Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > List of facilities > Microtom Leica RM2255
Microtom Leica RM2255
Contact | Ing. Lubomír Král, Ph.D. |

The rotary automated microtome which allows precise sectioning of radioactive samples with accurate specimen settings enables to set an exact zero point and angle of cutting.
- 4 sectioning modes.
- Section thickness setting in range: 0,5 – 100 μm.
- Trimming section thickness setting range: 1 – 600 μm.
- Horizontal feed: 28 mm ± 1mm.
- Vertical specimen stroke: 70 mm.
- Adjusting of specimen orientation: XY ± 8°.
- Specimen retraction: 0 – 100 μm in 5 μm - increments.