Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Material component performance driven solutions for long-term efficiency increase in ultra supercritical power plants (MACPLUS)

Material component performance driven solutions for long-term efficiency increase in ultra supercritical power plants (MACPLUS)

Co-investigatorprof. Ing. Václav Sklenička, DrSc.
Number of ProjectEnergy.2009.6.1.1.
AgencyEuropean Commission, FP7
Duration2011-12-31 - 2015-12-30

The MACPLUS project aims to increase the net efficiency of coal fired plants by increasing the performace and reliability of some critical components identified as follow:
- refractory materials of the combustion chamber,
- headers and pipeworks (avoidance of weld Type IV cracking phenomena, working temperature increase),
- super heaters (optimised creep performance in high temperature oxidation/hot corrosion environments),
- coated pipes and boiler components able to withstand co-combustion conditions,
- relevant new scientific and technological know-how in terms of microstructure stability and reduced susceptibility to Type IV cracking mechanisms of advanced martensitic steels, austenitic steels and Ni-base alloys,
- descriptions of creep and creep-fatigue behaviour of metallic materials (and their welded component).


Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M., Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J.: Creep behaviour of IN 740 alloy after HAZ thermal cycle simulations. Int. J. Pres. Ves. Pip. 178 (2019) 104000


Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M., Král P., Dvořák J.: Creep properties of simulated heat-affected zone of HR3C austenitic steel. Mater. Character. 128 (2017) 238-247