Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > List of facilities > Electrochemical hydrogen charging system
Electrochemical hydrogen charging system
Contact | Bc. Adam Weiser |
The system consists from a double jacked electroanalytical cell Biologic, source-measure unit Keysight U2722A and circulation water bath Witeg WCR-8. The systém is useful for cathodic hydrogen charging of metalic samples in a tempered electrolyte.
- Temperature range -25 °C to 125 °C
- Voltage range ±20 V
- Current range ± 120 mA
- 3 source-measure channels
- Basic accuracy 0.1 %
- Volume of the electroanalytical cell 250 ml
- Reference electrode SCE
- Controlled by Python script (Graphical user interface in Windows 10)
- Samples with diameter in range 12.5 mm to 16 mm