Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Relativistic effects in the response of spin-polarized electrons to external fields

Relativistic effects in the response of spin-polarized electrons to external fields

Investigatordoc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc.
Number of Project15-13436S
AgencyGrantová agentura České republiky
Duration2014-12-31 - 2017-12-30

Relativistic effects in the electronic structure, especially spin-orbit coupling, do not only modify usual transport characteristics of metallic ferromagnets but they lead also to fundamentally novel phenomena important for further progress in magnetoelectronics. Within this project, we intend to derive the corresponding theoretical formalism, going beyond the Kubo linear response theory for the conductivity tensor, which will be combined with an up-to-date ab initio theory of solids. The developed theoretical approaches will be used for investigation of selected phenomena (anomalous Hall effect, non-equilibrium spin torques, magnetic damping parameters) and bulk systems with potentially strong magnetotransport response. Special attention will be focused on multicomponent multisublattice systems, such as, e.g., Heusler alloys, including systems without inversion symmetry, with substitutional randomness, and with non-collinear and disordered magnetic structures.


Kudrnovský J., Drchal V., Turek I.: Spin-orbit driven phenomena in the isoelectronic L10-Fe(Pd,Pt) alloys from first principles. Phys. Rev. B 96 (2017) 214437-1-214437-7

Drchal V., Turek I., Kudrnovský J.: Ab initio theory of the Gilbert damping in random ferromagnetic alloys. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 30 (2017) 1669-1672

Wagenknecht D., Carva K., Turek I.: Fully Relativistic Temperature-Dependent Electronic Transport Properties of Magnetic Alloys From the First Principles. IEEE Trans. Magnetics 53 (2017) 1700205

Kudrnovský J., Drchal V., Turek I.: Galvanomagnetic transport properties and Gilbert damping in ferromagnetic PdCo alloys. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 30 (2017) 1367-1370


Kudrnovský J., Drchal V., Turek I.: Exchange and spin-orbit induced phenomena in diluted (Ga,Mn)As from first principles. Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016) 054428

Turek I., Kudrnovský J., Drchal V.: Coherence and stiffness of spin waves in diluted ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016) 174447

Turek I.: Static transport properties of random alloys: Vertex corrections in conserving approximations. Phys. Rev. B 93 (2016) 245114


Drchal V., Kudrnovský J., Turek I.: Relativistic effects on electron transport in magnetic alloys. Phys. Procedia 75 (2015) 948-955

Turek I., Kudrnovský J., Drchal V.: Nonlocal torque operators in ab initio theory of the Gilbert damping in random ferromagnetic alloys. Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 214407

Kudrnovský J., Drchal V., Turek I.: Effect of partial order on galvanomagnetic transport properties of ferromagnetic PdFe and PdCo alloys. Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 224421