Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > High-cycle fatigue of Ni-base superalloys at high mean stresses

High-cycle fatigue of Ni-base superalloys at high mean stresses

Investigatorprof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
Number of Project106/05/2112
AgencyGrantová agentura České republiky
Duration2004-12-31 - 2007-12-30

The goal of the project is to determine experimentally the high-temperature lifetime and cyclic creep data of Ni-base cast superalloy IN713LC under action of high tensile mean loads in high-cycle fatigue region. Attention is devoted to the cyclic slip localization, changes of ?/?' &alpha microstructure, crack initiation and early crack propagation. An attempt is made to describe, explain and quantify the cyclic creep behaviour on the basis of the knowledge of loading rate and cyclic plasticity their influence on the formation of unidirectional plastic strain.

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