Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Svoboda Milan

RNDr. Milan Svoboda, CSc.

Room409, Philips SEM, 401
Phone number+420 532 290 474, +420 532 290 476, +420 532 290 475
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDC-2223-2012
Positionresearcher - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group

Scientific interest
  • Study of microstructure and phase transformations in metallic materials and composites using scanning and transmission electron microscopy and selected analytical methods.

  • 1978-1983: Doctoral degree - Masaryk University, Faculty of Sciences, Solid State Physics
  • 1969-1974: Master’s degree - Masaryk University, Faculty of Sciences, Materials Engineering
Work experiences
  • 2012-2022: Deputy director - Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 2004-2012: Head of Department - Department of Structure, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 1995-2012: Head of research group - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • Since 1984: Researcher - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 1978-1983: Doctoral student - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 1974-1978: Academic Staff - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
International internships
  • 2000: Visiting researcher - Max-Planck Institut fur Eisenforshung GmbH, Dusseldorf, Německo (1 month)
  • 1997: Visiting researcher - Austrian Research Centre, Seibersdorf, Rakousko (1 month)
  • 1995: Visiting researcher - McMaster University, Hamilton, Kanada (1 month)
  • 2011-2014: Principal Investigator - The link between microstructure and creep behaviour of precipitate strengthened alloys processed by ECAP (GACR 108/11/2260 (3132))
  • 2007-2009: Principal Investigator - Quasicrystalline phases in the Al-Pd-TM system (GACR 106/07/1259 (3722))
  • 2003-2005: Co-investigator - The role of the reinforcing phase in magnesium composites (GACR 106/03/0901 (3351))
  • 2002-2004: Co-investigator  - Intelligent welding of components for power engineering, SMARTWELD (5. RP EU, G1RD-CT-2002-09001)
  • 1999-2001: Co-investigator - Influence of phase composition of Mg alloyed with rare earths on the improvements of its utility properties at elevated temperatures (GACR 106/99/0187 (3942))
  • 1997-1999: Co-investigator - Structural stability of weld joints of chromium creep-resistant steels and their degradation during long-term operation (GACR 106/97/1124 (3572))
  • 1995-1997: Principal Investigator - Phase equilibria, phase transformations and structure in Ni-based alloys containing intermetallic phases (GACR 106/95/1528 (3562))
  • 1993-1994: Principal Investigator - Phase transformations at grain boundaries and interfaces in Ni-Cr-Al as a model system for nickel superalloys hardened by intermetallic phases (GACR 106/93/0097 (3042))
  • 2006: Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic "For the successful solution of program and grant projects (2006)"


Gokhman A., Nový Z., Čížek J., Salvetr P., Svoboda M., Kotous J., Motyčka P.: Twinning and precipitation processes in hardened and tempered 54SiCr6 spring steel. J. Mater. Eng. and Performance 34 (2024) 153292


Salvetr P., Gokhman A., Svoboda M., Donik Č., Podstranská I., Kotous J., Nový Z.: Effect of Cu alloying on mechanical properties of medium-C steel after lomg-time tempering at 500 °C. Materials 16 (2023) 2390


Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J., Král P.: Creep behaviour of unreinforced and reinforced QE22 magnesium alloy: A comparison. Kovové materiály 58 (2020) 71-82

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M., Král P., Kvapilová M., Dvořák J.: The Creep Resistance of Short-Fibre Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. Structural. Integr. 16 (2020) 93-99

Sopoušek J., Pinkas J., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Krásenský P.: Continuous Flow Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using Water-in-Oil Microemulsion. Colloid Journal 82 (2020) 727-734

Brož P., Zelenka F., Vřešťál J., Zemanová A., Kroupa A., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Šimoníková L., Pokorný T.: Experimental study and thermodynamic re-assessment of the Co-Sb system. CALPHAD 68 (2020) 101694


Zábranský L., Souček P., Vašina P., Dugáček J., Sťahel P., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Mikšová R., Peřina V., Balázsi K., Cigány Z., Buršíková V.: Microstructural changes of amorphous Mo-B-C coatings upon thermal annealing. Surf. Coat. Technol. 379 (2019) 125052

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M., Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J.: Creep behaviour of IN 740 alloy after HAZ thermal cycle simulations. Int. J. Pres. Ves. Pip. 178 (2019) 104000


Sklenička V., Kvapilová M., Král P., Dvořák J., Svoboda M., Podhorná B., Zýka J., Hrbáček K., Joch A.: Degradation processes in high-temperature creep of cast cobalt-based superalloys. Mater. Character. 144 (2018) 479-489

Souček P., Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Buršík J., Debnárová S., Svoboda M., Peřina V., Vašina P.: Fracture Resistance Enhancement in Hard Mo-B-C Coatings Tailored by Composition and Microstructure. J. Nanomater. 2018 (2018) 5184587

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Svoboda M.: Creep behaviour and microstructure evolution of advanced creep-resistant 9%Cr martensitic steels under cyclic thermal loading. Kovové materiály 56 (2018) 1-13


Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M., Král P., Dvořák J.: Creep properties of simulated heat-affected zone of HR3C austenitic steel. Mater. Character. 128 (2017) 238-247

Zábranský L., Buršíková V., Souček P., Vašina P., Dugáček J., Sťahel P., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Peřina V.: Thermal stability of hard nanocomposite Mo-B-C coatings. Vacuum 138 (2017) 199-204


Kuchařová K., Sklenička V., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M.: Creep and microstructural processes in a low-alloy 2.25%Cr1.6%W steel (ASTM Grade 23). Mater. Character. 109 (2015) 1-8

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Svoboda M.: Local Mechanical Properties of Cu-Co Alloys with Coherent Co Precipitates. Key Eng. Mater. 662 (2015) 15-18

Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M.: Factors influencing creep resistance in discontinuously reinforced magnesium metal matrix composites. Kovové materiály 53 (2015) 221-229


Konečná R., Nicoletto G., Kunz L., Svoboda M., Bača A.: Fatigue strength degradation of AlSi12CuNiMg alloy due to high temperature exposure: a structural investigation. Procedia Eng. 74 (2014) 43-46

Buršík J., Buršíková V., Svoboda M., Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.: Microstructure and local mechanical properties of Cu-Co alloys after severe plastic deformation. Key Eng. Mater. 586 (2014) 100-103

Sklenička V., Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M.: Microstructure evolution and creep behavior in ECAP processed metallic materials. Mater. Sci. Forum 783-786 (2014) 2689-2694

Kvapilová M., Dvořák J., Král P., Svoboda M., Sklenička V.: Application of the Monkman-Grant Relationship for Ultrafine-Grained Metallic Materials. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 137-140

Buršík J., Král P., Svoboda M., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.: Nanoindentation and microstructural study of Cu-Co alloys after severe plastic deformation. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 720-723


Sklenička V., Kuchařová K., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M., Král P., Vidrich G.: Creep in an electrodeposited nickel. J. Mater. Sci. 48 (2013) 4780-4788

Dvořák J., Sklenička V., Betekhtin V., Kadomtsev A., Král P., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M.: The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on creep behaviour of pure Al and a Cu-0.2 wt% Zr alloy processed by ECAP. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 584 (2013) 103-113


Meduňa M., Růžička J., Caha O., Buršík J., Svoboda M.: Precipitation in silicon wafers after high temperature preanneal studied by X-ray diffraction methods. Physica B 407 (2012) 3002-3005


Caha O., Bernatová S., Meduňa M., Svoboda M., Buršík J.: Study of oxide precipitates in silicon using X-ray diffraction techniques. Phys. Stat. Sol. A 208 (2011) 2587-2590

Priputen P., Černičková I., Kusý M., Llleková E., Švec P., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Dolinšek J., Janovec J.: A study of phase transformations in complex metallic alloys Al 73Mn23Pd4and Al73Mn 21Pd6. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 302-305

Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M., Beneš V., Ponížil P., Šedivý O., Sklenička V.: Quantitative Characterization of Microstructure in Copper Processed by ECAP. Mater. Sci. Forum 667-669 (2011) 235-240

Falat L., Výrostková A., Svoboda M., Milkovič O.: The influence of PWHT regime on microstructure and creep rupture behaviour of dissimilar T92/TP316H ferritic/austenitic welded joints. Kovové materiály 49 (2011) 417-426

Kvapilová M., Kuchařová K., Sklenička V., Svoboda M., Hrbáček K.: Creep behaviour and microstructure changes of model cast Ni-Cr-W-C alloys. Procedia Eng. 10 (2011) 839-844

Number of ProjectName
P108/11/2260 The link between microstructure and creep behaviour of precipitate strengthened alloys processed by ECAP
106/07/1259 Quasicrystalline phases in the Al-Pd-TM system