Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > People > Havlíček Lubomír

Mgr. Lubomír Havlíček, Ph.D.

Room426, 216, Domek 6
Phone number+420 532 290 462, +420 532 290 388, +420 532 290 309
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDHJI-7144-2023
PositionPostdoc - Electrical and Magnetic Properties Group


Šagátová A., Kotrle K., Brachňaková B., Havlíček L., Nemec I., Herchel R., Hofbauerova M., Halahovets Y., Šiffalovič P., Čižmár E., Fellner O., Šalitroš I.: Above room temperature spin crossover in mononuclear iron(ii) complexes featuring pyridyl-benzimidazole bidentate ligands adorned with aliphatic chains. Dalton Trans. 53 (2024) 14037-14045

Švábenská E., Roupcová P., Havlíček L., Schneeweiss O.: Properties of nonocrystalline Fe-Ni particles prepared by thermal reduction of oxalate precursors. NANOCON 2023 Conference Proceedings 2023 (2024) 76-82