Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Kroupa Aleš

RNDr. Aleš Kroupa, CSc.

Room415, 409, 318
Phone number+420 532 290 467, +420 532 290 474, +420 532 290 482
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDA-1162-2014
Positionhead - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group

Scientific interest
  • Experimental and theoretical study of phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties
  • PD modeling using the CALPHAD method in combination with ab initio calculations

  • 1985-1989: Doctoral degree - Institute of Physical Metallurgy ASCR, Physical Metallurgy and Limiting States of Materials
  • 1978-1983: Master’s degree - Masaryk University, Faculty of Sciences, Solid State Physics
Work experiences
  • From 2012: Head of research group - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 1993-2011: Researcher - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 1991-1993: Postdoc - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  • 1989-1991: Researcher - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
  • 01/2022-12/2024: Principal Investigator - New approach in CALPHAD modelling using third generation data: a case study for subsystems of the Al-Ge-Mg-Sn system (GACR project 21-05228S)
  • 01/2018-12/2020: Principal Investigator - Comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of phase diagrams of advanced thermoelectric materials based on Ag-Pb-Sn-Te and Pb-Se-Sn-Te (GACR project 18-25660J)
  • 01/2017-12/2019: Principal Investigator - Advanced experimental and theoretical approaches to phase diagrams of nanoalloys including the influence of nanoparticle sizes (GACR project 17-15405S)
  • 01/2014-12/2016: Principal Investigator - Comprehensive study of phase diagrams of advanced metallic materials, combining ab initio and semi-empirical modelling with experimental procedures (GACR project 14-15576S)
  • 01/2011-12/2013: Principal Investigator - Theoretical and experimental study of phase diagrams of nanomaterials (MEYS, LD11024)
  • 01/2010-12/2012: Co-investigator - Thermodynamics of intermetallic phases from the perspective of theoretical and experimental approaches (GACR project P108-10-1908)
  • 01/2008-12/2011: Principal Investigator - Phase equilibria in multicomponent Zn-Sn-X systems important for lead-free solders at higher temperatures (MEYS, OC08053)
  • 5/2007-12/2011: Principal Investigator - Advanced Solder Materials for High Temperature Application (COST Project MP0602 - HISOLD)
  • 01/2007-12/2009: Co-investigator - Theoretical and experimental study of thermodynamic properties of intermetallic phases based on transition metals (GACR project 106/07/1078)
  • 01/2005-12/2007: Co-investigator - European Lead-free soldering network – ELFNET (Coordinated Action, 6. RP, (NMP2-CT-2003-505504)
  • 01/2003-12/2005: Co-investigator - Theoretical modeling and experimental study of structural stability of modern heat-resistant steels and their welds (GACR project 106/03/0636)
  • 01/2003-12/2005: Co-investigator - Thermodynamic modelling of the properties of important secondary phases based on transition metals in modern materials (GACR project 106/03/1354)
  • 01/2002-12/2007: Principal Investigator - Materials for lead-free soldering (MEYS, OC 531.001)
  • 01/2002-12/2007: Co-investigator - Lead-free Solders (COST Project 531)
  • 01/2002-12/2004: Co-investigator - The development of modern high Cr materials through the theoretical modelling (NATO Grant, PST.CLG. 978747)
  • 01/2000-12/2002: Co-investigator - Kinetics of carbide precipitation in Cr-Mo steels (GACR project 106/00/0855)
  • 01/2000-12/2002: Principal Investigator - Thermodynamics of equilibrium states and kinetics of phase transformations in transition metal systems with N and C (GACR project 106/00/0855)
  • 01/1997-12/1999: Principal Investigator - Phase equilibria in transition metal-based systems with nitrogen and carbon   (GACR project 106/97/1035)
  • 01/1996-12/1998: Principal Investigator - Microstructure and Thermodynamic Properties of Ti-based Alloys with N and/or C (NATO Grant, HTECH.CRG 960355)
  • 01/1994-12/1996: Principal Investigator - Relationship between structure and thermodynamic properties of transition metal systems with carbon and nitrogen (GACR project 106/94/0307)
  • 1996: Vanadium Award - Awarded by the „The Institute of Materials“ society for the paper "Precipitation behavior in a medium carbon, Ti-V-N microalloyed steel", published in the Metall. and Mater. Transaction


Zobač O., Novák D., Pavlů J., Friák M., Kroupa A.: Thermodynamic study of binary phase diagram iron-selenium. CALPHAD 88 (2025) 102774


Friák M., Zobač O., Chlup Z., Fikar O., Papež P., Zelený M., Kroupa A.: Materials properties of defect-stabilized off-stoichiometric tau-phase Al2Ge2Mg. Intermetallics 169 (2024) 108294

Kroupa A., Zobač O., Zemanová A., Richter K.: CALPHAD-type reassessment of Cu-Si and full assessment of the Al-Cu-Si systems. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 45 (2024) 1206 -1243

Zobač O., Kroupa A., Dinsdale A.: Use of third generation data for the pure elements to model the thermodynamics of binary alloy systems: Part 3 - The theoretical prediction of the Al-Si-Zn system. CALPHAD 87 (2024) 102742


Zobač O., Karpíšková L., Kroupa A.: Experimental study of the ternary phase diagram Al-Ge-Mg. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 44 (2023) 127-136

Zobač O., Žižka R., Roupcová P., Kroupa A.: Experimental study of the Ni-Se-Sn phase diagram isothermal sections at 800 K, 1000 K and 1100 K. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 44 (2023) 594-605

Zobač O., Kroupa A.: CALPHAD-Based thermodynamic description of the binary phase diagram Ge-Ti. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 44 (2023) 115-126


Chen S., Kroupa A., Du J., Zemanová A., Hutabalian Y., Vřešťál J., Chiu K.: Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Ag-Sn-Te Phase Diagram. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 43 (2022) 139-163

Zobač O., Richter K., Kroupa A.: Experimental Phase Diagram of the Ag-Se-Sn System at 250, 400 and 550 °C. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 43 (2022) 32-42

Zobač O., Zemanová A., Chen S., Kroupa A.: CALPHAD-Type Assessment of the Pb-Se-Sn System. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 43 (2022) 243-255

Svoboda J., Drdlíková K., Drdlík D., Kroupa A., Michalička J., Maca K.: Doping of alumina ceramics by manganese Thermodynamical and experimental approach. Process. Appl. Ceram. 16 (2022) 13-21


Fikar O., Vřešťál J., Kroupa A., Chen S.: The study of the Pb-Se-Te phase diagram: Part 2 - The thermodynamic assessment of the Se-Te and Pb-Se-Te systems. CALPHAD 74 (2021) 102309

Kroupa A., Record M., Chen H., Zobač O.: Bi-Sb-Sn (Bismuth-Antimony-Tin). Ternary Alloys - A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagram 20 (2021) 240-253

Vřešťál J., Kroupa A., Zobač O.: Ni-Sb-Sn (Nickel-Antimony-Tin). Ternary Alloys - A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagram 20 (2021) 534-554

Zobač O., Buchlovská K., Pavlů J., Kroupa A.: Thermodynamic Description of Binary System Nickel-Selenium. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 42 (2021) 468-478

Gröbner J., Kroupa A., Zobač O.: Bi-Sn-Zn (Bismuth-Tin-Zinc). Ternary Alloys - A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagram 20 (2021) 254-271

Homolová V., Kroupa A.: Thermodynamic modeling of the Al-Co-Pd ternary system, aluminum rich corner. Metals 11 (2021) 1803

Chen S., Huang ., Hsu Y., Liu J., Zemanová A., Kroupa A.: Phase diagram of Pb-Se-Te system I: Experimental study. CALPHAD 74 (2021) 102310

Friák M., Mazalová M., Turek I., Zemanová A., Kastil J., Kamarád J., Míšek M., Arnold Z., Schneeweiss O., Všianská M., Zelený M., Kroupa A., Pavlů J., Šob M.: An Ab Initio Study of Pressure-Induced Changes of Magnetism in Austenitic Stoichiometric Ni2MnSn. Materials 14 (2021) 523

Gröbner J., Kroupa A., Zobač O.: Cr-Ni-Si (Chromium-Nickel-Silicon). Ternary Alloys - A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagram 20 (2021) 294-313

Zobač O., Kroupa A.: Ag-Bi-Sn (Gold-Bismuth-Tin). Ternary Alloys - A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagram 20 (2021) 165-176

Kroupa A., Zobač O., Richter K.: The thermodynamic reassessment of the binary Al-Cu system. J. Mater. Sci. 56 (2021) 3430-3443


Chen S., Huang ., Hsu Y., Kroupa A.: Phase Diagram of the Pb-Se-Sn System. J. Electronic Mater. 49 (2020) 4714-4729

Dinsdale A., Zobač O., Kroupa A., Khvan A.: Use of third generation data for the elements to model the thermodynamics of binary alloy systems: Part 1 - The critical assessment of data for the Al-Zn system. CALPHAD 68 (2020) 101723

Vykoukal V., Zelenka F., Buršík J., Káňa T., Kroupa A., Pinkas J.: Thermal properties of Ag@Ni core-shell nanoparticles. CALPHAD 69 (2020) 101741

Zobač O., Kroupa A.: The Thermodynamic Assessment of the Binary System Bi-Rh. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 41 (2020) 900-906

Zobač O., Kroupa A., Richter K.: Experimental isothermal sections of the ternary phase diagram Al-Cu-Si at 600 °C and 800 °C. J. Mater. Sci. 55 (2020) 15322-15333

Brož P., Zelenka F., Vřešťál J., Zemanová A., Kroupa A., Buršík J., Svoboda M., Šimoníková L., Pokorný T.: Experimental study and thermodynamic re-assessment of the Co-Sb system. CALPHAD 68 (2020) 101694

Zobač O., Kroupa A., Richter K.: Experimental study of the Al-Cu-Zn ternary phase diagram. Mater. Sci. 55 (2020) 10796-10810

Du J., Zemanová A., Hutabalian Y., Kroupa A., Chen S.: Phase diagram of Ag-Pb-Sn system. CALPHAD 71 (2020) 101997


Jedličková V., Zemanová A., Kroupa A.: The Thermodynamic Assessment of the Co-Sn System. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 40 (2019) 21-33

Kroupa A., Watson A.: In Celebration of Prof. Jan Vřešťál's 80th Birthday. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 40 (2019) 1-2

Kroupa A., Vykoukal V., Káňa T., Zemanová A., Pinkas J., Šob M.: The theoretical and experimental study of the Sb-Sn nano-alloys. CALPHAD 64 (2019) 90-96

Zobač O., Kroupa A., Zemanová A., Richter K.: Experimental Description of the Al-Cu Binary Phase Diagram. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 50 (2019) 3805-3815

Kroupa A., Pavlů J., Šob M.: Professor Jan Vřešťál and His Contributions Towards the Implementing of Ab Initio Data into the CALPHAD Method and Extension of the Phase Diagram Calculations Down to 0 K. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 40 (2019) 3-9


Falat L., Ciripová L., Homolová V., Kroupa A.: The influence of isothermal ageing and subsequent hydrogen charging at room temperature on local mechanical properties and fracture characteristics of Martensitic- Bainitic weldments for power engineering. J. Mining Metall. B 53B (2017) 373-382

Kroupa A., Mazalová M., Richter K.: The reassessment of the Al-V system and new assessment of the Al-Si-V system. CALPHAD 59 (2017) 47-60


Repovský P., Homolová V., Ciripová L., Kroupa A., Zemanová A.: Experimental study and thermodynamic modelling of the B-Fe-Mn ternary system. CALPHAD 55 (2016) 252-259


Kroupa A., Káňa T., Buršík J., Zemanová A., Šob M.: Modelling of phase diagrams of nanoalloys with complex metallic phases: Application to Ni-Sn. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 28200-28210

Zobač O., Sopoušek J., Kroupa A.: Calphad-type assessment of the Sb-Sn-Zn ternary system. CALPHAD 51 (2015) 51-56


Kroupa A., Mishra R., Rajamohan D., Flandorfer H., Watson A., Ipser H.: Phase equilibria in the ternary Ni-Sb-Sn system: Experiments and calculations. CALPHAD 45 (2014) 151-166

Homolová V., Repovský P., Výrostková A., Kroupa A.: Experimental and theoretical determination of phase fraction in the Fe-B-V alloys. J. Phase Equil. Diffus. 35 (2014) 172-177


Homolová V., Výrostková A., Ciripová L., Kroupa A.: Phase analysis of Fe-B-V system. Kovové materiály 51 (2013) 135-139

Mishra R., Kroupa A., Zemanová A., Ipser H.: Phase Equilibria in the Sn-Rich Corner of the Ni-Sb-Sn System. J. Electronic Mater. 42 (2013) 646-653

Kroupa A.: Modelling of phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties using Calphad method - Development of thermodynamic databases. Comp. Mater. Sci. 66 (2013) 3-13

Schmetterer C., Zemanová A., Flandorfer H., Kroupa A., Ipser H.: Phase equilibria in the ternary In-Ni-Sn system at 700 degrees C. Intermetallics 35 (2013) 90-97


Mishra R., Zemanová A., Kroupa A., Flandorfer H., Ipser H.: Synthesis and characterization of Sn-rich Ni-Sb-Sn nanosolders. J. Alloys Comp. 513 (2012) 224-229

Kroupa A., Andersson D., Hoo N., Pearce J., Watson A., Dinsdale A., Mucklejohn S.: Current Problems and Possible Solutions in High-Temperature Lead-Free Soldering. J. Mater. Eng. and Performance 21 (2012) 629-637

Zemanová A., Kroupa A., Dinsdale A.: Theoretical assessment of the Ni-Sn system. Monatshefte für Chemie 143 (2012) 1255-1261

Kroupa A., Dinsdale A., Watson A., Vřešťál J., Zemanová A., Brož P.: The Thermodynamic database COST MP0602 for materials for high-temperature lead-free soldering. J. Mining Metall. B 48 (2012) 339-346

Homolová V., Kroupa A., Výrostková A.: Calculation of Fe-B-V ternary phase diagram. J. Alloys Comp. 520 (2012) 30-35

Mishra R., Kroupa A., Terzieff P., Ipser H.: Thermochemistry of liquid Ni-Sb-Sn alloys. Thermochimica Acta 536 (2012) 68-73

Smetana B., Zlá S., Kroupa A., Žaludová M., Drápala J., Burkovič R., Petlak D.: Phase transition temp. of Sn-Zn-Al system and their comparison with calculated phase diagrams. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 110 (2012) 369-378

Number of ProjectName
22-22187S The theoretical and experimental study of the Al-Ge-Mg-Sn systems, application of novel 3rd generation data in CALPHAD-type thermodynamic modelling
18-25660J Complex theoretical and experimental phase diagram determinations of the advanced thermoelectric Ag-Pb-Sn-Te and Pb-Se-Sn-Te systems
17-15405S Advanced experimental and theoretical approaches to size-dependent phase diagrams of nanoalloys
GA14-15576S Complex study of phase diagrams of advanced metallic materials, combining ab initio and semiempirical modelling with experimental methods
LD11024 Theoretical and experimental study of phase diagrams of nanoalloys
P108/10/1908 Thermodynamics of intermetallic phases using combined theoretical and experimental approach
OC08053 Phase equilibria in Zn-Sn-X metallic systems for high-temperature lead-free solders
COST MP0602 HISOLD - Advanced Solder Materials for High Temperature Application
106/07/1078 Theoretical and experimental investigations of thermodynamic properties in transition metal based intermetallic phases
NMP2-CT-2003- 505504 European Lead - Free Soldering Network
COST OC 531.02 Lead Free Solder Materials