Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Utilization of termographic techniques and advance probabilistic method for the efficient estimation of Wöhler curve parameters

Utilization of termographic techniques and advance probabilistic method for the efficient estimation of Wöhler curve parameters

Investigatordoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
Number of ProjectM100411204
AgencyAkademie věd České republiky
Duration2012-06-30 - 2015-06-29

The main objective of the project is the accuracy improvement of a numerical prediction for a reliable fatigue life estimation and of the complete description of the composite and metallic materials behavior. Partial aims are following:
- The application of advanced statistical description for fatigue curves of silicon based composites.
- To suggested a procedure using thermographic techniques together with advanced probabilistic models for description of metallic material fatigue behaviour as a quick and economical tool for obtaining the fatigue limit.
- Experimental results will be used as input data for numerical calculations of the fatigue predictions.


Seitl S., Klusák J., Fernández P., Canteli A.: Evaluation of conventional Al 2024 fatigue limit in fatigue test using thermographic measurement: Effect of frequency. Adv. Mater. Res. 891-892 (2014) 1308-1313

Fernández-Canteli A., Castanón L., Nieto B., Lozano M., Holušová T., Seitl S.: Determining fracture energy parameters of concrete from the modified compact tension test. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 30 (2014) 383-393

Seitl S., Bermejo R., Sobek J., Veselý V.: Two Parameter Description of Crack Tip Stress Fields for Wedge Splitting Test Specimen: Influence of Wedge Angle. Adv. Mater. Res. 969 (2014) 345-350

Seitl S., Klusák J., Fernández P., Canteli A.: Thermographic determination methodology: Application on fatigue limit of AL 2024 for R=-1. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 477-480

Seitl S., Bílek V., Keršner Z.: Comparison of Fatigue parameters of Alkali-Activated and ordinaly portland cement based concretes. Int. J. Res. Eng. Technol. 3 (2014) 203-208


Zelený M., Friák M., Šob M.: Ab initio study of energetics and magnetism of Fe, Co, and Ni along the trigonal deformation path. Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 184424