Ústav fyziky materiálů AV ČR, v. v. i. > Zaměstnanci > Klusák Jan

doc. Ing. Jan Klusák, Ph.D.

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Researcher IDK-4682-2012
Pozicevědecký pracovník - Speciální problémy lomové mechaniky a únavy materiálů (FRACTIGUE)

Odborné zaměření
Studium materiálových vlastností v režimu vysokocyklové a gigacyklové únavy. Studium vlivu vrubů na životnost při gigacyklové únavě. Studium lomové mechaniky obecných singulárních koncentrátorů napětí. Formulace kritérií stability ostrých a bi-materiálových vrubů a jejich aplikace na odhad životnosti součástí s těmito vruby. Studium singulárních koncentrátorů napětí v izotropních a ortotropních materiálech. Numerické modelování a výpočty lomově-mechanických parametrů se singulárními koncentrátory napětí, odhady životnosti.

  • 1993-1998 Vysokoškolské studium Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojní, obor Aplikovaná mechanika - Inženýrská mechanika
  • 1998-2002 Postgraduální studium VUT v Brně - Fakulta strojní a ÚFM, AV ČR
  • 1998-Dosud ÚFM AV ČR V současnosti výzkumný pracovník ve skupině Speciální problémy lomové mechaniky a únavy materiálů (FRACTIGUE), ÚFM AV ČR, v. v. i.
Researcher ID: K-4682-2012 ORCID: 0000-0002-5422-4793


Kozáková K., Trávníček L., Poduška J., Klusák J.: Critical length parameter of HDPE and its use in fatigue lifetime predictions. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 19 (2025) 211-222


Klusák J., Fintová S., Kozáková K., Jambor M., Seitl S.: Risk volume effect in very high cycle fatigue of 304L stainless steel. Int. J. Fatigue 178 (2024) 108016

Kozáková K., Klusák J.: Fatigue lifetime predictions of notched specimens based on the critical distance and stress concentration factors. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 133 (2024) 104579

Kozáková K., Klusák J., Fintová S.: The length parameter for gigacycle fatigue life predictions of notched specimens made of 304L steel. Int. J. Fatigue 178 (2024) 107980


Miarka P., Seitl S., Klusák J., Malíková (Šestáková) L., Merta I., Bílek V.: High-cycle fatigue cracks in concrete investigated by micro cT tomography.. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 124-129

Klusák J., Kozáková K., Jambor M., Seitl S.: Fatigue behavior of DIN 1.4307 and DIN 1.4306 stainless steels under high frequency loading. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 142-147

Sarkar A., Klusák J., Kozáková K., Christ H.: Very high cycle fatigue behavior of austenitic stainless steel in annealed and predeformed condition. Materials Performance and Characterization 12 (2023) 78-92

Kozáková K., Klusák J., Fintová S., Seitl S.: The effect of risk volume on the fatigue life of stainless steels subjected to high-frequency loading. Procedia Struct. Integr. 51 (2023) 145-151

Kozáková K., Klusák J.: Prediction of the fatigue life of notched specimens: The influence of the surface quality produced by machining. Procedia Struct. Integr. 43 (2023) 178-183

Kozáková K., Trávníček L., Klusák J., Poduška J., Hutař P.: The influence of different notches on fatigue lifetime of round bar specimens made of HDPE. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 23 (2023) 1-4

Vyhlídal M., Klusák J., Kucharczyková B., Daněk P., Šimonová H., Keršner Z.: Influence of the interfacial transition zone between a steel inclusion and cement-based composite on the fracture response of a bent specimen. Eng. Fract. Mech. 286 (2023) 109256


Kozáková K., Klusák J.: Determination of critical length parameter for fatigue lifetime predictions of notched specimens. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 22 (2022) 16-21

Seitl S., Pokorný P., Klusák J., Duda S., Lesiuk G.: Effect of specimen thickness on fatigue crack growth resistance in Paris region in AISI 304 steel. Structural. Integr. 24 (2022) 291-297

Klusák J., Kozáková K., Fintová S., Seitl S.: Fatigue lifetimes of 1.4306 and 1.4307 stainless steels subjected to ultrasonic loading. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 1369-1375

Seitl S., Benešová A., Blasón Gonzáles S., Miarka P., Klusák J., Bílek V.: Advanced statistical evaluation of fatigue data obtained during the measurement of concrete mixtures with various water-cement ratio. Engineering mechanics 2022 1 (2022) 361-364

Kozáková K., Fintová S., Klusák J.: Fatigue life of notches: an effect of manufacturing. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 270-275

Kozáková K., Klusák J.: Fracture mechanics assessment of notches subjected to very high-cycle fatigue loading. Structural. Integr. 24 (2022) 299-305

Malíková (Šestáková) L., Doubek P., Juhászová T., Klusák J., Seitl S.: Interaction of a fatigue crack and a corrosion dimple in a high-strength steel specimen. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 1082-1089

Vyhlídal M., Klusák J.: Numerical study of specimen with steel inclusion: Influence of interfacial transition zone. Procedia Struct. Integr. 42 (2022) 1000-1007

Klusák J., Kopp D.: The role of the surface in crack initiation in sharp and bi-material notches. Structural. Integr. 24 (2022) 315-321


Klusák J., Horník V., Lesiuk G., Seitl S.: Comparison of high- and low-frequency fatigue properties of structural steels S355J0 and S355J2. Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 44 (2021) 3202-3213

Kozáková K., Klusák J.: The Prediction of Fatigue Life of Notched Specimens. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 21 (2021) 29-35

Klusák J., Kopp D.: 3D assessment of surface influence on crack initiation in sharp notches under a mixed mode of loading. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 112 (2021) 102920


Jambor M., Trško L., Klusák J., Fintová S., Kajánek D., Nový F., Bokůvka O.: Effect of Severe Shot Peening on the Very-High Cycle Notch Fatigue of an AW 7075 Alloy. Metals 10 (2020) 1262

Vyhlídal M., Klusák J.: A crack approaching the edge of the aggregate. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 20 (2020) 47-52

Seitl S., Pokorný P., Miarka P., Klusák J., Kala Z., Kunz L.: Comparison of fatigue crack propagation behaviour in two steel grades S235, S355 and a steel from old crane way. MATEC Web Conf. 310 (2020) 34


Seitl S., Miarka P., Pokorný P., Klusák J.: Influence of corrosion on fatigue behaviour of old crane runway steel. J. Strain Anal. for Engin. Design 54 (2019) 416-423

Klusák J., Krepl O., Profant T.: An easy and engineering stability criterion of general singular stress concentrators. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 104 (2019) 102341

Vyhlídal M., Klusák J.: The influence of polygonal cavity on fracture behaviour of concrete. Procedia Struct. Integr. 17 (2019) 690-697

Profant T., Hrstka M., Klusák J.: Microcrack interaction with circular inclusion and interfacial zone. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 48 (2019) 503-512

Krepl O., Klusák J.: Multi-parameter failure assessment of a bi-material V-notch-Crack initiation from a free-edge singularity. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 100 (2019) 233-241

Klusák J., Seitl S.: Very high cycle fatigue tests of high strength steels S355 J0 and S355 J2. Procedia Struct. Integr. 17 (2019) 576-581

Profant T., Hrstka M., Klusák J.: An asymptotic analysis of crack initiation from an interfacial zone surrounding the circular inclusion. Composite Struct. 208 (2019) 479-497


Seitl S., Miarka P., Klusák J., Kala Z., Krejsa M., Blasón Gonzáles S., Canteli A.: Evaluation of fatigue properties of S355 J0 steel using ProFatigue and ProPagation software. Procedia Struct. Integr. 13 (2018) 1494-1501

Malíková (Šestáková) L., Klusák J.: Influence of the Interfacial Transition Zone on crack behavior in a matrix/aggregate system. Procedia Struct. Integr. 13 (2018) 1798-1803

Malíková (Šestáková) L., Klusák J.: Multi-Parameter Fracture Mechanics: Crack Approaching a Bi-Material Interface. Key Eng. Mater. 784 (2018) 79-84

Krepl O., Klusák J.: Multi-parameter average strain energy density factor criterion applied on the sharp material inclusion problem. Procedia Struct. Integr. 13 (2018) 1279-1284

Klusák J., Krepl O.: Multi-parameter average strain energy density factor criterion applied on the bi-material notch problem. Procedia Struct. Integr. 13 (2018) 1261-1266

Seitl S., Miarka P., Klusák J., Fintová S., Kunz L.: Comparison of the Fatigue Crack Propagation Rates in S355 J0 and S355 J2 Steel Grades. Key Eng. Mater. 784 (2018) 91-96

Seitl S., Miarka P., Pokorný P., Fintová S., Klusák J.: Influence of Micro-Structure on the Fatigue Crack Propagation in Bridge Steel. Proceedings 2 (2018) 1-6


De Corte W., Helincks P., Boel V., Klusák J., Seitl S., De Schutter G.: Generalised fracture mechanics approach to the interfacial failure analysis of a bonded steel-concrete joint. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 42 (2017) 147-160

Malíková (Šestáková) L., Klusák J., Keršner Z.: Assessment of Crack Stability in a Quasi-brittle Particle Composite. Procedia Eng. 190 (2017) 49-53

Šimonová H., Vyhlídal M., Kucharczyková B., Bayer P., Keršner Z., Malíková (Šestáková) L., Klusák J.: Modelling of interfacial transition zone effect on resistance to crack propagation in fine-grained cement-based composites. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 41 (2017) 211-219

Malíková (Šestáková) L., Klusák J.: Interaction between edge-crack and aggregate in silicate-based composite. Trans. VSB TU Ostrava Ser. 17 (2017) 59-64

Krepl O., Klusák J.: The influence of non-singular terms on the precision of stress description near a sharp material inclusion tip. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 90 (2017) 85-99

Krepl O., Klusák J.: Crack onset assessment near the sharp material inclusion tip by means of modified maximum tangential stress criterion. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 42 (2017) 66-73


Klusák J., Krepl O., Profant T.: Behaviour of a crack in a corner or at a tip of a polygon-like particle. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 1912-1919

Krepl O., Klusák J., Profant T.: Analytical-Numerical Determination of Stress Distribution around a Tip of Polygon-Like Inclusion. Key Eng. Mater. 713 (2016) 94-98

Krepl O., Klusák J.: Reconstruction of a 2D stress field around the tip of a sharp material inclusion. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 1920-1927


Seitl S., Klusák J., Fernández P., Canteli A.: Evaluation of conventional Al 2024 fatigue limit in fatigue test using thermographic measurement: Effect of frequency. Adv. Mater. Res. 891-892 (2014) 1308-1313

Klusák J., Kopp D., Profant T.: Bi-material notches under various normal-shear loading modes. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 361-364

Klusák J., Hrstka M., Profant T., Krepl O., Ševeček O., Kotoul M.: The influence of the first non-singular stress terms on crack initiation direction in an orthotropic bi-material plate. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 71 (2014) 67-75

Seitl S., Klusák J., Fernández P., Canteli A.: Thermographic determination methodology: Application on fatigue limit of AL 2024 for R=-1. Key Eng. Mater. 577-578 (2014) 477-480

Profant T., Klusák J., Ševeček O., Kotoul M., Hrstka M., Marcián P.: An effect of the first non-singular term of the Williams asymptotic expansion to the stability of the bi-material orthotropic notch. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 745-748


Profant T., Klusák J., Ševeček O., Kotoul M.: On the direction of a crack initiated from an orthotropic bi-material notch composed of materials with non-uniform fracture mechanics properties. Key Eng. Mater. 525-526 (2013) 545-548

Klusák J., Profant T., Knésl Z., Kotoul M.: The influence of discontinuity and orthotropy of fracture toughness on conditions of fracture initiation in singular stress concentrators. Eng. Fract. Mech. 110 (2013) 438-447

Helincks P., De Corte W., Klusák J., Boel V., De Schutter G.: Experimental investigation of the influence of the bond conditions on the shear bond strength between steel and self- compacting concrete using push-out tests. Key Eng. Mater. 525-526 (2013) 205-208

Profant T., Klusák J., Ševeček O., Hrstka M., Kotoul M.: An energetic criterion for a micro-crack of finite length initiated in orthotropic bi-material notches. Eng. Fract. Mech. 110 (2013) 396-409

Klusák J., Helincks P., Seitl S., De Corte W., Boel V., De Schutter G.: The influence of the epoxy interlayer on the assessment of failure conditions of push-out test specimens. Key Eng. Mater. 525-526 (2013) 61-64


Klusák J., Seitl S., De Corte W., Helincks P., Boel V., De Schutter G.: Failure conditions from push out tests of a steel-concrete joint: fracture mechanics approach. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 710-713

Klusák J., Profant T., Kotoul M.: Conditions for crack initiation in an orthotropic bi-material notch. Mech. Adv. Mat. Struct. 19 (2012) 302-307

Korbel J., Zant N., Klusák J., Knésl Z.: Fracture analysis of epoxy-aluminum spacers exposed to pressure loads. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 64 (2012) 244-247

Helincks P., De Corte W., Klusák J., Seitl S., Boel V., De Schutter G.: Failure conditions from push-out tests of a steel-concrete joint: experimental results. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 714-717

Klusák J., Profant T., Ševeček O., Kotoul M.: Crack propagation from bi-material notches - matched asymptotic procedure. Key Eng. Mater. 488-489 (2012) 416-419

Kunz L., Lukáš P., Klusák J.: Fatigue Strength of Weathering Steel. Mater. Sci. 18 (2012) 18-22


Profant T., Klusák J., Kotoul M.: Case Criterion of Crack Onset in Orthotropic Bi-material Notches. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 157-160

Klusák J., Knésl Z.: Case Study of Crack Initiation from Bi-material Notches. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 449

Seitl S., Klusák J., Veselý V., Řoutil L.: Wedge-Splitting Test - Determination of Minimal Starting Notch Length for Various Cement Based Composites Part II: Crack and Notch Fracture Mechanics Approaches. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 81-84

Profant T., Klusák J., Kotoul M.: On the Crack Initiated From the Bi-material Notch Tip. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 441-444


Klusák J., Knésl Z.: Reliability assessment of a bi-material notch: Strain energy density factor approach. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 53 (2010) 89-93

Klusák J., Profant T., Kotoul M.: Determination of the threshold values of orthotropic bi-material notches. Procedia Eng. 2 (2010) 1635-1642


Klusák J., Knésl Z.: Determination of crack initiation direction from a bi-material notch based on the strain energy density concept. Comp. Mater. Sci. 39 (2007) 214-218

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