The influence of air humidity on fatigue life of railway axles is explained by Pavel Hutař and Tomáš Vojtek in the interview When it is good to be rusty!
Traveling by train compared to an airplane generates lesser carbon-footprint, and these days responsible citizens are availing this mode of transport to a greater extent.
But for a safe train journey, the wheels – the foundation of this journey – need to be in a sound condition and well connected by a healthy axle.
Railway axles are one of the most highly stressed components of the railway-system.
Mechanical stresses cause fatigue-cracks in them, which propagates with time making them vulnerable. The safety and consistency of these axles are, therefore, of utmost importance. Train axle failures have triggered a significant loss of life, and researchers are devoting their time to avoid such incidents.
Read the whole article at CEITEC CONNECT.