Setaram PCT PRO – E&E
It is a fully automated Sievert’s instrument for measurement of gas sorption properties of materials.
The device is designed for the measurements of chosen gas sorption (H2, CO2, CH4, N2, Ar, He) in a solid sample (bulk, foils, powders) within a temperatures range of 20-400°C and at pressures in interval 10-4- 200 bar in following modes:
• automated measurement of pressure-Composition Isotherms (PCT, PCI).
• automated temperature programmed desorption (TPD) - dynamic measurements.
• automated measurement of kinetics and rate constants of sorption as a function of pressure and temperature.
• automated measurement of cycling sorption and PCT isoterms.
Two different cells can be used and five calibrated dosing volumes can be chosen for measurement of sorption characteristics. Inner chamber dimensions of one cell is ø22 x 180 mm and it can be used up to temperature 400°C and pressure 100bar. The inner size of the other cell is ø7,9 x 150 mm and it can be used up to temperature 400°C and pressure 200bar.