Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Automatic optical system for fatigue crack propagation measurement

Automatic optical system for fatigue crack propagation measurement

Co-investigatorprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
Number of ProjectFV40327
Internal Project Number491100
AgencyMinisterstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Duration2019-07-01 - 2022-12-31

The main goal of the project is the research and development of a fully automated optical measuring system for the measurement of the crack growth dynamics during material testing, specifically as an accessory to fatigue testing machines. The measuring device will comprise of an automated image processing and a mechanical manipulator of the optical sensor guided by the evaluation of the deformation data in the area of the root of the crack.


Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Oplt T., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Herrero D., Hutař P.: Classically determined effective deltaK fails to quantify crack growth rates. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 108 (2020) 102608

Oplt T., Jambor M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Numerical simulations of semi-elliptical fatigue crack propagation. AIP Conference Proceedings 2309 (2020) 020005