Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Description of the slow crack growth in polymer materials under complex loading conditions

Description of the slow crack growth in polymer materials under complex loading conditions

Investigatorprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
Number of ProjectP108/12/1560
AgencyGrantová agentura České republiky
Duration2011-12-31 - 2014-12-30

Due to increase of the long term application of the polymer materials process of slow stable crack growth became important scientific topic. Therefore, the general goal of the project lies in the accurate description of the slow crack propagation in the case of polymeric structure under complex loading conditions taking into account residual stresses. Slow crack growth can be described by the corresponding fracture mechanics parameters and plays an important part in estimation of this life time. The correlation between experimental data and numerical model is presented. The results enable to estimate effect of the residual stresses, change of material properties or material nonhomogenity on the residual lifetime of the polymeric structures.


Lach R., Krolopp T., Hutař P., Nezbedová E., Grellmann W.: Short-Term Stable Crack Propagation through Polyolefin Single and Bilayered Structures - Influence of Welding, Composition and Direction of Crack Propagation. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 538-541


Majer Z., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Point load effect determination for different pressure pipe SDR series. Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2015) 373-376

Mikula J., Hutař P., Nezbedová E., Lach R., Arbeiter F., Ševčík M., Pinter G., Grellmann W., Náhlík L.: On crack propagation in the welded polyolefin pipes with and without the presence of weld beads. Mater. & Design 87 (2015) 95-104

Poduška J., Kučera J., Hutař P., Ševčík M., Křivánek J., Sadílek J., Náhlík L.: The effect of specimen size on the determination of residual stress in polymer pipe wall . Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2015) 141-144

Ševčík M., Arbeiter F., Hutař P., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: The effect of soil load on fracture behaviour of three-layer polymer pipe for non-pressurised applications. Key Eng. Mater. 627 (2015) 197-200


Majer Z., Zouhar M., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Hutař P.: Pressure pipe damage: Numerical estimation of point load effect II. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 533-536

Lach R., Krolopp T., Hutař P., Grellmann W.: Influence of the interface and the additional layer on the stable crack propagation through polyolefin bilayered structures. Procedia Mater. Sci. 3 (2014) 867-872

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Zouhar M., Knésl Z.: Assessment of the stability of a surface crack in laminates. Mech. Comp. Materials 50 (2014) 9-16

Poduška J., Kučera J., Hutař P., Ševčík M., Křivánek J., Sadílek J., Náhlík L.: Residual stress distribution in extruded polypropylene pipes. Polymer Testing 40 (2014) 88-98

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Lach R., Knésl Z., Náhlík L., Grellmann W.: A Description of Local Material Properties Close to a Butt Weld. Key Eng. Mater. 586 (2014) 146-149

Ševčík M., Poduška J., Náhlík L., Kučera J., Hutař P.: Inaccuracy in Residual Stress Estimation and Its Influence on the Residual Lifetime of Polymer Pipe. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 165-168

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L., Frank A., Kučera J., Pinter G.: Numerical lifetime prediction of polymer pipes taking into account residual stress. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 169-172


Zouhar M., Hutař P., Ševčík M., Náhlík L.: Pressure pipe damage: Numerical estimation of point load effect. Key Eng. Mater. 525-526 (2013) 177-180

Nezbedová E., Hutař P., Zouhar M., Knésl Z., Sadílek J., Náhlík L.: The applicability of the Pennsylvania Notch Test for a new generation of PE pipe grades. Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 106-114

Hutař P., Zouhar M., Náhlík L., Ševčík M., Máša B.: Multilayer polymer pipes failure assessment based on a fracture mechanics approach. Eng. Fail. Anal. 33 (2013) 151-162

Hutař P., Ševčík M., Frank A., Náhlík L., Kučera J., Pinter G.: The effect of residual stress on polymer pipe lifetime. Eng. Fract. Mech. 108 (2013) 98-108


Zouhar M., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Ševčík M., Knésl Z.: The effect of critical distance in stability condition for the crack at the interface between two materials. Eng. Mech. 19 (2012) 155-164