resistance of Short-Fibre Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. Structural. Integr. 16 (2020) 93-99

Král P., Blum W., Dvořák J., Yurchenko N., Stepanov N., Zherebtsov S., Kunčická L., Kvapilová M., Sklenička V.: Creep behavior of an AlTiVNbZr0.25 high entropy alloy at 1073 K. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 783 (2020) 139291

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Kloc L., Dvořák J., Král P.: High-Temperature Creep Tests of Two Creep-Resistant Materials at Constant Stress and Constant Load. Key Eng. Mater. 827 (2020) 246-251

Sklenička V., Král P., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J.: Damage and fracture in creep of a cladding alloy Zr 1% Nb of the VVER reactor-type. Zvyšování životnosti komponent energetických zařízení v elektrárnách 15. (2020) 147-152

Král P., Dvořák J., Blum W., Sklenička V., Horita Z., Takizawa Y., Tang Y., Kunčická L., Kocich R., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: The Effect of Predeformation on Creep Strength of 9% Cr Steel. Materials 13 (2020) 5330

Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Horita Z., Takizawa Y., Tang Y., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: Effect of ultrafine-grained microstructure on creep behaviour in 304L austenitic steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 785 (2020) 139383

Sklenička V., Král P., Dvořák J., Takizawa Y., Masuda T., Horita Z., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: Effects of Grain Refinement and Predeformation Impact by Severe Plastic Deformation on Creep in P92 Martensitic Steel. Adv. Eng. Mater. 22 (2020) 1900448


Kvapilová M., Sklenička V., Král P., Dvořák J.: High Temperature Creep Properties of Cast Cobalt-Based Superalloys: A Comparison. Procedia Struct. Integr. 8 (2019) 39-44

Blum W., Dvořák J., Král P., Eisenlohr P., Sklenička V.: Strain Rate Contribution due to Dynamic Recovery of Ultrafine-Grained Cu-Zr as Evidenced by Load Reductions during Quasi-Stationary Deformation at 0.5 Tm. Metals 9 (2019) 1150

Král P., Kvapilová M., Sklenička V., Zýka J., Čmakal J., Hrbáček K.: Microstructure and damage processes in a nickel-based alloy exposed to molten glass. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 287-292

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M., Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J.: Creep behaviour of IN 740 alloy after HAZ thermal cycle simulations. Int. J. Pres. Ves. Pip. 178 (2019) 104000

Král P., Staněk J., Kunčická L., Seitl F., Petrich L., Schmidt V., Beneš V., Sklenička V.: Microstructure changes in HPT-processed copper occurring at room temperature. Mater. Character. 151 (2019) 602-611

Kloc L., Sklenička V., Dymáček P.: Transient Effects in Creep of Sanicro 25 Austenitic Steel and Their Modelling. Metals 9 (2019) 245

Blum W., Dvořák J., Král P., Eisenlohr P., Sklenička V.: Quasi-Stationary Strength of ECAP-Processed Cu-Zr at 0.5 Tm. Metals 9 (2019) 1149

Watanabe K., Ashida M., Masuda T., Král P., Takizawa Y., Yumoto M., Otagiri Y., Sklenička V., Hanawa T., Horita Z.: Production of Superplastic Ti­6Al­7Nb Alloy Using High-Pressure Sliding Process. Mater. Trans. 60 (2019) 1785-1791

Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Langdon T.: The Characteristics of Creep in Metallic Materials Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation. Mater. Trans. 60 (2019) 1506-1517

Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Král P., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M., Šifner J., Koula V.: Detekce poruch pomocí akustické emise (AE) v podmínkách vysokoteplotního creepu. Zvyšování životnosti komponent energetických zařízení v elektrárnách 14 (2019) 75-80

Kvapilová M., Dvořák J., Král P., Hrbáček K., Sklenička V.: Creep behaviour and life assessment of a cast nickel - base superalloy MAR - M247. High Temp. Mater. Proc. 38 (2019) 590-600


Sklenička V., Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J., Svoboda M., Podhorná B., Zýka J., Hrbáček K., Joch A.: Degradation processes in high-temperature creep of cast cobalt-based superalloys. Mater. Character. 144 (2018) 479-489

Kloc L., Sklenička V., Dymáček P., Plešek J.: New creep constitutive equation for finite element modelling including transient effects. Mech. Mater. 119 (2018) 49-55

Kvapilová M., Podhorná B., Dvořák J., Král P., Zýka J., Hrbáček K., Sklenička V.: Creep Damage Mechanisms in Cast Cobalt Superalloys for Applications in Glass Industry. Key Eng. Mater. 774 (2018) 173-178

Dvořák J., Král P., Kvapilová M., Hrbáček K., Sklenička V.: HIGH - TEMPERATURE CREEP BEHAVIOUR OF CAST COBALT-BASE SUPERALLOYS. METAL 2018 Conf. Proc. 2018 (2018) 530-535

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svobodová M., Král P., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J.: The effect of a prior short-term ageing on mechanical and creep properties of P92 steel. Mater. Character. 136 (2018) 388-397

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M.: Creep behaviour and microstructure evolution of advanced creep-resistant 9%Cr martensitic steels under cyclic thermal loading. Kovové materiály 56 (2018) 1-13

Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Masuda T., Horita Z., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: The Effect of Ultrafine-Grained Microstructure on Creep Behaviour of 9% Cr Steel. Materials 11 (2018) 787

Kloc L., Dymáček P., Sklenička V.: High temperature creep of Sanicro 25 austenitic steel at low stresses. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 722 (2018) 88-92

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Kloc L., Dvořák J., Král P.: Interrelationship between Creep Deformation and Damage for Advanced Creep-Resistant Steels. Key Eng. Mater. 774 (2018) 119-124

Blum W., Dvořák J., Král P., Sklenička V.: Dynamic grain coarsening in creep of pure Cu at 0.42Tm after predeformation by ECAP. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 731 (2018) 520-529

Král P., Sklenička V., Masuda T., Horita Z., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svobodová M.: Microstructure and creep behaviour of P92 steel after HPT. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 723 (2018) 287-295


Král P., Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svobodová M., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J.: Development of Creep Damage in Similar Weld Joints of P92 Steel Pipe. Solid State Phenom. 270 (2017) 162-167

Blum W., Král P., Dvořák J., Petrenec M., Eisenlohr P., Sklenička V.: In situ study of thermally activated flow and dynamic restoration of ultrafine-grained pure Cu at 373 K. J. Mater. Res. 32 (2017) 1-8

Takizawa Y., Kajita T., Král P., Masuda T., Watanabe K., Yumoto M., Otagiri Y., Sklenička V., Horita Z.: Superplasticity of Inconel 718 after processing by high-pressure sliding (HPS). Mater. Sci. Eng. A 682 (2017) 603-612

Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Blum W., Sklenička V.: The influence of long-term annealing at room temperature on creep behaviour of ECAP-processed copper. Mater. Lett. 188 (2017) 235-238

Betekhtin V., Kadomtsev A., Narykova M., Amosová O., Sklenička V.: Defect Structure and Mechanical Stability of Microcrystalline Titanium . Technical Phys. Lett. 43 (2017) 38-44

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J.: Combination of Experiments and Continuum Damage Mechanics Approach for Prediction of Creep Fracture in an Advanced 9%Cr Steel. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 591-594

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Král P., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J.: Applicability of empirical formulas and fractography for assessment of creep life and creep fracture modes of tempered martensitic 9%Cr steel. Kovové materiály 55 (2017) 69-80

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M., Král P., Dvořák J.: Creep properties of simulated heat-affected zone of HR3C austenitic steel. Mater. Character. 128 (2017) 238-247

Král P., Blum W., Dvořák J., Eisenlohr P., Petrenec M., Sklenička V.: Dynamic restoration of severely predeformed, ultrafine-grained pure Cu at 373 K observed in situ. Mater. Character. 134 (2017) 329-334

Betekhtin V., Sklenička V., Kadomtsev A., Kolobov Y., Narykova M.: Defect Structure and Thermomechanical Stability of Nano- and Microcrystalline Titanium Obtained by Different Methods of Intense Plastic Deformation. Physics of the Solids 59 (2017) 960-966

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Král P.: Creep Damage Tolerance Factor delta of Selected Creep-Resistant Steels. Key Eng. Mater. 754 (2017) 47-50


Král P., Dvořák J., Blum W., Kudryavtsev E., Zherebtsov S., Salischev G., Kvapilová M., Sklenička V.: Creep study of mechanisms involved in low-temperature superplasticity of UFG Ti-6Al-4V processed by SPD. Mater. Character. 116 (2016) 84-90

Král P., Dvořák J., Jäger A., Kvapilová M., Horita Z., Sklenička V.: Creep properties of aluminium processed by ECAP. Kovové materiály 54 (2016) 441-451

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svobodová M., Kvapilová M., Král P., Horváth L.: Creep properties in similar weld joint of a thick-walled P92 steel pipe. Mater. Character. 119 (2016) 1-12

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J.: Creep Damage and Fracture in Advanced Tungsten Modified 9%Cr Ferritic Steel. Key Eng. Mater. 713 (2016) 183-186

Blum W., Dvořák J., Král P., Eisenlohr P., Sklenička V.: Effects of Grain Refinement by ECAP on the Deformation Resistance of Al Interpreted in Terms of Boundary-Mediated Processes. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 32 (2016) 1309-1320

Betekhtin V., Kolobov Y., Golosová O., Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Kardashev B., Narykova M., Ivanov M.: Elastic modulus, microplastic properties and durability of titanium alloys for biomedical applications. Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci 45 (2016) 42-51


Kuchařová K., Sklenička V., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M.: Creep and microstructural processes in a low-alloy 2.25%Cr1.6%W steel (ASTM Grade 23). Mater. Character. 109 (2015) 1-8

Betekhtin V., Kolobov Y., Sklenička V., Kadomtsev A., Narykova M., Dvořák J., Golosov E., Kardashev B., Kuz menko I.: Effect of a defect structure on the static and long-term strength of submicrocrystalline VT1-0 titanium fabricated by plastic deformation during screw and lengthwise rolling. Tech. Phys. 60 (2015) 66-71

Blum W., Dvořák J., Král P., Eisenlohr P., Sklenička V.: Correct Interpretation of Creep Rates: A Case Study of Cu. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 31 (2015) 1065-1068

Betekhtin V., Dvořák J., Kadomtsev A., Kardashev B., Narykova M., Raab G., Sklenička V., Faizová S.: Durability and static strength of microcrystalline titanium VT1-0 obtained by equal-channel angular pressing. Technical Phys. Lett. 41 (2015) 80-82

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M.: Factors influencing creep resistance in discontinuously reinforced magnesium metal matrix composites. Kovové materiály 53 (2015) 221-229

Kvapilová M., Kuchařová K., Kloc L., Sklenička V.: Creep Behaviour of a Zr-1 wt% Nb Alloy at Elevated Temperatures. Acta Phys. Pol. A 128 (2015) 548-551


Blum W., Dvořák J., Král P., Eisenlohr P., Sklenička V.: What is stationary deformation of pure Cu?. J. Mater. Sci. 49 (2014) 2987-2997

Kvapilová M., Dvořák J., Král P., Svoboda M., Sklenička V.: Application of the Monkman-Grant Relationship for Ultrafine-Grained Metallic Materials. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 137-140

Buršík J., Král P., Svoboda M., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.: Nanoindentation and microstructural study of Cu-Co alloys after severe plastic deformation. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 720-723

Blum W., Dvořák J., Král P., Eisenlohr P., Sklenička V.: Effect of grain refinement by ECAP on creep of pure Cu. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 590 (2014) 423-432

Sklenička V., Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M.: Microstructure evolution and creep behavior in ECAP processed metallic materials. Mater. Sci. Forum 783-786 (2014) 2689-2694

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Svoboda M., Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.: Microstructure and local mechanical properties of Cu-Co alloys after severe plastic deformation. Key Eng. Mater. 586 (2014) 100-103


Král P., Dvořák J., Zherebtsov S., Salischev G., Kvapilová M., Sklenička V.: Effect of severe plastic deformation on creep behaviour of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy. J. Mater. Sci. 13 (2013) 4789-4795

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M., Král P., Vidrich G.: Creep in an electrodeposited nickel. J. Mater. Sci. 48 (2013) 4780-4788

Šedivý O., Beneš V., Ponížil P., Král P., Sklenička V.: Quantitative characterization of microstructure of pure copper processed by ECAP. Image Anal. & Stereol. 32 (2013) 65-75

Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Betekhtin V., Kadomtsev A., Král P., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M.: The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on creep behaviour of pure Al and a Cu-0.2 wt% Zr alloy processed by ECAP. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 584 (2013) 103-113


Kvapilová M., Kuchařová K., Sklenička V., Svoboda M., Hrbáček K.: Creep behaviour and microstructure changes of model cast Ni-Cr-W-C alloys. Procedia Eng. 10 (2011) 839-844

Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M., Beneš V., Ponížil P., Šedivý O., Sklenička V.: Quantitative Characterization of Microstructure in Copper Processed by ECAP. Mater. Sci. Forum 667-669 (2011) 235-240

Kvapilová M., Sklenička V., Dvořák J., Král P.: An Evaluation of Creep Mechanisms in Ultrafine-Grained Metals. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 382-385

Number of ProjectName
TH02020477 Experimental research and modelling of modified fuel cladding under LOCA conditions
FV10699 Research and development of nickel and cobalt based superalloys castings
16-09518S Creep damage mechanisms in advanced tungsten modified 9%Cr ferritic steel
TA02011025 Creep and oxidation properties of E110 cladding tube under LOCA temperature transient
TA02010260 Research of materials changes occurring in advanced steels used for construction and reconstruction of pipelines in power and chemical plants
FR-TI4/406 Research of the Influence of Orbital Head Welding Technology of Thick-Walled Tubes/Pipes on their Long-Therm Lifetime in Condition of Modern Power Plants Service
Energy.2009.6.1.1. Material component performance driven solutions for long-term efficiency increase in ultra supercritical power plants (MACPLUS)
2A-1TP1/057 Solutions of materials and technological innovations of new generation power and chemical plants operating at high temperatures
FT-TA2/038 Materials solutions of new generation of heat transfer facilities for power and chemical engineering
COST 563.001, No. 1P05OC007 Microstructural evolution and creep strength in advanced power plant steels
IAA2041301 Creep processes in ultrafine-grained metals and alloys processed by the ECAP technique
A106/02/0608 Long-term microstructural stability and creep behaviour of advanced 9-12%Cr steels
106/99/1649 High-temperature properties of Ni-Cr-W-C systém
COST 522 Creep data prediction for advanced engineering alloys