Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Research center of powdered nanomaterials
Research center of powdered nanomaterials
Investigator | Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. |
Number of Project | VC 1M 0512 |
Agency | Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy |
Duration | 2005-04-30 - 2011-12-30 |
Anotace |
The assembly of research capacities of recipient and co-recipients for solution of issues concerning usage of nanomaterials in different application fields represents the he aim of foundation of The Research Centre of Powdered Materials. Founders of The Research Centre of Powdered Nanomaterials are interested to orientate the research to solutions of issues dealing with the utilisation of nanoparticles in the area of nanopigments, biomagnetic separations, size standards of particles in the range from 1 to 100 nm, sorption and purification. The foundation of The Research Centre will result in useful and desirable connection of capaticites of co-founders in various branches. In the area of synthesis of magnetic nanopowders of pure iron and iron oxides, this will result in connection of workplaces of the Palacky University and the Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Science of Czech Republic, with the aim to synthetize magnetic nanoparticles for biomagnetic separations by way of thermally induced reactions (oxidation, reduction,convertion reactions) in solid state. The connection with the Textile Testing Institute will contribute to the development of application research in the area of utilisation of nanopowders in technical and multifunctional textiles. |