Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Tailoring ODS materials processing routes for additive manufacturing of high temperature devices for aggressive environments (topAM)

Tailoring ODS materials processing routes for additive manufacturing of high temperature devices for aggressive environments (topAM)

Investigatorprof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc.
Number of Project958192, H2020-NMBP-ST-IND-2020-singlestage, LC-SPIRE-08-2020
Internal Project Number021010
AgencyEvropská komise, H2020
Duration2021-01-01 - 2024-12-31

Europe’s industry is facing many challenges such as global competition and the big change towards energy and resource efficiency. topAM can contribute to these demands by development and application of novel processing routes for new oxide-dispersoid strengthened (ODS) alloys on FeCrAl, Ni and NiCu basis. Novel ODS materials offer a clear advantage for the process industry by manufacturing e.g. topology-optimized, sensor-integrated high temperature devices (gas burner heads, heat exchangers) that are exposed to aggressive environments. Alloy and process development will be targeted by an advanced integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) approach combining computational thermodynamics, microstructure and process simulation to contribute to save time, raw materials and increase the component’s lifetime. Physical alloy production will be realized by combining nanotechnologies to aggregate ODS composites with laser-powder bed fusion and post-processing. The ICME approach will be complemented by comprehensive materials characterization and intensive testing of components under industrially relevant in-service conditions. This strategy allows to gain a deeper understanding of the processmicrostructure- properties relationships and to quantify the improved functionalities, properties and life cycle assessment. This will promote cost reduction, improved energy efficiency and superior properties combined with a significant lifetime increase. The consortium consists of users, materials suppliers and research institutes that are world leading in the fields relevant for this proposal, which guarantees efficient, high-level, application-oriented execution of topAM. The industrial project partners, in particular the SMEs, will achieve higher competitiveness due to their strategic position in the value chain of materials processing, e.g. powder production, to strengthen Europe's leading position in the emerging technology field of AM in a unique combination with ICME.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958192.


Roth J., Šulák I., Kruml T., Polkowski W., Dudziak T., Böhlke T., Krupp U., Jahns K.: Establishing a process route for additive manufacturing of NiCu-based Alloy 400: an alignment of gas atomization, laser powder bed fusion, and design of experiments. Int. J. Adv. Manufact. Technol. 134 (2024) 3433-3452

Samy V., Brasche F., Yan F., Šulák I., Bezci B., Nowak B., Berglund I., Krupp U., Haase C.: Understanding the high-temperature deformation behavior of additively manufactured y´-forming Ni-based alloys by microstructure heterogeneities-integrated creep modelling. Additive Manufacturing 88 (2024) 104256

Roth J., Šulák I., Chlup Z., Fischer-Bühner J., Krupp U., Jahns K.: The dispersion-strengthening effect of TiN evoked by in situ nitridation of NiCu-based alloy 400 during gas atomization for laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 893 (2024) 146129

Vražina T., Šulák I., Nowak B., Verma B., Krupp U., Kruml T.: Fatigue lifetime assessment and crack propagation of Ni-based VDM Alloy 699 XA produced by additive manufacturing. Procedia Struct. Integr. 52 (2024) 43-51

Pedraza F., Duval A., Šulák I., Nowak B., Kepa T., Boissonnet G., Bonnet G.: Oxidation of additive manufactured 699XA Ni-based alloy under different atmospheres. Corros. Sci. 237 (2024) 112333

Samy V., Brasche F., Šulák I., Verma B., Nowak B., Chlup Z., Záležák T., Schleifenbaum J., Krupp U., Haase C.: The influence of microstructural heterogeneities on high-temperature mechanical properties of additively manufactured y´-forming Ni-based alloys. Additive Manufacturing 88 (2024) 104267

Šulák I., Chlupová A., Záležák T., Kuběna I., Roth J., Jahns K., Krupp U., Kruml T.: High-temperature fatigue and creep performance of additively manufactured NiCu-based alloy. Procedia Struct. Integr. 52 (2024) 143-153


Chlupová A., Šulák I., Kuběna I., Kruml T., Roth J., Jahns K.: Comparison of microstructure and properties of nickel-copper alloy prepared by casting and laser powder bed fusion process. Mater. Sci. Forum 1082 (2023) 171-176