Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Low cycle fatigue-creep interaction in advanced high temperature structural materials

Low cycle fatigue-creep interaction in advanced high temperature structural materials

Number of Project106/07/1507
AgencyGrantová agentura České republiky
Duration2006-12-31 - 2009-12-30

The project is directed to the study of fatigue-creep interaction – the synergism of two most important degradation processes in material of machine part under service at high temperature. The main scope of the project is deeper understanding of creep strain influence on substantial parameters and stages of low cycle fatigue in advanced Ni-based superalloys (IN713LC, IN738LC and IN792-5A). Main attention will be paid to the effect of dwell periods on fatigue life, stress-strain response, strain localization and crack initiation. Detailed structure analysis will be applied to study the damage evolution of the superalloys. Solution of the project will result in deeper clarification of fatigue-creep synergism.


Obrtlík K., Juliš M., Man J., Podrábský T., Polák J.: Extrusion and intrusion evolution in cyclically strained cast superalloy Inconel 738LC using confocal laser scanning microscope and AFM. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 240 (2010) 012054


Obrtlík K., Petrenec M., Man J., Polák J., Hrbáček K.: Isothermal fatigue behavior of cast superalloy Inconel 792-5A at 23 and 900 °C. J. Mater. Sci. 44 (2009) 3305-3314


Obrtlík K., Chlupová A., Petrenec M., Polák J.: Low cycle fatigue of cast superalloy Inconel 738LC at high temperature. Key Eng. Mater. 385-387 (2008) 581-584


Petrenec M., Obrtlík K., Polák J., Man J.: Effect of temperature on the low cycle fatigue of cast Inconel 792-5A. Key Eng. Mater. 345-346 (2007) 383-386