Konfokální mikroskop Olympus LEXT OLS3100 s AFM modulem
Kontaktní osoba | Ing. Hynek Hadraba, Ph.D. |

Mikroskop určený k dokumentaci výbrusů a lomových ploch včetně 3D rekonstrukce povrchu umožnujícího další geometrické analýzy.
Olympus Corporation (President: Tsuyoshi Kikukawa) is pleased to announce the worldwide launch of the LEXT OLS3100 confocal laser scanning microscope on January 25, 2007. This new system allows significantly speedy observation and measurement of fine surface patterns on semiconductors, advanced materials and electronic devices. The LEXT OLS3000, which was introduced in January 2004, has earned an excellent reputation for its high resolution and versatile observation methods and has become an industrial-leading standard for laser microscopes. While maintaining the excellent performance of its predecessor, the LEXT OLS3100 is even revolutionarily easier to operate with a "single click" concept. Exclusive Olympus technology is also reflected in further improvements in reliability, including the highest standard of measurement repeatability (*) in the world. By introducing this new product, Olympus is helping to set a new standard of efficiency in R&D and Failure analysis for leading-edge products.