Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Hutař Pavel

prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.

Phone number+420 532 290 351
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Researcher IDB-2957-2009
Positionhead - Department of Mechanical Properties, researcher - High Cycle Fatigue Group

Scientific interest
Fatigue of materials and lifetime estimation, fracture mechanics, general singular stress concentrators, generalized fracture mechanics, computational mechanics.

  • 1995-2000 Master Studies Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, branch Applied Mechanics
  • 2000-2004 Postgraduate Studies Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, branch Engineering Mechanics
  • 2004-2005 CEA, Paris Postdoctoral Position, Commissariat a l`Energie Atomique (CEA), DEN/DMN/SRMA, France
  • 2005-2011 FME, Brno University of Technology External Lecturer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
  • Since 2005 IPM Czech Academy of Sciencies Research Fellow, High Cycle Fatigue Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciencies
  • 2011 - 2023 FME, Brno University of Technology Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics
  • 2011-2022 IPM Czech Academy of Sciencies Head of High Cycle Fatigue Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciencies
  • 2012 -2017 IPM Czech Academy of Sciencies Vice-chairman of Supervisory Board, Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciencies
  • since 2017 METHODOLOGY 17+ Member of the panel of evaluators in the area 2. Engineering and Technology
  • since 2017 IPM Czech Academy of Sciencies Member of Board of the Institution, Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciencies
  • since 2020 National Innovation Platform Member of the National Innovation Platform in the field of Transport for the 21st century
  • since 2022 IPM Czech Academy of Sciencies Head of Department of Mechanical Properties, Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciencies
  • since 2022 Czech Academy of Sciencies Member of the Academic Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciencies
  • since 2023 FME, Brno University of Technology Professor, FSI BUT in Brno – Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics


Vojtek T., Kubíček R., Pokorný P., Hutař P.: Misconception of the use of 2D plane stress solutions for free surfaces of cracked bodies and its significance for full field measurement techniques. Adv. Eng. Mater. 26 (2024) 2400367

Kubíček R., Vojtek T., Jambor M., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Pokluda J., Hutař P.: Solution to the problem of low sensitivity of crack closure models to material properties. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 130 (2024) 104243

Dlhý P., Peter O., Fajkoš R., Pokorný P., Hutař P., Jambor M.: Numerical investigation of the critical areas of the freight train wheel web. Strojnicky casopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 74 (2024) 15-26

Kubíček R., Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Equations for efficient cycle-by-cycle computation of fatigue crack retardation and acceleration due to amplitude changes. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 133 (2024) 104547


Trávníček L., Poduška J., Kučera J., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Comparison of fatigue performance of polyethylene pipe grades in the form of extruded and compression molded specimens. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 148-153

Kozáková K., Trávníček L., Klusák J., Poduška J., Hutař P.: The influence of different notches on fatigue lifetime of round bar specimens made of HDPE. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 23 (2023) 1-4

Jambor M., Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Koutný D., Náhlík L., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Anomalous fatigue crack propagation behavior in near-threshold region of L-PBF prepared austenitic stainless steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 872 (2023) 144982

Trávníček L., Poduška J., Messiha M., Arbeiter F., Pinter G., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Effect of recycled material on failure by slow crack growth in multi-layer polyethylene pipes. Eng. Fract. Mech. 289 (2023) 109423

Oplt T., Vojtek T., Kubíček R., Pokorný P., Hutař P.: Numerical modelling of fatigue crack closure and its implication on crack front curvature using deltaCTODp. Int. J. Fatigue 171 (2023) 107570


Dlhý P., Poduška J., Pokorný P., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Kajánek D., Fajkoš R., Hutař P.: Estimation of residual stress distribution in railway axles. Eng. Fail. Anal. 135 (2022) 106142

Dlhý P., Poduška J., Pokorný P., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Residual stress determination by the layer removal and X-ray diffraction measurement correction method. MethodsX 9 (2022) 101768

Kubíček R., Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Hutař P.: Sensitivity of numerically modelled crack closure to material. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 911-918

Slávik O., Vojtek T., Poczklán L., Tinoco Navarro H., Kruml T., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Improved description of low-cycle fatigue behaviour of 316L steel under axial, torsional and combined loading using plastic J-integral. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 118 (2022) 103212

Jambor M., Pokorný P., Trško L., Oplt T., Jacková M., Hutař P.: Microstructure and the fatigue crack propagation in the dissimilar low alloy/stainless steel GMAW welded joints. Mater. Character. 191 (2022) 112119

Tinoco Navarro H., Fintová S., Heikkita I., Herrero D., Vuoristo T., Dlouhý I., Hutař P.: Experimental and numerical study of micromechanical damage induced by MnS-based inclusions. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 856 (2022) 144009


Tinoco Navarro H., Holzer J., Pikálek T., Sobota J., Fořt T., Matějka M., Kruml T., Hutař P.: Determination of the yield stress in Al thin film by applying bulge test. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1777 (2021) 012030

Tinoco Navarro H., Hutař P., Kruml T., Holzer J.: Modeling of elastoplastic behavior of freestanding square thin films under bulge testing. Acta Mech. 232 (2021) 2715-2731

Fintová S., Dlhý P., Mertová K., Chlup Z., Duchek M., Procházka R., Hutař P.: Fatigue properties of UFG Ti grade 2 dental implant vs. conventionally tested smooth specimens. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 123 (2021) 104715

Trávníček L., Kuběna I., Mazánová V., Vojtek T., Polák J., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Advantageous Description of Short Fatigue Crack Growth Rates in Austenitic Stainless Steels with Distinct Properties. Metals 11 (2021) 475

Gosch A., Arbeiter F., Berer M., Vojtek T., Hutař P., Pinter G.: Fatigue characterization of polyethylene under mixed mode I/III conditions. Int. J. Fatigue 145 (2021) 106084

Frank A., Messiha M., Koch T., Poduška J., Hutař P., Arbeiter F., Pinter G.: Correlation of the cyclic cracked round bar test and hydrostatic pressure test for unplasticized polyvinylchloride. Polymer Testing 95 (2021) 107125

Dlhý P., Poduška J., Berer M., Gosch A., Slávik O., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Crack Propagation Analysis of Compression Loaded Rolling Elements. Materials 14 (2021) 2656

Hu Y., Wu S., Withers P., Cao H., Chen P., Zhang Y., Shen Z., Vojtek T., Hutař P.: Corrosion fatigue lifetime assessment of high-speed railway axle EA4T steel with artificial scratch. Eng. Fract. Mech. 245 (2021) 107558

Madia M., Vojtek T., Duarte L., Zerbst U., Pokorný P., Jambor M., Hutař P.: Determination of fatigue crack propagation thresholds for steel in presence of environmental effects. Int. J. Fatigue 153 (2021) 106449

Pokorný P., Vojtek T., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Effect of Underload Cycles on Oxide-Induced Crack Closure Development in Cr-Mo Low-Alloy Steel. Materials 14 (2021) 2530


Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Oplt T., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Herrero D., Hutař P.: Classically determined effective deltaK fails to quantify crack growth rates. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 108 (2020) 102608

Fintová S., Pokorný P., Fajkoš R., Hutař P.: EA4T railway axle steel fatigue behavior under very high-frequency fatigue loading. Eng. Fail. Anal. 115 (2020) 104668

Gosch A., Berer M., Hutař P., Slávik O., Vojtek T., Arbeiter F., Pinter G.: Mixed Mode I/III fatigue fracture characterization of Polyoxymethylene. Int. J. Fatigue 130 (2020) 105269

Oplt T., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Numerical simulations of semi-elliptical fatigue crack propagation. AIP Conference Proceedings 2309 (2020) 020005

Šmíd M., Horník V., Kunz L., Hrbáček K., Hutař P.: High Cycle Fatigue Data Transferability of MAR-M 247 Superalloy from Separately Cast Specimens to Real Gas Turbine Blade. Metals 10 (2020) 1460-1476

Tinoco Navarro H., Hutař P., Merle B., Göken M., Kruml T.: Fracture Toughness Evaluation of a Cracked Au Thin Film by Applying a Finite Element Analysis and Bulge Test. Key Eng. Mater. 827 (2020) 196-202

Arbeiter F., Trávníček L., Petersmann S., Dlhý P., Spoerk M., Pinter G., Hutař P.: Damage tolerance-based methodology for fatigue lifetime estimation of a structural component produced by material extrusion-based additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing 36 (2020) 101730

Pokorný P., Dlhý P., Poduška J., Fajkoš R., Vojtek T., Náhlík L., Grasso M., Hutař P.: Influence of heat treatment-induced residual stress on residual fatigue life of railway axles. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 109 (2020) 102732

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Palán J., Mertová K., Duchek M., Hutař P., Pastorek F., Kunz L.: Influence of sandblasting and acid etching on fatigue properties of ultra-fine grained Ti grade 4 for dental implants. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 111 (2020) 104016

Šebestová H., Horník P., Mrňa L., Jambor M., Horník V., Pokorný P., Hutař P., Ambrož O., Doležal P.: Fatigue properties of laser and hybrid laser-TIG welds of thermo-mechanically rolled steels. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 772 (2020) 138780


Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Kuběna I., Náhlík L., Fajkoš R., Hutař P.: Quantitative dependence of oxide-induced crack closure on air humidity for railway axle steel. Int. J. Fatigue 123 (2019) 213-224

Dlhý P., Poduška J., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Fajkoš R., Hutař P.: Methodology for estimation of residual stresses in hardened railway axle. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 185-190

Tinoco Navarro H., Cardona C., Vojtek T., Hutař P.: Finite Element Analysis of Crack-tip Opening Displacement and Plastic Zones Considering the Cyclic Material Behavior. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 529-534

Slávik O., Hutař P., Gosch A., Berer M., Vojtek T., Arbeiter F., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Fatigue Crack Propagation under Mixed Mode I and III in Polyoxymethelene Homopolymer. Key Eng. Mater. 827 (2019) 404-409

Oplt T., Hutař P., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Chlup Z., Berto F.: Effect of the free surface on the fatigue crack front curvature at high stress asymmetry. Int. J. Fatigue 118 (2019) 249-261

Horník V., Fintová S., Šmíd M., Hutař P., Hrbáček K., Kunz L.: Fatigue properties of B1914 superalloy at high temperatures. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 191-196

Poduška J., Hutař P., Frank A., Kučera J., Sadílek J., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Soil Load on Plastic Pipe and its Influence on Lifetime. Strojnicky casopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69 (2019) 101-106

Oplt T., Šebík M., Berto F., Náhlík L., Pokorný P., Hutař P.: Strategy of plasticity induced crack closure numerical evaluation. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 102 (2019) 59-69

Poduška J., Dlhý P., Hutař P., Frank A., Kučera J., Sadílek J., Náhlík L.: Design of plastic pipes considering content of recycled material. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 293-298

Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Herrero D., Hutař P.: Crack Closure in the Near-threshold Region in Metallic Materials. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 481-486

Horník V., Fintová S., Šmíd M., Hutař P., Hrbáček K., Kunz L.: Interaction of fatigue and creep in MAR-M 247 superalloy. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 197-202

Tinoco Navarro H., Holzer J., Pikálek T., Buchta Z., Lazar J., Chlupová A., Kruml T., Hutař P.: Determination of elastic parameters of Si3N4 thin films by means of a numerical approach and bulge tests. Thin Solid Films 672 (2019) 66-74

Oplt T., Hutař P., Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Berto F.: Numerical evaluation of plasticity induced crack closure in 3D structures. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 101-106

Frank A., Arbeiter F., Berger I., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Pinter G.: Fracture Mechanics Lifetime Prediction of Polyethylene Pipes. J. Pipeline Syst. Eng. Pract., 10 (2019) 04018030

Poduška J., Hutař P., Frank A., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Lifetime Calculation of Soil-Loaded Non-Pressure Polymer Pipes. Key Eng. Mater. 827 (2019) 141-146


Dlhý P., Poduška J., Náhlík L., Berer M., Gosch A., Pinter G., Hutař P.: Compression-Loaded Cracked Cylinder - Stress Intensity Factor Evaluation. Key Eng. Mater. 774 (2018) 331-336

Slávik O., Hutař P., Berer M., Gosch A., Arbeiter F., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Numerical Modelling of Cylindrical Specimen under Mixed-Mode Loading Conditions. Key Eng. Mater. 774 (2018) 325-330

Poduška J., Hutař P., Frank A., Kučera J., Sadílek J., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Numerical simulations of cracked round bar test: Effect of residual stresses and crack asymmetry. Eng. Fract. Mech. 203 (2018) 18-31

Náhlík L., Štegnerová K., Hutař P.: Estimation of critical applied stress for crack initiation from a sharp V-notch. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 93 (2018) 247-262


Pokorný P., Vojtek T., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Crack closure in near-threshold fatigue crack propagation in railway axle steel EA4T. Eng. Fract. Mech. 185 (2017) 2-19

Štegnerová K., Majer Z., Hutař P., Náhlík L.: 3D Model of Crack Propagation in Particulate Ceramic Composite Containing Residual Stresses. Key Eng. Mater. 754 (2017) 103-106

Hutař P., Poduška J., Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Chlupová A., Náhlík L., Polák J., Kruml T.: Short fatigue crack behaviour under low cycle fatigue regime. Int. J. Fatigue 103 (2017) 207-215

Štegnerová K., Náhlík L., Bermejo R., Hutař P.: Influence of Particle Attributes on Residual Stresses in Particulate Ceramic Composites. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 190-193

Pokorný P., Hutař P., Náhlík L.: Influence of Extension of Load Spectrum on Estimation of Residual Fatigue Lifetime of Railway Axle. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 607-610

Nezbedová E., Pinter G., Frank A., Hutař P., Poduška J., Hodan J.: Accelerated tests for lifetime prediction of PE-HD pipe grades. Macromol. Symp. 373 (2017) 1-8

Poduška J., Hutař P., Kučera J., Sadílek J., Frank A., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: The effect of residual stress on the process of crack growth rate determination in polymer pipes. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 174-177

Náhlík L., Majer Z., Štegnerová K., Hutař P.: Lifetime Assessment of Particulate Ceramic Composite with Residual Stresses. Key Eng. Mater. 754 (2017) 107-110

Hutař P., Pokorný P., Poduška J., Fajkoš R., Náhlík L.: Effect of residual stresses on the fatigue lifetime of railway axle. Procedia Struct. Integr. 4 (2017) 42-47

Majer Z., Náhlík L., Štegnerová K., Hutař P., Bermejo R.: Study of Influence of Residual Stresses on Crack Propagation in Particulate Ceramic Composites. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 178-181

Náhlík L., Pokorný P., Ševčík M., Fajkoš R., Matušek P., Hutař P.: Fatigue lifetime estimation of railway axles. Eng. Fail. Anal. 73 (2017) 139-157

Lach R., Krolopp T., Hutař P., Nezbedová E., Grellmann W.: Short-Term Stable Crack Propagation through Polyolefin Single and Bilayered Structures - Influence of Welding, Composition and Direction of Crack Propagation. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 538-541

Horník V., Šmíd M., Hutař P., Kunz L., Hrbáček K.: Interaction of Creep and High Cycle Fatigue of IN 713LC Superalloy. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 595-598


Majer Z., Štegnerová K., Hutař P., Pletz M., Bermejo R., Náhlík L.: Residual Lifetime Determination of Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramics. Key Eng. Mater. 713 (2016) 266-269

Hutař P., Poduška J., Chlupová A., Šmíd M., Kruml T., Náhlík L.: Description of short fatigue crack propagation under low cycle fatigue regime. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 3009-3016

Náhlík L., Štegnerová K., Máša B., Hutař P.: A failure scenario of ceramic laminates with strong interfaces. Eng. Fract. Mech. 167 (2016) 56-67

Nezbedová E., Krčma F., Majer Z., Hutař P.: Effect of particles size on mechanical properties of polypropylene particulate composite. Int. J. Struct. Integr. 7 (2016) 690-699

Šmíd M., Hutař P., Horník V., Hrbáček K., Kunz L.: Stage I fatigue cracking in MAR-M 247 superalloy at elevated temperatures. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 3585-3592

Náhlík L., Pokorný P., Ševčík M., Hutař P.: Influence of Initial Inclined Surface Crack on Estimated Residual Fatigue Lifetime of Railway Axle. J. Multiscale Model. 7 (2016) 1640007

Štegnerová K., Náhlík L., Hutař P., Pokorný P., Majer Z.: Influence of Residual Stresses and Particle Properties on Mechanical Response of The Material in Particulate Ceramic Composites. Key Eng. Mater. 713 (2016) 212-215

Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Influence of variable stress ratio during train operation on residual fatigue lifetime of railway axles. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 3585-3592

Poduška J., Hutař P., Kučera J., Frank A., Sadílek J., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Residual stress in polyethylene pipes. Polymer Testing 54 (2016) 288-295

Štegnerová K., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Description of strengthening mechanism in layered ceramic composites. Key Eng. Mater. 665 (2016) 93-96

Majer Z., Hutař P., Frank A., Ševčík M., Zouhar M., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Point load effect on the buried polyolefin pipes lifetime. Polymer Engineering & Science 56 (2016) 79-86

Pokorný P., Hutař P., Náhlík L.: Residual fatigue lifetime estimation of railway axles for various loading spectra. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 82 (2016) 25-32

Šmíd M., Horník V., Hutař P., Hrbáček K., Kunz L.: High Cycle Fatigue Damage Mechanisms of MAR-M 247 Superalloy at High Temperatures. Trans. Indian Inst. Metals 69 (2016) 393-397


Mikula J., Hutař P., Nezbedová E., Lach R., Arbeiter F., Ševčík M., Pinter G., Grellmann W., Náhlík L.: On crack propagation in the welded polyolefin pipes with and without the presence of weld beads. Mater. & Design 87 (2015) 95-104

Náhlík L., Štegnerová K., Hutař P.: Estimation of stepwise crack propagation in ceramic laminates with strong interfaces. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 9 (2015) 138-145

Poduška J., Kučera J., Hutař P., Ševčík M., Křivánek J., Sadílek J., Náhlík L.: The effect of specimen size on the determination of residual stress in polymer pipe wall . Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2015) 141-144

Majer Z., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Point load effect determination for different pressure pipe SDR series. Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2015) 373-376

Štegnerová K., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Influence of the V-notch opening angle on critical applied force values for the crack initiation from the sharp V-notch. Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2015) 165-168

Ševčík M., Shahverdi M., Hutař P., Vassilopoulos A.: Analytical modeling of mixed-Mode bending behavior of asymmetric adhesively bonded pultruded GFRP joints. Eng. Fract. Mech. 147 (2015) 228-242

Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Influence of Threshold Values on Residual Fatigue Lifetime of Railway Axles under Variable Amplitude Loading. Procedia Eng. 101 (2015) 380-385

Šmíd M., Fintová S., Kunz L., Hutař P., Hrbáček K.: Prediction of maximum casting defect size in MAR-M 247 alloy processed by hot isostatic pressing. Materials Engineering - Materialove inzinierstvo 2 (2015) 25-32

Ševčík M., Hutař P., Vassilopoulos A., Shahverdi M.: Analytical model of asymmetrical Mixed-Mode Bending test of adhesively bonded GFRP joint. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 34 (2015) 237-246

Ševčík M., Arbeiter F., Hutař P., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: The effect of soil load on fracture behaviour of three-layer polymer pipe for non-pressurised applications. Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2015) 197-200

Náhlík L., Máša B., Hutař P.: Estimation of the crack behaviour in the compressive layer of the alumina-zirconia ceramic laminate. Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2015) 41-44


Poduška J., Kučera J., Hutař P., Ševčík M., Křivánek J., Sadílek J., Náhlík L.: Residual stress distribution in extruded polypropylene pipes. Polymer Testing 40 (2014) 88-98

Náhlík L., Štegnerová K., Hutař P.: Critical applied stresses for a crack initiation from a sharp V-notch. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 30 (2014) 1-7

Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Influence of Different Crack Propagation Rate Descriptions on the Residual Fatigue Lifetime of Railway Axles. Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2014) 469-472

Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Ševčík M., Hutař P.: Effects of variable loading on residual fatigue life of the railway wheelset. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 121-124

Náhlík L., Máša B., Hutař P.: Influence of the Interface and Residual Stresses on the Apparent Fracture Toughness of Layered Ceramic Composites Based on Alumina-Zirconia. Key Eng. Mater. 606 (2014) 209-212

Majer Z., Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L.: Particulate Composite Damage: Numerical Estimation of Micro-Crack Paths. Key Eng. Mater. 606 (2014) 261-264

Náhlík L., Pokorný P., Hutař P.: Influence of crack retardation on fatigue crack propagation in steels for railway axles. Adv. Mater. Res. 891-892 (2014) 351-356

Hutař P., Kuběna I., Šmíd M., Ševčík M., Kruml T., Náhlík L.: Description of small fatigue crack propagation in ODS steel. Adv. Mater. Res. 891-892 (2014) 911-916

Hutař P., Kuběna I., Ševčík M., Šmíd M., Kruml T., Náhlík L.: Small fatigue crack propagation in Y2O3 strengthened steels. J. Nucl. Mater. 452 (2014) 370-377

Ševčík M., Poduška J., Náhlík L., Kučera J., Hutař P.: Inaccuracy in Residual Stress Estimation and Its Influence on the Residual Lifetime of Polymer Pipe. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 165-168

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Frank A., Kučera J., Pinter G.: Numerical lifetime prediction of polymer pipes taking into account residual stress. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 169-172

Majer Z., Pletz M., Krautgasser C., Náhlík L., Hutař P., Bermejo R.: Numerical Analysis of Sub-Critical Crack Growth in Particulate Ceramic Composites. Procedia Mater. Sci. 3 (2014) 2071-2076

Šmíd M., Kunz L., Hutař P., Hrbáček K.: High cycle fatigue of nickel-based superalloy MAR-M 247 at high temperatures. Procedia Eng. 74 (2014) 329-332

Náhlík L., Pokorný P., Hutař P., Matušek P.: Fatigue crack propagation in steels for railway axles. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 254-257

Lach R., Krolopp T., Hutař P., Grellmann W.: Influence of the interface and the additional layer on the stable crack propagation through polyolefin bilayered structures. Procedia Mater. Sci. 3 (2014) 867-872

Pokorný P., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Comparison of different load spectra onresidual fatigue lifetime of railway axle. Procedia Eng. 74 (2014) 313-316

Majer Z., Marcián P., Náhlík L., Hutař P., Knésl Z.: Particulate Composite Damage: Numerical Estimation of Micro-Crack Propagation Direction. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 445-448

Majer Z., Zouhar M., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Pressure pipe damage: Numerical estimation of point load effect II. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 533-536

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Lach R., Knésl Z., Náhlík L., Grellmann W.: A Description of Local Material Properties Close to a Butt Weld. Key Eng. Mater. 586 (2014) 146-149

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Zouhar M., Knésl Z.: Assessment of the stability of a surface crack in laminates. Mech. Comp. Materials 50 (2014) 9-16


Hutař P., Zouhar M., Náhlík L., Ševčík M., Máša B.: Multilayer polymer pipes failure assessment based on a fracture mechanics approach. Eng. Fail. Anal. 33 (2013) 151-162

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Frank A., Náhlík L., Kučera J., Pinter G.: The effect of residual stress on polymer pipe lifetime. Eng. Fract. Mech. 108 (2013) 98-108

Lach R., Hutař P., Veselý P., Nezbedová E., Knésl Z., Koch T., Bierögel C., Grellmann W.: Assessment with indentation techniques of the local mechanical behavior of joints in polymer parts. Polimery 58 (2013) 900-905

Máša B., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Estimation of Apparent Fracture Toughness of Alumina Based Ceramic Laminate. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2013) 405-408

Zouhar M., Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L.: Pressure pipe damage: Numerical estimation of point load effect. Key Eng. Mater. 525-526 (2013) 177-180

Nezbedová E., Hutař P., Zouhar M., Knésl Z., Sadílek J., Náhlík L.: The applicability of the Pennsylvania Notch Test for a new generation of PE pipe grades. Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 106-114

Ševčík M., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Seitl S.: The effect of constraint level on a crack path. Engineering Failure Analysis. Eng. Fail. Anal. 29 (2013) 83-92

Majer Z., Hutař P., Náhlík L.: Determination of the effect of interphase on the fracture toughness and stiffness of a particulate polymer composite. Mech. Comp. Materials 49 (2013) 475-482

Máša B., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Particulate Composite Materials: Numerical Modelling of Cross-linked Polymer Reinforced by Alumina Based Particles. Mech. Comp. Materials 49 (2013) 421-428

Náhlík L., Štegnerová K., Hutař P., Majer Z.: Critical value for crack propagation from sharp V-notch. Key Eng. Mater. 572-573 (2013) 177-180


Náhlík L., Hutař P., Dušková M., Dušek K., Máša B.: Estimation of the macroscopic stress-strain curve of a particulate composite with crosslinked polymer matrix. Mech. Comp. Materials 47 (2012) 627-634

Hutař P., Zouhar M., Nezbedová E., Sadílek J., Žídek J., Náhlík L., Knésl Z.: Constraint effect on the slow crack growth in polyethylene. Int. J. Struct. Integr. 3 (2012) 118-126

Ševčík M., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Lach R., Knésl Z., Grellmann W.: Crack propagation in a welded polyolefin pipe. Int. J. Struct. Integr. 3 (2012) 148-157

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Knésl Z.: Fatigue crack shape prediction based on the stress singularity exponent. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 178-181

Ševčík M., Hutař P., Zouhar M., Náhlík L.: Numerical estimation of the fatigue crack front shape for a specimen with finite thickness. Int. J. Fatigue 39 (2012) 75-80

Majer Z., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: The Estimation of Micro-crack Behavior in Polymer Particulate Composite with Soft Interphase. Adv. Mater. Res. 482-484 (2012) 1660-1663

Majer Z., Hutař P.: The Effect of Nonlinear Matrix on Crack Propagation in the Particulate Composite. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 484-487

Zouhar M., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Ševčík M., Knésl Z.: The effect of critical distance in stability condition for the crack at the interface between two materials. Eng. Mech. 19 (2012) 155-164

Zouhar M., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Knésl Z.: Basic modes of crack propagation through an interface in polymer layered structure. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 162-165

Ševčík M., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Lach R., Knésl Z., Grellmann W.: Crack growth modeling in a specimen with polymer weld. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 158-161

Ševčík M., Hutař P., Knésl Z., Náhlík L., Zouhar M.: Estimation of the critical configuration of a crack arrested at the interface between two materials. Comp. Mater. Sci. 64 (2012) 225-228

Frank A., Hutař P., Pinter G.: Numerical Assessment of PE 80 and PE 100 Pipe Lifetime Based on Paris-Erdogan Equation. Macromol. Symp. 311 (2012) 112-121


Majer Z., Hutař P., Knésl Z.: Crack Behaviour in Polymeric Composites: The Influence of Particle Shape. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 564-567

Lach R., Hutař P., Veselý P., Nezbedová E., Knésl Z., Grellmann W.: Structural Changes, Evolution of Damage Parameters and Crack Propagation Behaviour in Welded Plastic Pipes. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 427-430

Hutař P., Náhlík L., Ševčík M., Seitl S., Kruml T., Polák J.: Fatigue crack propagation rate in EUROFER 97 estimated using small specimens. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 325-328

Zouhar M., Vallet L., Hutař P., Náhlík L.: Life time estimation of the multilayer plastic pipes. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 33-36

Zouhar M., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Knésl Z.: Effect of the time dependent material properties on the crack behaviour in the interface of two polymeric materials. Mech. Comp. Materials 47 (2011) 203-210

Ševčík M., Hutař P., Náhlík L.: Crack Behavior in a Welded Polyolefin Pipe. Mech. Comp. Materials 47 (2011) 263-270

Pospíšilová S., Kianicová M., Vlasák T., Hutař P., Podrábský T., Hakl J.: The Microstructure Changes in IN713LC during the Creep Exposure. Adv. Mater. Res. 278 (2011) 120-125

Náhlík L., Máša B., Hutař P.: Numerical Modeling of Macroscopic Behavior of Particulate Composite with Crosslinked Polymer Matrix. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 129-132

Náhlík L., Šestáková L., Hutař P., Knésl Z.: Generalized linear elastic fracture mechanics: an application to a crack touching the bimaterial interface. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 445-448

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Pinter G., Frank A., Mitev I.: A numerical methodology for lifetime estimation of HDPE pressure pipes. Eng. Fract. Mech. 78 (2011) 3049-3058

Zouhar M., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Knésl Z.: Damage of multilayer polymer materials under creep loading. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 153-156

Ševčík M., Knésl Z., Hutař P., Náhlík L.: The Effect of Polymer Pipe Weld Geometry on Creep Lifetime. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 175-178

Kruml T., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Seitl S., Polák J.: Fatigue cracks in Eurofer 97 steel: Part II. Comparison of small and long fatigue crack growth. J. Nucl. Mater. 412 (2011) 7-12

Number of ProjectName
CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004634 MEBioSys - Mechanical engineering of biological and bio-inspired systems
TN02000010 National Competence Centre of Mechatronics and Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineering
22-28283S Oxide-induced crack closure and its implications for lifetime prediction of mechanical components (OXILAP)
FW03010149 New wheel design for freight transport with higher utility properties
FW03010190 Advanced precision casting technologies for new types of blade castings and blade segments of gas turbines and turbochargers from modern superalloys with increased service life
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_321/0024465 Research of resistance of casted radial wheels of turbochargers to thermomechanical stress and techniques of increasing mechanical values
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0020138 Research and development of casting technology of thermally affected parts of aircraft engines and highly precise casts of new generation of turbochargers
FV40327 Automatic optical system for fatigue crack propagation measurement
TN01000071 National Competence Centre of Mechatronics and Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineering
RFCS-02-2016 ID:747266 Innovative approach to improve fatigue performance of automotive components aiming at CO2 emissions reduction (INNOFAT)
PCCL-K1 K1-Center in Polymer Engineering and Science
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004399 Research and development of precision casting technology for new type of aircraft engine castings and axial turbocharger wheels
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0002421 Research and development of advanced precision casting technology of strongly thermally affected parts of new turbochargers from nickel based superalloys
TA04011525 Výzkum a vývoj technologií přesného lití radiálních kol turbodmychadel nové generace a nových typů lopatek plynových turbín.
P108/12/1560 Description of the slow crack growth in polymer materials under complex loading conditions
106/09/0279 Fracture damage mechanism of multilayer polymer body
101/09/0867 Assessment of fatigue damage of thin-walled structures
101/09/J027 Correlation between structural changes, damage evolution and crack propagation behaviour of welded thermoplastics components
106/06/P239 The effect of free surface on fatigue crack growth