Ústav fyziky materiálů AV ČR, v. v. i. > Zaměstnanci > Hadraba Hynek

Ing. Hynek Hadraba, Ph.D.

Telefon+420 532 290 369
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Researcher IDG-1013-2014
Pozicevědecký pracovník - Skupina křehkého lomu


Drdlík D., Mařák V., Klement R., Tofel P., Drdlíková K., Hadraba H., Chlup Z.: Basic microstructural, mechanical, electrical and optical characterisation of BaTiAl6O12 ceramics. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO 63 (2024) 368-376

Hadraba H., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Jambor M., Bertolla L.: Grain size manipulation of the Eurofer steel via mechanical alloying. J. Mater. Sci. 59 (2024) 11546-11558

Pazderová M., Hojna A., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chocholoušek M., Bricín D., Čížek J.: Liquid lead resistance and cracking of novel 1Al-Sc-Y ODS Eurofer steel. J. Nucl. Mater. 602 (2024) 155306

Drdlík D., Sokolov I., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Drdlíková K.: Sintering activation energies of anisotropic layered and particle alumina/zirconia-based composites and their mechanical response. Ceram. Int. 50 (2024) 37430-37440

Drdlík D., Mařák V., Hadraba H., Chlup Z.: A way for densification of lead-free BaTiO3-based/ZrO2 laminates for energy harvesting applications prepared by electrophoretic deposition. Mater. Lett. 355 (2024) 135424


Macková A., Havránek V., Mikšová R., Fernandes S., Matějíček J., Hadraba H., Vilémová M., Liedke M., Martan J., Vronka M., Haušild P., Butterling M., Honnerová P., Attalah A., Wagner A., Lukáč F.: Radiation damage evolution in high entropy alloys (HEAs) caused by 3-5 MeV Au and 5 MeV Cu ions in a broad range of dpa in connection to mechanical properties and internal morphology. Nucl. Mater. Energy 37 (2023) 101510

Hojna A., Pazderová M., Rozumová L., Vít J., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Čížek J.: Performance of Sc-Y-ODS variant of Eurofer steel in stagnant PbLi at 600°C. J. Nucl. Mater. 575 (2023) 154227

Milyutin V., Bureš R., Faberová M., Birčáková Z., Shishkin D., Roupcová P., Hadraba H., Kollar P., Fuzer J., Phuong D.: Multi-component soft magnetic alloy FeNiCoAl0.4Mo0.1Si0.4B0.1 with high frequency stability of permeability. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 293 (2023) 116485

Chlup Z., Drdlík D., Hadraba H., Ševeček O., Šiška F., Erhart J., Maca K.: Temperature effect on elastic and fracture behaviour of lead-free piezoceramic BaTiO3. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 43 (2023) 1509-1522

Čížek J., Klečka J., Babka L., Mušálek R., Hadraba H., Kondas J., Singh R., Pazderová M.: Protective Mo and Fe coatings by CS and RF-ICP for PbLi coolant environments in generation IV fission reactors. J. Thermal Spray Technol. 32 (2023) 363-374


Moravčík I., Zelený M., Dlouhý A., Hadraba H., Moravčíková-Goueva L., Papež P., Fikar O., Dlouhý I., Raabe D., Li Z.: Impact of interstitial elements on the stacking fault energy of an equiatomic CoCrNi medium entropy alloy: theory and experiments. Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 23 (2022) 376-392

Dobeš F., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Matějíček J.: Different Types of Particle Effects in Creep Tests of CoCrFeNiMn High-Entropy Alloy. Materials 15 (2022) 7363

Vražina T., Šulák I., Poloprudský J., Zábranský K., Gejdoš P., Hadraba H., Čelko L.: Influence of the deposition parameters on microstructure and properties of HVOFsprayed WC-CRC-Ni coating. METAL 2022 Conf. Proc. - (2022) 487-492

Šiška F., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Fintová S., Kuběna I.: Effects of grains´ morphology on strengthening mechanisms in ODM401 14Cr ODS steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 852 (2022) 143663

Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Kuběna I.: 9Cr-1W steel strengthened by AlN and BN dispersion. J. Mater. Sci. 57 (2022) 12572-12584


Drdlík D., Zeman D., Tofel P., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlíková K.: A comparative study of direct and indirect evaluation of piezoelectric properties of electrophoreticaly deposited (Ba, Ca) (Zr, Ti)O3 lead-free piezoceramics. Ceram. Int. 47 (2021) 2034-2042

Veverka J., Lukáč F., Kądzielawa A., Koller M., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Karlík M., Legut D., Vontorová J., Chráska T., Vilémová M.: Ultrafine-grained W-Cr composite prepared by controlled W-Cr solid solution decomposition. Mater. Lett. 304 (2021) 130728

Moník M., Delgado-Raack S., Hadraba H., Jech D., Risch R.: Rock physics and the circulation of Neolithic axeheads in Central Europe and the western Mediterranean. Wear 474-475 (2021) 203708

Moník M., Hadraba H., Milde D., Chlup Z., Nerudová Z., Schnabl P.: Heat treatment and mechanics of Moravian Jurassic cherts. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 13 (2021) 158

Veverka J., Vilémová M., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Matějíček J., Vontorová J., Chráska T.: Evolution of carbon and oxygen concentration in tungsten prepared by field assisted sintering and its effect on ductility. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 97 (2021) 105499


Chlup Z., Černý M., Kácha P., Hadraba H., Strachota A.: Fracture resistance of partially pyrolysed polysiloxane preceramic polymer matrix composites reinforced by unidirectional basalt fibres. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 4879-4885

Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Drdlík D., Šiška F.: Characterisation of mechanical and fracture behaviour of Al2O3/ZrO2/BaTiO3 laminate by indentation. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 4799-4807

Drdlík D., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlíková K.: Surface roughness improvement of near net shaped alumina by EPD. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 56 (2020) 721-727

Koller M., Vilémová M., Lukáč F., Beran P., Čížek J., Hadraba H., Matějíček J., Veverka J., Seiner H.: An ultrasonic study of relaxation processes in pure and mechanically alloyed tungsten. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 90 (2020) 105233

Šiška F., Čech J., Haušild P., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Husák R., Stratil L.: Twinning in CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy induced by nanoindentation. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 784 (2020) 139297

Chlup Z., Novotná L., Šiška F., Drdlík D., Hadraba H.: Effect of residual stresses to the crack path in alumina/zirconia laminates. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 5810-5818

Moravčík I., Hadraba H., Li L., Dlouhý I., Raabe D., Li Z.: Yield strength increase of a CoCrNi medium entropy alloy by interstitial nitrogen doping at maintained ductility. Scr. Mater. 178 (2020) 391-397

Vilémová M., Hadraba H., Weiss Z., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Chlup Z., Matějíček J., Chráska T.: Phase, Composition and Structure Changes of CoCrNi-Based Concentrated Alloys Resulting from High Temperature Oxidation. Materials 13 (2020) 2276

Drdlíková K., Drdlík D., Hadraba H., Klement R., Maca K.: Optical and mechanical properties of mn-doped transparent alumina and their comparison with selected rare earth and transient metal doped aluminas. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 40 (2020) 4894-4900

Matějíček J., Veverka J., Yin C., Vilémová M., Terentyev D., Wirtz M., Gago M., Dubinko A., Hadraba H.: Spark plasma sintered tungsten - mechanical properties, irradiation effects and thermal shock performance. J. Nucl. Mater. 542 (2020) 152518


Chlup Z., Fintová S., Hadraba H., Kuběna I., Vilémová M., Matějíček J.: Fatigue Behaviour and Crack Initiation in CoCrFeNiMn High-Entropy Alloy Processed by Powder Metallurgy. Metals 9 (2019) 1-12

Moník M., Nerudová Z., Schnabl P., Kdýr Š., Hadraba H.: Did heat treatment of flints take place in the Moravian Magdalenian? The case of Balcarka cave. J. Archaeol. Sci.-Rep. 25 (2019) 610-620

Tofel P., Machů Z., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Ševeček O., Majer Z., Holcman V., Hadaš Z.: Novel layered architecture based on Al2O3/ZrO2/BaTiO3 for SMART piezoceramic electromechanical converters. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228 (2019) 1575-1588

Vilémová M., Illková K., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Hadraba H., Matějíček J., Chlup Z., Klečka J.: Thermal and oxidation behavior of CoCrFeMnNi alloy with and without yttrium oxide particle dispersion. J. Mater. Eng. and Performance 28 (2019) 5850-5859

Chlup Z., Drdlík D., Fides M., Kovalčíková A., Hadraba H.: Properties of BaTiO3/Al2O3 Laminate Structure by Nanoindentation. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 499-504

Husák R., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Heczko M., Kruml T., Puchý V.: ODS EUROFER Steel Strengthened by Y-(Ce, Hf, La, Sc, and Zr) Complex Oxides. Metals 9 (2019) 1148


Drdlík D., Sláma M., Hadraba H., Drdlíková K., Cihlář J.: Physical, mechanical, and biological properties of electrophoretically deposited lithium-doped calcium phosphates. Ceram. Int. 44 (2018) 2884-2891

Stratil L., Šiška F., Hadraba H., Dlouhý I.: The size effect on J-R curve for construction steels and its prediction by simplified mechanical model. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP 6B (2018) 141606

Svoboda J., Horník V., Stratil L., Hadraba H., Mašek B., Khalaj O., Jirková H.: Microstructure Evolution in ODS Alloys with a High-Volume Fraction of Nano Oxides. Metals 8 (2018) 1079

Dobeš F., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Dlouhý A., Vilémová M., Matějíček J.: Compressive creep behavior of an oxide-dispersion-strengthened CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 732 (2018) 99-104

Hojna A., Hadraba H., Di Gabrielle F., Husák R.: Behaviour of pre-stressed T91 and ODS steels exposed to liquid lead-bismuth eutectic. Corros. Sci. 131 (2018) 264-277

Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Hadraba H., Halasová M.: Effect of the exposition temperature on the behaviour of partially pyrolysed hybrid basalt fibre composites. Composites B 147 (2018) 122-127

Chlup Z., Bača L., Hadraba H., Kuběna I., Roupcová P., Kováčová Z.: Low-temperature consolidation of high-strength TiB2 ceramic composites via grain-boundary engineering using Ni-W alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 738 (2018) 194-202

Šiška F., Stratil L., Hadraba H., Fintová S., Kuběna I., Horník V., Husák R., Bártková D., Záležák T.: Strengthening mechanisms of different oxide particles in 9Cr ODS steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 732 (2018) 112-119


Matějíček J., Vilémová M., Nevrlá B., Kocmanová L., Veverka J., Halasová M., Hadraba H.: The influence of substrate temperature and spraying distance on the properties of plasma sprayed tungsten and steel coatings deposited in a shrouding chamber. Surf. Coat. Technol. 318 (2017) 217-223

Drdlík D., Drdlíková K., Hadraba H., Maca K.: Optical, mechanical and fractographic response of transparent alumina ceramics on erbium doping. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 4265-4270

Šiška F., Stratil L., Hadraba H., Fintová S., Kuběna I., Záležák T., Bártková D.: High temperature deformation mechanisms in the 14% Cr ODS alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 689 (2017) 34-39

Hojna A., Gabriele F., Hadraba H., Husák R., Kuběna I., Rozumová L., Bublíková P., Kalivodová J., Matějíček J.: Fracture behaviour of the 14Cr ODS steel exposed to helium and liquid lead. J. Nucl. Mater. 490 (2017) 143-154

Stratil L., Šiška F., Hadraba H., Fintová S., Mrňa T., Dlouhý I.: The effect of specimen size for the P91 steel at elevated and high temperatures. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP 1A (2017) 131595

Drdlíková K., Klement R., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Galušek D., Maca K.: Luminescent Eu3+-doped transparent alumina ceramics with high hardness. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 4271-4277

Maca K., Pouchlý V., Drdlík D., Hadraba H., Chlup Z.: Dilatometric study of anisotropic sintering of alumina/zirconialaminates with controlled fracture behaviour. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 (2017) 4287-4295

Hadraba H., Husák R., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Puchý V., Michalička J.: Survey of oxide candidate for advanced 9%, 14% and 17%Cr ODS steels for fusion applications. Fusion Eng. & Design 124 (2017) 1028-1032

Stratil L., Šiška F., Hadraba H., Bártková D., Fintová S., Puchý V.: Fracture behaviour of the ODS steels prepared by internal oxidation. Fusion Eng. & Design 124 (2017) 1108-1111

Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Dlouhý A., Dobeš F., Roupcová P., Vilémová M., Matějíček J.: Oxide dispersion strengthened CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 689 (2017) 252-256


Dlouhý I., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Řehořek L.: Response of alumina foam to tensile mechanical loading including stress concentrator effect. Prog. Mater. Sci. 12 (2016) 106-111


Stratil L., Šiška F., Hadraba H., Dlouhý I.: The prediction of size effect on J-R curve for Eurofer97 steel by simplified mechanical model. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP 1A (2015) 117787

Chlup Z., Bača L., Halasová M., Neubauer E., Hadraba H., Stelzer N., Roupcová P.: Effect of metallic dopants on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TiB2. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 35 (2015) 2745-2754

Strečková M., Hadraba H., Bureš R., Faberová M., Roupcová P., Kuběna I., Medvecký L., Girman V., Kollar P., Fuzer J., Cizmar E.: Chemical synthesis of nickel ferrite spinel designed as an insulating bilayer coating on ferromagnetic particles. Surf. Coat. Technol. 270 (2015) 66-76

Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Dlouhý I.: Micro fibres containing laminates prepared by EPD: microstructure and fracture behaviour. Key Eng. Mater. 654 (2015) 53-57


Strečková M., Baťková M., Baťko I., Hadraba H., Bureš R.: Imaging of Magnetic Domains and Domain Walls in Spherical Fe-Si Powder Using Magnetic Force Microscopy. Acta Phys. Pol. A 126 (2014) 92-93

Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Maca K., Dlouhý I., Bermejo R.: On the determination of the stress-free temperature for alumina-zirconia multilayer structures. Ceram. Int. 40 (2014) 5787-5793

Hadraba H., Husák R., Kuběna I., Bureš R., Faberová M., Strečková M.: Preparation of ferritic 17%Cr ODS steel by mechanical alloying from prealloyed steel powder. Powder Metall. Progr. 14 (2014) 222-227

Strečková M., Fuzer J., Kobera L., Brus J., Faberová M., Bureš R., Kollar P., Lauda M., Medvecký L., Girman V., Hadraba H., Baťková M., Baťko I.: A comprehensive study of soft magnetic materials based on FeSi spheres and polymeric resin modified by silica nanorods. Mater. Chem. Phys. 147 (2014) 649-660

Drdlík D., Bartoníčková E., Hadraba H., Cihlář J.: Influence of anionic stabilization of alumina particles in 2-propanol medium on the electrophoretic deposition and mechanical properties of deposits. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 34 (2014) 3365-3371

Hadraba H., Strečková M., Husák R., Roupcová P.: Mechanical alloying of 80Ni-14.7Fe-4.4Mo-0.5Mn-0.3Si soft magnetic material of Permalloy type. Powder Metall. Progr. 14 (2014) 208-214


Stratil L., Hadraba H., Dlouhý I.: Ductile damage identification and tensile notch effect for Eurofer97 steel. Acta Metall. Slovaca 3 (2013) 185-190

Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Chlup Z., Máca F., Dlouhý I., Cihlář J.: Layered ceramic composites via control of electrophoretic deposition kinetics. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 33 (2013) 2305-2312

Stratil L., Hadraba H., Kozák V., Dlouhý I.: Identification and application of Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model for sub-sized three-point- bend geometry. Acta Technica CSAV 58 (2013) 141-155

Cihlář J., Drdlík D., Cihlářová Z., Hadraba H.: Effect of acids and bases on electrophoretic deposition of alumina and zirconia particles in 2-propanol. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 33 (2013) 1885-1892


Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Drdlík D., Maca K., Dlouhý I.: Control of electrophoretic deposition kinetics for preparation of laminated alumina/zirconia ceramic composites. Key Eng. Mater. 507 (2012) 209-213

Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Chlup Z., Maca K., Dlouhý I., Cihlář J.: Laminated alumina/zirconia ceramic composites prepared by electrophoretic deposition. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 32 (2012) 2053-2056

Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Slabáková L., Drdlík D., Dlouhý I.: Fracture behaviour of alumina and zirconia thin layered laminate. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 32 (2012) 2057-2061

Stratil L., Kozák V., Hadraba H., Dlouhý I.: Stress state analysis of sub-sized pre-cracked three-point-bend specimen. Eng. Mech. 19 (2012) 121-129

Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Maca K., Dlouhý I.: Development of internal stresses in alumina-zirconia laminates. Key Eng. Mater. 507 (2012) 221-226


Dlouhý I., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Šmída T.: Prediction of fracture toughness temperature dependence applying neural network. Structur. Integr. and Life 11 (2011) 9-14

Hadraba H., Kazimierzak B., Stratil L., Dlouhý I.: Microstructure and impact properties of ferritic ODS ODM401 (14%Cr-ODS of MA957 type). J. Nucl. Mater. 417 (2011) 241-244

Hadraba H., Fournier B., Stratil L., Malaplate J., Rouffie A., Wident P., Ziolek L., Béchadeb J.: Influence of microstructure on impact properties of 9-18%Cr ODS steels for fusion/fission applications. J. Nucl. Mater. 411 (2011) 112-118

Dlouhý I., Tadafder M., Hadraba H.: Micromechanical Aspects of Transgranular and Intergranular Failure Competition. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 399-402

Stratil L., Hadraba H., Buršík J., Dlouhý I.: Comparison of microstructural properties and Charpy impact behaviour between different plates of the Eurofer97 steel and effect of isothermal ageing. J. Nucl. Mater. 416 (2011) 311-317

24-12763S Cílená manipulace s mikrostrukturou pro aditivní tvarování slitin ODS
20-20873S Vývoj ODS ocelí odolných účinkům tekutých kovů pro využití v nových systémech v oblasti jaderného štěpení i fúze
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007304 Materiály s vnitřní architekturou strukturované pro aditivní technologie (ArMAdit)
17-23964S Disperzně zpevněné vysoce entropické slitiny pro použití za extrémních podmínek
GA14-25246S Pokročilé ODS oceli pro aplikace v prostředí tavenin těžkych kovů
7AMB14SK154 Progresivní magneticky měkké materiály na bázi vícesložkových slitin
WP12-MAT-01-ODSFS-01-01/IPP.CR/BS EFDA - Výroba a charakterizace laboratorního objemu nano-strukturovaných ODSFS
GAP108/10/0466 Predikce lomového chování konstrukčních ocelí na základě kvantifikace lokální odezvy materiálu
EFDA Studium mikromechanismu štěpného lomu 14% Cr feritických ODS ocelí
EFDA Studium mikromechanismu štěpného lomu 14%-Cr ODS feritických ocelí
GA106/08/1397 Vliv ultrajemné disperze částic na štěpný lom chromových ocelí