Ústav fyziky materiálů AV ČR, v. v. i. > Zaměstnanci > Šmíd Miroslav

Ing. Miroslav Šmíd, Ph.D.

Telefon+420 532 290 421
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Researcher IDF-9798-2014
Pozicevědecký pracovník - Skupina vysokocyklové únavy

Odborné zaměření
High temperature fatigue of nickel-base superalloys and their mechanisms of fatigue deformations.

  • 2003-2008 Master studies Brno University of Technology, Faculty of mechanical engineering, branch Material sciences and engineering
  • 2008-2013 Postgraduate studies Brno University of Technology, Faculty of mechanical engineering, branch Material sciences and engineering
  • 2009-2011 BUT Lecturer Subjects Introduction into material engineering
  • Since 2013 IPM AS CR Postdoctoral fellow, High cycle fatigue, Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


Kuběna I., Fintová S., Jambor M., Šmíd M.: TKD/EBSD and TEM analysis of microstructural changes ongoing in AISI 304L steel exposed to the cyclic loading. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 872 (2023) 144943

Šmíd M., Koutný D., Neumannová K., Chlup Z., Náhlík L., Jambor M.: Cyclic behaviour and microstructural evolution of metastable austenitic stainless steel 304L produced by laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing 68 (2023) 103503

Jambor M., Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Koutný D., Náhlík L., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Anomalous fatigue crack propagation behavior in near-threshold region of L-PBF prepared austenitic stainless steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 872 (2023) 144982


Slávik O., Vojtek T., Poczklán L., Tinoco Navarro H., Kruml T., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Improved description of low-cycle fatigue behaviour of 316L steel under axial, torsional and combined loading using plastic J-integral. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 118 (2022) 103212


Jambor M., Vojtek T., Pokorný P., Šmíd M.: Effect of Solution Annealing on Fatigue Crack Propagation in the AISI 304L TRIP Steel. Materials 14 (2021) 1331

Trávníček L., Kuběna I., Mazánová V., Vojtek T., Polák J., Hutař P., Šmíd M.: Advantageous Description of Short Fatigue Crack Growth Rates in Austenitic Stainless Steels with Distinct Properties. Metals 11 (2021) 475

Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Jambor M., Fintová S.: Effect of solution annealing on low cycle fatigue of 304L stainless steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 824 (2021) 141807


Polatidis E., Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Hsu W., Laplanche G., Van Swygenhoven H.: Deformation mechanisms in a superelastic NiTi alloy: An in-situ high resolution digital image correlation study. Mater. & Design 191 (2020) 108622

Šmíd M., Horník V., Kunz L., Hrbáček K., Hutař P.: High Cycle Fatigue Data Transferability of MAR-M 247 Superalloy from Separately Cast Specimens to Real Gas Turbine Blade. Metals 10 (2020) 1460-1476

Arabi-Hashemi A., Polatidis E., Šmíd M., Panzner T., Leinenbach C.: Grain orientation dependence of the forward and reverse fcc <-> hcp transformation in FeMnSi-based shape memory alloys studied by in situ neutron diffraction. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 782 (2020) 139261

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Luptáková N., Jarý M., Šmíd M., Stratil L., Šiška F., Svoboda J.: Development of advanced Fe-Al-O ODS alloy microstructure and properties due to heat treatment. J. Mater. Res. 35 (2020) 2789-2797


Horník V., Fintová S., Šmíd M., Hutař P., Hrbáček K., Kunz L.: Interaction of fatigue and creep in MAR-M 247 superalloy. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 197-202

Sofinowski K., Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Vives S., Casati N., Godet S., Van Swygenhoven H.: In situ characterization of a high work hardening Ti-6Al-4V prepared by electron beam melting. Acta Mater. 179 (2019) 224-236

Horník V., Fintová S., Šmíd M., Hutař P., Hrbáček K., Kunz L.: Fatigue properties of B1914 superalloy at high temperatures. Procedia Struct. Integr. 23 (2019) 191-196


Hutař P., Poduška J., Šmíd M., Kuběna I., Chlupová A., Náhlík L., Polák J., Kruml T.: Short fatigue crack behaviour under low cycle fatigue regime. Int. J. Fatigue 103 (2017) 207-215

Bártková D., Šmíd M., Mašek B., Svoboda J., Šiška F.: Kinetic study of static recrystallization in an Fe-Al-O ultra-fine-grained nanocomposite. Philos. Mag. Lett. 97 (2017) 379-385

Záležák T., Šiška F., Stratil L., Luptáková N., Šmíd M., Bártková D., Svoboda J., Dlouhý A.: A Numerical Analysis of Deformation Processes in Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Materials - Influence of Dislocation-Particle Interactions. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 106-109

Horník V., Šmíd M., Hutař P., Kunz L., Hrbáček K.: Interaction of Creep and High Cycle Fatigue of IN 713LC Superalloy. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 595-598


Šmíd M., Hutař P., Horník V., Hrbáček K., Kunz L.: Stage I fatigue cracking in MAR-M 247 superalloy at elevated temperatures. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 3585-3592

Hutař P., Poduška J., Chlupová A., Šmíd M., Kruml T., Náhlík L.: Description of short fatigue crack propagation under low cycle fatigue regime. Procedia Struct. Integr. 2 (2016) 3009-3016

Němcová A., Kuběna I., Šmíd M., Habazaki H., Skeldon P., Thompson G.: Effect of current density and behaviour of second phases in anodizing of a Mg-Zn-RE alloy in a fluoride/glycerol/water electrolyte. J Solid State Electrochem. 20 (2016) 1155-1165

Šmíd M., Horník V., Hutař P., Hrbáček K., Kunz L.: High Cycle Fatigue Damage Mechanisms of MAR-M 247 Superalloy at High Temperatures. Trans. Indian Inst. Metals 69 (2016) 393-397

Šiška F., Stratil L., Šmíd M., Luptáková N., Záležák T., Bártková D.: Deformation and fracture behavior of the P91 martensitic steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 672 (2016) 1-6


Šmíd M., Fintová S., Kunz L., Hutař P., Hrbáček K.: Prediction of maximum casting defect size in MAR-M 247 alloy processed by hot isostatic pressing. Materials Engineering - Materialove inzinierstvo 2 (2015) 25-32

Palagonia M., Němcová A., Kuběna I., Šmíd M., Gao S., Liu H., Zhong X., Haigh S., Santamaria M., Quarto F., Habazaki H., Skeldon P., Thompson G.: Behavior of Alloying Elements during Anodizing of Mg-Cu and Mg-W Alloys in a Fluoride/Glycerol Electrolyte. J. Electrochem. Soc. 162 (2015) C487-C494


Petrenec M., Polák J., Tobiáš J., Šmíd M., Chlupová A., Petráš R.: Analysis of cyclic plastic response of nickel based IN738LC superalloy. Int. J. Fatigue 65 (2014) 44-50

Šmíd M., Obrtlík K.: Surface relief evolution in IN792-5A nickel base superalloy under high temperature fatigue straining with hold times. Key Eng. Mater. 592-593 (2014) 429-432

Šmíd M., Kunz L., Hutař P., Hrbáček K.: High cycle fatigue of nickel-based superalloy MAR-M 247 at high temperatures. Procedia Eng. 74 (2014) 329-332

Hutař P., Kuběna I., Ševčík M., Šmíd M., Kruml T., Náhlík L.: Small fatigue crack propagation in Y2O3 strengthened steels. J. Nucl. Mater. 452 (2014) 370-377

Beran P., Petrenec M., Heczko M., Smetana B., Žaludová M., Šmíd M., Kruml T., Keller L.: In-situ neutron diffraction study of thermal phase stability in a gamma-TiAl based alloy doped with Mo and/or C. Intermetallics 54 (2014) 28-38

Hutař P., Kuběna I., Šmíd M., Ševčík M., Kruml T., Náhlík L.: Description of small fatigue crack propagation in ODS steel. Adv. Mater. Res. 891-892 (2014) 911-916


Šmíd M., Petrenec M., Polák J., Obrtlík K., Chlupová A.: Analysis of the Effective and Internal Cyclic Stress Components in the Inconel Superalloy Fatigued at Elevated Temperature. Adv. Mater. Res. 278 (2011) 393-398

23-07235S Manipulace mikrostruktury austenitickych oceli pomocí techniky laserové fúze praškového lože
19-25591Y Vliv mikrostruktury na únavové vlastnosti vysoce anisotropických nerezavějících ocelí vyrobených pomocí selektivního laserového tání