Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Effect of reinforcement-matrix interface on the strength and thermal properties of Mg-Al-Ca alloy composites

Effect of reinforcement-matrix interface on the strength and thermal properties of Mg-Al-Ca alloy composites

InvestigatorRNDr. Karel Milička, DrSc.
Number of Project106/06/1354
AgencyGrantová agentura České republiky
Duration2005-12-31 - 2008-12-30

Due to some their profitable properties, development and application of magnesium alloys and composites with their matrices belong to intensive fields of materials sciences. Together with development of procedures of their preparation, an effort is devoted to formulation scientific bases for their effective development. According to contemporary knowledge, the behaviour of the interface matrix – reinforcing phases determines most of composite properties. The project is aimed to complex and integral explanation of the influences of this interface on selected mechanical properties, i.e., strength, creep resistance and internal damping, and on some thermal properties of the composites. Solution of the project will be based on analysis of the data obtained from relevant types of tests and on structure investigations of a set of composites with identical matrix alloy Mg-Al-Ca and differing in various reinforcements. Random planar distributed short alumina as well as carbon fibres and the combination of these fibres with coarse particles of SiC will be used as the reinforcements. The results of the project solution should consist of the explanation of mechanisms determining mentioned properties of the composites.

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