Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Influence of material properties of stainless steels on reliability of bridge structures

Influence of material properties of stainless steels on reliability of bridge structures

Investigatordoc. Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
Number of Project20-00761S
Internal Project Number320110
AgencyGrantová agentura České republiky
Duration2020-01-01 - 2022-12-31

New knowledge on the material properties and reliability of load-bearing bridge structures constructed from stainless steel will be obtained within the framework of the project. The limit states will be analysed using numerical models based primarily on the non-linear finite element method. The input parameters of the computational models will be real material characteristics obtained from experiments and processed into histograms. The lifetime of bridge members will be theoretically investigated using linear fracture mechanics and geometry functions proposed using fatigue experiments in laboratory. The reliability analysis will include statistical, sensitivity and probability analysis. Interesting findings can be expected for very slender members with imperfections that generally can have higher stress, lower resistance and faster fatigue degradation in comparison with carbon steel bars. New findings are expected from laboratory experiments investigating fatigue degradation processes that have not yet been observed in existing bridges, which are at the beginning of their life cycle.


Klusák J., Kozáková K., Jambor M., Seitl S.: Fatigue behavior of DIN 1.4307 and DIN 1.4306 stainless steels under high frequency loading. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 142-147

Seitl S., Horník V., Lesiuk G., Kunz L.: Influence of micro-structure of selected components made from AISI 304 on the mechanical properties. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 113-118

Sarkar A., Klusák J., Kozáková K., Christ H.: Very high cycle fatigue behavior of austenitic stainless steel in annealed and predeformed condition. Materials Performance and Characterization 12 (2023) 78-92

Juhászová T., Miarka P., Jindra D., Kala Z., Seitl S.: Evaluation of fatigue crack growth rates in an IPE beam made of AISI 304 under various stress ratios. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 172-177


Blasón Gonzáles S., Werner T., Kruse J., Madia M., Miarka P., Seitl S., Benedetti M.: Determination of fatigue crack growth in the near-threshold regime using small-scale specimens. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 118 (2022) 103224

Klusák J., Kopp D.: The role of the surface in crack initiation in sharp and bi-material notches. Structural. Integr. 24 (2022) 315-321

Seitl S., Pokorný P., Klusák J., Duda S., Lesiuk G.: Effect of specimen thickness on fatigue crack growth resistance in Paris region in AISI 304 steel. Structural. Integr. 24 (2022) 291-297

Klusák J., Kozáková K., Fintová S., Seitl S.: Fatigue lifetimes of 1.4306 and 1.4307 stainless steels subjected to ultrasonic loading. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 1369-1375

Seitl S., Pokorný P., Benešová A., Juhászová T., Kala Z.: Variance of selected properties from various structural elements made from AISI 304. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 22 (2022) 39-44

Kozáková K., Klusák J.: Fracture mechanics assessment of notches subjected to very high-cycle fatigue loading. Structural. Integr. 24 (2022) 299-305

Juhászová T., Miarka P., Jindra D., Kala Z., Seitl S.: Comparison of crack propagation rates in selected structural components made from AISI 304 grades: Three-point bending test. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 1090-1097


Fernandéz G., Miarka P., Seitl S.: Influence of thickness on the values of stress intensity factor in compact tension specimen. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 2021 (2021) 54-59

Lopez-Crespo C., Cruces A., Seitl S., Moreno B., Lopez-Crespo P.: Estimation of the Plastic Zone in Fatigue via Micro-Indentation. Materials 14 (2021) 5885

Klusák J., Kopp D.: 3D assessment of surface influence on crack initiation in sharp notches under a mixed mode of loading. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 112 (2021) 102920

Juhászová T., Miarka P., Seitl S.: Non-traditional geometry for wedge-splitting test. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 21 (2021) 1-5

Braet L., Juhászová T., Jindra D., Miarka P., Seitl S.: Finding the optimal stress state of a stainless-steel IPE profile for fatigue experiments. Procedia Struct. Integr. 33 (2021) 1065-1072

Jindra D., Kala Z., Kala J., Seitl S.: Experimental and Numerical simulation of a Three Point Bending Test of a Stainless Steel Beam. Transportation Research Procedia 55 (2021) 1114-1121