Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > Projects > Investigation of creep and fatigue behaviour of metallic nanomaterials processed by severe plastic deformation
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Investigation of creep and fatigue behaviour of metallic nanomaterials processed by severe plastic deformation
Co-investigator | Mgr. Marie Kvapilová, Ph.D. |
Number of Project | 9/12 AS CR - RAS |
Agency | Akademie věd České republiky ; Ruská akademie věd |
Duration | 2011-12-31 - 2014-12-30 |
Anotace |
The continuous development of new processing routes for metallic materials was given rise to a wide range of new materials with specific properties. Equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) and high-pressure torsion (HTP) have become important processing procedures for refining microstructure in metallic materials via severe plastic deformation (SPD). It cannot be excluded that creep and fatigue in nanostructured metallic materials are controlled by different deformation and damage mechanism(s) than that in the coarse-grained materials. Within this project intensive experimental work is conducted to reveal the effect of SPD on the mechanical properties of selected nanostructure materials and their microstructural changes. The project is running in collaboration with A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Metallography (RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation (co-investigator: prof. S. V. Dobatkin, DrSc.). |
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