Ústav fyziky materiálů AV ČR, v. v. i. > Seznam projektů > Detail projektu

Fyzikální vlastnosti pokročilých materiálů ve vztahu k jejich mikrostruktuře a způsobu přípravy

Řešiteldoc. RNDr. Petr Lukáš, CSc., dr. h. c.
Spoluřešitelprof. Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc.
Číslo projektuAV0Z20410507
AgenturaAkademie věd České republiky
Doba řešení2004-12-31 - 2011-12-30

Fyzikální vlastnosti následujících pokročilých materiálů budou experimentálně a teoreticky studovány ve vztahu k jejich mikrostruktuře a způsobu přípravy: ultrajemnozrnné, mikrokrystalické, nanokrystalické a amorfní materiály; intermetalika; monokrystaly superslitin; pokročilé ocele; pokročilé Mg, Fe a Ni slitiny; paměťové slitiny; kompozity a nanokompozity; kovové lamináty; bezolovnaté pájky; magnetické polovodiče; polokovové magnety; magnetické multivrstvy; silicidy transitivních kovů. Cílem je objasn it, popsat a kvantifikovat mechanizmy procesů a vývoje mikrostruktury probíhající v pokročilých materiálech během creepu, únavy a lomu. Difúze, termodynamika, struktura fází, elektrické a magnetické charakteristiky budou studovány v relevantním rozsahu t eplot. To vše přispěje do celosvětové pokladnice znalostí o pokročilých materiálech (mechanizmy procesů, databáze experimentálních dat a vlastností) a následně k optimalizaci jejich přípravy.


David B., Pizúrová N., Synek P., Kudrle V., Jašek O., Schneeweiss O.: Epsilon-Fe2O3 nanoparticles synthesized in atmospheric-pressure microwave torch. Mater. Lett. 116 (2014) 370-373

Kruml T., Obrtlík K.: Microstructure degradation in high temperature fatigue of TiAl alloy. Int. J. Fatigue 65 (2014) 28-32


Appel F., Herrmann D., Fischer F., Svoboda J., Kozeschnik E.: Role of Vacancies in Work Hardening and Fatigue of TiAl Alloys. Int. J. Plast. 42 (2013) 83-100


Čermák J., Král L.: Improvement of hydrogen storage characteristics of Mg/Mg2Ni by alloying: Beneficial effect of In. J. Power Sources 214 (2012) 208-215

Čermák J., Král L.: Ageing of Mg-Ni-H hydrogen storage alloys. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 14257-14264

Klusák J., Profant T., Kotoul M.: Conditions for crack initiation in an orthotropic bi-material notch. Mech. Adv. Mat. Struct. 19 (2012) 302-307

Svoboda J., Fischer F., Uhlar R.: Modeling the Role of Sources and Sinks for Vacancies on the Kinetics of Diffusive Phase Transformation in Binary Systems with Several Stoichiometric Phases. Philos. Mag. Lett. 92 (2012) 67-76

Gröger R., Vítek V.: Constrained Nudged Elastic Band calculation of the Peierls barrier with atomic relaxations. Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 20 (2012) 035019

Obrtlík K., Pospíšilová S., Juliš M., Podrábský T., Polák J.: Fatigue behavior of coated and uncoated cast Inconel 713LC at 800 °C. Int. J. Fatigue 41 (2012) 101-106

Polák J., Man J., Petrenec M., Tobiáš J.: Fatigue behavior of ferritic-pearlitic-bainitic steel in loading with positive mean stress. Int. J. Fatigue 39 (2012) 103-108

Životský O., Hendrych A., Klimsa L., Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Gómez J., Janickovic D.: Surface microstructure and magnetic behavior in FeSiB amorphous ribbons from magneto-optical Kerr effect. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324 (2012) 569-577

Čermák M., Zouhar M.: Thin Static Charged Dust Majumdar-Papapetrou Shells with High Symmetry in D >= 4. Int. J. Theoretical Physics 51 (2012) 2455-2469

Svoboda J., Fischer F.: Modelling for hydrogen diffusion in metals with traps revisited. Acta Mater. 60 (2012) 1211-1220

Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Slabáková L., Drdlík D., Dlouhý I.: Fracture behaviour of alumina and zirconia thin layered laminate. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 32 (2012) 2057-2061

Čermák J., Král L.: Alloying of Mg/Mg2Ni eutectic by chosen non-hydride forming elements: Relation between segregation of the third element and hydride storage capacity. J. Power Sources 197 (2012) 116-120

Životský O., Jirásková Y., Hendrych A., Matějka V., Klimsa L., Buršík J.: Influence of Annealing Temperature and Atmosphere on Surface. IEEE Trans. Magnetics 48 (2012) 1367-1370

Man J., Vystavěl T., Weidner A., Kuběna I., Petrenec M., Kruml T., Polák J.: Study of cyclic strain localization and fatigue crack initiation using FIB technique. Int. J. Fatigue 39 (2012) 44-53

Sykora R., Turek I.: Transport Properties of Fe/GaAs/Ag(001) System. J. Nanosci. and Nanotech. 12 (2012) 7554-7557

Polák J., Petrenec M., Man J., Obrtlík K.: Initiation and short crack growth in austenitic-ferritic duplex steel-effect of positive mean stress. Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 35 (2012) 257-268

Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Drdlík D., Maca K., Dlouhý I.: Development of internal stresses in alumina-zirconia laminates. Key Eng. Mater. 507 (2012) 221-226

Svoboda J., Fischer F., McDowell D.: Derivation of the phase field equations from the thermodynamic extremal principle. Acta Mater. 60 (2012) 396-406


Fischer F., Svoboda J.: Chemically and Mechanically Driven Creep Due to Generation and Annihilation of Vacancies with Non-ideal Sources and Sinks. Int. J. Plast. 27 (2011) 1384-1390

Kvapilová M., Sklenička V., Dvořák J., Král P.: An Evaluation of Creep Mechanisms in Ultrafine-Grained Metals. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 382-385

Fischer F., Svoboda J., Appel F., Kozeschnik E.: Modelling of Excess Vacancy Annihilation at Different Types of Sinks. Acta Mater. 59 (2011) 3463-3472

Svoboda J., Fischer F.: Stress Development During Reaction of Metallic Nanospheres with Gas. Acta Mater. 59 (2011) 61-67

Káňa T., Šob M., Vítek V.: Transformation paths in transition-metal disilicides. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 61-64

Saada G., Kruml T.: Deformation mechanisms of nanograined metallic polycrystals. Acta Mater. 59 (2011) 2565-2574

Všianská M., Šob M.: The effect of segregated sp-impurities on grain-boundary and surface structure, magnetism and embrittlement in nickel. Prog. Mater. Sci. 56 (2011) 817-840

Čermák J., David B.: Catalytic effect of Ni, Mg2Ni and Mg2NiH4 upon hydrogen desorption from MgH2. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 13614-13620

Všianská M., Šob M.: Magnetically dead layers at sp-impurity-decorated grain boundaries and surfaces in nickel. Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 014418

Polák J., Petrenec M., Kruml T., Chlupová A.: Cyclic plastic response and fatigue life in symmetric and asymmetric cyclic loading. Procedia Eng. 10 (2011) 568-577

Kruml T., Polák J.: Fatigue cracks in Eurofer 97 steel: Part I. Nucleation and small crack growth kinetics. J. Nucl. Mater. 412 (2011) 2-6

Polák J., Petrenec M., Man J.: Cyclic plasticity, cyclic creep and fatigue life of duplex stainless steel in cyclic loading with positive mean stress. Kovové materiály 49 (2011) 347-354

David B., Pizúrová N., Schneeweiss O., Šantavá E., Jašek O., Kudrle V.: Alpha-Fe nanopowder synthesised in low-pressure microwave plasma and studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 303 (2011) 012090

Buršík J.: Elastic parameters of various rafted structures of model Ni-base alloys. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 85-88

Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Kozák V.: Properties of modified polysiloxane based ceramic matrix for long fibre reinforced composite materials. Plastics, Rubber and Composites 40 (2011) 380-385

Obrtlík K., Pospíšilová S., Juliš M., Podrábský T., Polák J.: Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Cast Superalloy Inconel 713LC with Al Coating at 800 C. Key Eng. Mater. 452-453 (2011) 265-268

Jirásková Y., Buršík J., Tuček J.: Phase and microstructural analysis of hot rolled FeNi42 sheet, its response in magnetic and mechanical properties. Steel Res. Int. 82 (2011) 898-904

Kvapilová M., Kuchařová K., Sklenička V., Svoboda M., Hrbáček K.: Creep behaviour and microstructure changes of model cast Ni-Cr-W-C alloys. Procedia Eng. 10 (2011) 839-844

Svoboda J., Fischer F.: Modelling of the influence of the vacancy source and sink activity and the stress state on diffusion in crystalline solids. Acta Mater. 59 (2011) 1212-1219

Fischer F., Svoboda J.: Modelling of Reaction of Metallic Nanospheres with Gas. Solid State Phenom. 172-174 (2011) 1028-1037

Král P., Dvořák J., Kvapilová M., Svoboda M., Beneš V., Ponížil P., Šedivý O., Sklenička V.: Quantitative Characterization of Microstructure in Copper Processed by ECAP. Mater. Sci. Forum 667-669 (2011) 235-240

Svoboda J., Fischer F., Leindl M.: Transient Solute Drag in Migrating Grain Boundaries. Acta Mater. 59 (2011) 6556-6562

Gröger R., Lookman T.: Influence of dislocations on the spatial variation of microstructure in martensites. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 77-80

Friák M., Hickel T., Körmann F., Udyansky A., Dick A., Pezold J., Ma D., Kim O., Counts W., Šob M., Gebhardt T., Music D., Schneider J., Raabe D., Neugebauer J.: Determining the elasticity of materials employing quantum-mechanical approaches: From the electronic ground state to the limits of materials stability. Steel Res. Int. 82 (2011) 88-100

Couteau O., Kruml T., Martin J.: About the activation volume for cross-slip in Cu at high stresses. Acta Mater. 59 (2011) 4207-4215

Gröger R., Dudeck K., Nellist P., Vítek V., Hirsch P., Cockayne D.: Effect of Eshelby twist on core structure of screw dislocations in molybdenum: Atomic structure and electron microscope image simulations. Philos. Mag. 91 (2011) 2364

Zelený M., Friák M., Šob M.: Ab initio study of energetics and magnetism of Fe, Co, and Ni along the trigonal deformation path. Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 184424

Šmíd M., Petrenec M., Polák J., Obrtlík K., Chlupová A.: Analysis of the Effective and Internal Cyclic Stress Components in the Inconel Superalloy Fatigued at Elevated Temperature. Adv. Mater. Res. 278 (2011) 393-398

Kruml T., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Seitl S., Polák J.: Fatigue cracks in Eurofer 97 steel: Part II. Comparison of small and long fatigue crack growth. J. Nucl. Mater. 412 (2011) 7-12

Polák J., Petrenec M., Man J., Kruml T.: Cyclic plasticity and cyclic creep in austenitic-ferritic duplex steel. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 431-434

David B., Pizúrová N., Schneeweiss O., Kudrle V., Jašek O., Synek P.: Iron-based nanopowders containing alpha-Fe, Fe3C, and gamma-Fe particles synthesised in microwave torch plasma and investigated with Mossbauer spectroscopy. Japan. J. Applied Phys. 50 (2011) 08JF11

Pospíšilová S., Juliš M., Obrtlík K., Kianicová M., Podrábský T., Dvořáček O.: The Study of Microstructure and Properties of Al Diffusion Coating on Inconel 713LC. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 282-285

Chlup Z., Černý M., Strachota A., Dlouhý I.: Role of pyrolysis conditions on fracture behaviour of fibre reinforced Composites. Key Eng. Mater. 465 (2011) 455-458

Kudrnovský J., Drchal V., Khmelevskyi S., Turek I.: Effects of atomic and magnetic order on electronic transport in Pd-rich Pd-Fe alloys. Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 214436

Káňa T., Šob M., Vítek V.: Ab initio study of phase transformations in transition-metal disilicides. Intermetallics 19 (2011) 919-926

Man J., Obrtlík K., Petrenec M., Beran P., Smaga M., Weidner A., Dluhoš J., Kruml T., Biermann H., Eifler D., Polák J.: Stability of austenitic 316L stainless steel against martensite formation during cyclic straining. Procedia Eng. 10 (2011) 1279-1284


Gröger R., Lookman T., Saxena A.: Incompatibility of strains and its application to mesoscopic studies of plasticity. Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 144104

Drchal V., Ondráček M., Kudrnovský J., Bengone O., Turek I., Máca F.: Exchange interactions in the bcc Fe/TaW(001) system. J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol. 8 (2010) 157-160

Sato K., Bergqvist L., Kudrnovský J., Dederichs P., Eriksson O., Turek I., Sanyal B., Bouzerar G., Katayama-Yoshida H., Dinh V., Fukushima T., Kizaki H., Zeller R.: First-principles theory of dilute magnetic semiconductors. Rev. Mod. Phys. 82 (2010) 1633-1690

Ondráček M., Bengone O., Kudrnovský J., Drchal V., Máca F., Turek I.: Magnetic phase stability of monolayers: Fe on a Ta(x)W(1-x) (001) random alloy as a case study. Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 064410

Man J., Valtr M., Weidner A., Petrenec M., Obrtlík K., Polák J.: AFM study of surface relief evolution in 316L steel fatigued at low and high temperatures. Proc. Eng. 2 (2010) 1625-1633

Obrtlík K., Juliš M., Man J., Podrábský T., Polák J.: Extrusion and intrusion evolution in cyclically strained cast superalloy Inconel 738LC using confocal laser scanning microscope and AFM. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 240 (2010) 012054

Máca F., Drchal V., Turek I., Bengone O., Redinger J., Kudrnovský J.: Antiferromagnetic ordering in the Fe(001) monolayer mediated by the Ir substrate. J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol. 8 (2010) 152-156

Carva K., Turek I.: Out-of-plane spin-transfer torques: First-principles study. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 322 (2010) 1085-1087

Klusák J., Knésl Z.: Reliability assessment of a bi-material notch: Strain energy density factor approach. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 53 (2010) 89-93

Man J., Weidner A., Kuběna I., Vystavěl T., Skrotzki W., Polák J.: Application of FIB technique to study early fatigue damage in polycrystals. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 240 (2010) 012058


Grujić A., Žák T., Talijan N., Stajić-Trošić J., Ćosović A.: A Comparative Thermomagnetic Study of Melt-spun Nd-Fe-B Alloys with Different Nd Content. Sci. Sintering 41 (2009) 337-345

Man J., Obrtlík K., Polák J.: Extrusions and intrusions in fatigued metals. Part 1. State of the art and history. Philos. Mag. 89 (2009) 1295-1336

Man J., Klapetek P., Man O., Weidner A., Obrtlík K., Polák J.: Extrusions and intrusions in fatigued metals. Part 2. AFM and EBSD study of the early growth of extrusions and intrusions in 316L steel fatigued at room temperature. Philos. Mag. 89 (2009) 1337-1372

Polák J., Man J., Vystavěl T., Petrenec M.: The shape of extrusions and intrusions and initiation of stage I fatigue cracks. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 517 (2009) 204-211


Obrtlík K., Chlupová A., Petrenec M., Polák J.: Low cycle fatigue of cast superalloy Inconel 738LC at high temperature. Key Eng. Mater. 385-387 (2008) 581-584


Polák J., Man J., Vystavěl T., Zouhar L.: Fatigue crack initiation in crystalline materials - experimental evidence and models. Key Eng. Mater. 345-346 (2007) 379-382


Petrenec M., Polák J., Obrtlík K., Man J.: Dislocation structures in cyclically strained X10CrAl24 ferritic steel. Acta Mater. 54 (2006) 3429-3443


Polák J.: Cyclic plastic response and fatigue life of duplex and superduplex stainless steel. Kovové materiály 43 (2005) 280-289