Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > A Numerically Based Optimization of a Near-gamma TiAl Precision Casting Process

A Numerically Based Optimization of a Near-gamma TiAl Precision Casting Process

Investigatorprof. RNDr. Antonín Dlouhý, CSc.
Number of ProjectOC 526.60
AgencyMinisterstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Duration2001-12-31 - 2005-12-30

A process to be optimised is the precision casting of near-g TiAl components like turbochargers and valves for car and aerospace engines. Near-g TiAl alloys based on the composition Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb with boron addition and with controlled levels of interstitial impurities will be considered. The optimal trade-off between processing cost, the product quality and microstructure should be found.

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