Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Crack initiation and propagation from interface-related singular stress concentrators

Crack initiation and propagation from interface-related singular stress concentrators

Investigatordoc. Ing. Jan Klusák, Ph.D.
Number of ProjectP108/10/2049
AgencyGrantová agentura České republiky
Duration2009-12-31 - 2012-12-30

The objective of the project is the overall stability assessment of crack initiation and propagation from a bi-material notch. Three possible failure manners can occur: (i) Fracture initiation and propagation into the volume of a material part under a general direction (ii) Debonding of the interface (iii) Crack initiation and propagation into one of the materials in the direction parallel with the interface. Since the first and the second manners have been studied by us or they are available in the literature, the initiation and propagation of a crack parallel to the interface is the main topic of the project. Generally, this failure mode occurs when parameters of fracture-mechanics resistance of an interface are higher than the parameters corresponding to particular material part. Within the proposed project generalization of linear elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics will be performed for mixed-mode crack initiation and propagation parallel to the interface. Finally, the overall stability criteria considering all the three potential failure manners will be suggested.


Helincks P., De Corte W., Klusák J., Boel V., De Schutter G.: Experimental investigation of the influence of the bond conditions on the shear bond strength between steel and self- compacting concrete using push-out tests. Key Eng. Mater. 525-526 (2013) 205-208

Profant T., Klusák J., Ševeček O., Hrstka M., Kotoul M.: An energetic criterion for a micro-crack of finite length initiated in orthotropic bi-material notches. Eng. Fract. Mech. 110 (2013) 396-409

Klusák J., Helincks P., Seitl S., De Corte W., Boel V., De Schutter G.: The influence of the epoxy interlayer on the assessment of failure conditions of push-out test specimens. Key Eng. Mater. 525-526 (2013) 61-64

Profant T., Klusák J., Ševeček O., Kotoul M.: On the direction of a crack initiated from an orthotropic bi-material notch composed of materials with non-uniform fracture mechanics properties. Key Eng. Mater. 525-526 (2013) 545-548

Klusák J., Profant T., Knésl Z., Kotoul M.: The influence of discontinuity and orthotropy of fracture toughness on conditions of fracture initiation in singular stress concentrators. Eng. Fract. Mech. 110 (2013) 438-447


Helincks P., De Corte W., Klusák J., Seitl S., Boel V., De Schutter G.: Failure conditions from push-out tests of a steel-concrete joint: experimental results. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 714-717

Klusák J., Profant T., Ševeček O., Kotoul M.: Crack propagation from bi-material notches - matched asymptotic procedure. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 416-419

Korbel J., Zant N., Klusák J., Knésl Z.: Fracture analysis of epoxy-aluminum spacers exposed to pressure loads. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 64 (2012) 244-247

Klusák J., Seitl S., De Corte W., Helincks P., Boel V., De Schutter G.: Failure conditions from push out tests of a steel-concrete joint: fracture mechanics approach. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 710-713

Klusák J., Profant T., Kotoul M.: Conditions for crack initiation in an orthotropic bi-material notch. Mech. Adv. Mat. Struct. 19 (2012) 302-307


Seitl S., Fernández-Zúniga D., Fernández-Canteli A.: Using a tensor model for analyzing some aspects of mode-II loading. Appl. Comput. Mech. 5 (2011) 55-66

Profant T., Klusák J., Kotoul M.: On the Crack Initiated From the Bi-material Notch Tip. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 441-444

Profant T., Klusák J., Kotoul M.: Case Criterion of Crack Onset in Orthotropic Bi-material Notches. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 157-160

Klusák J., Knésl Z.: Case Study of Crack Initiation from Bi-material Notches. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 449


Klusák J., Profant T., Kotoul M.: Determination of the threshold values of orthotropic bi-material notches. Procedia Eng. 2 (2010) 1635-1642

Klusák J., Knésl Z.: Reliability assessment of a bi-material notch: Strain energy density factor approach. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 53 (2010) 89-93