- 2012-2017: Doctoral degree - University of Calicut, India, Faculty of Applied Chemistry, Chemistry
- 2011-2012: Professional degree - University of Calicut, India, Faculty of Education, Education
- 2008-2010: Master’s degree - University of Calicut, India, Faculty of Applied Chemistry, Applied Chemistry
- 2005-2008: Bachelor’s degree - University of Calicut, India, Faculty of Chemistry, Chemistry
Work experiences
- From 11/2023: Researcher - Structure of Phases and Thermodynamics Group, Institute of Physics of Materials, CAS
- 10/2021- 11/2023: Postdoc – Energy Group, CEITEC, Brno (Marie Curie Individual Fellow - H2020)
- 09/2020- 09/2021: Research Assistant Professor - Department of Inorganic Chemistry & Technology, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia
- 01/2019- 12/2019: Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, Qatar
- 06/2018- 11/2018: Postdoc - Department of Applied Chemistry, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
- 02/2018- 06/2018: Postdoc - Department of Chemistry, SNGS College, Pattambi, India
- 06/2017- 01/2018: Assistant Professor - Department of Nanoscience and Technology, University of Calicut, India
- 10/2021-11/2023: Principal Investigator - Sunlight active mesoporous black TiO2 micro/nanomotors (STIMULATOR) - Horizon 2020
- 10/2021-11/2023: Horizon 2020 - Marie Skłodowská Curie Individual Fellowship
- 06/2018- 11/2018: Ministry of Science and Technology Post Doctoral Fellowship, Taiwan
- 04/2018: Foreign Youth Talent - Chinese Scholarship Council
- 04/2018: Brain Korea (BK21) Post Doctoral Fellowship, South Korea
- 02/2018- 06/2018: KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship, India
- 01/2015- 12/2016: Senior Research Fellowship (University Grants Commission (BSR))
- 01/2013- 12/2014: Junior Research Fellowship (University Grants Commission (BSR))
List of publications: