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Fundamentals and tools for integrated computational modeling and experimental characterization of materials in the atomic to micrometer scale range (A1.23)

SpoluřešitelRNDr. Jiří Svoboda, CSc., DSc.
Číslo projektuCOMET K2 A1.23
AgenturaAustrian Federal Ministry of Traffic, Innovation and Technology
Doba řešení2017-01-01 - 2022-09-30


Böhm H., Zickler G., Fischer F., Svoboda J.: Role of elastic strain energy in spheroidal precipitates revisited. Mech. Mater. 155 (2021) 103781


Svoboda J., Holec D., Popov M., Zickler G., Fischer F.: Modelling of short-range ordering kinetics in dilute multicomponent substitutional solid solutions. Philos. Mag. 2020 (2020) 1-20

Scheiber D., Jechtl T., Svoboda J., Fischer F., Romaner L.: On solute depletion zones along grain boundaries during segregation. Acta Mater. 182 (2020) 100-107

Hackl K., Fischer F., Svoboda J.: On the treatment of non-reciprocal rate-independent kinetics via thermodynamic extremal principles. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 145 (2020) 104149

Svoboda J., Shan Y., Zickler G., Kozeschnik E., Fischer F.: Local approach for coarsening of precipitates. Scr. Mater. 178 (2020) 232-235

Hackl K., Fischer F., Zickler G., Svoboda J.: Are Onsager's reciprocal relations necessary to apply Thermodynamic Extremal Principles? . J. Mech. Phys. Solids 135 (2020) 103780


Hackl K., Khan A., Fischer F., Svoboda J.: Influence of bulk energy and triple junction mobility on interface kinetics - A tool for interpretation of experiments. Acta Mater. 174 (2019) 310-318

Svoboda J., Ecker W., Razumovskiy V., Zickler G., Fischer F.: Kinetics of interaction of impurity interstitials with dislocations revisited. Prog. Mater. Sci. 101 (2019) 172-206

Svoboda J., Shan Y., Kozeschnik E., Fischer F.: Influence of misfit stress relaxation by power-law creep and plasticity on kinetics of coarsening of precipitates. Scr. Mater. 168 (2019) 81 -85


Fischer F., Zickler G., Svoboda J.: Elastic stress-strain analysis of an infinite cylindrical inclusion with eigenstrain. Arch. Appl. Mech. 88 (2018) 453-460

Svoboda J., Fischer F.: Influence of accounting for translationa lmotion of grains on grain growth kinetics and size distribution. Scr. Mater. 146 (2018) 255-259

Scheiber D., Romaner L., Fischer F., Svoboda J.: Kinetics of grain boundary segregation in multicomponent systems - The example of a Mo-C-B-O system. Scr. Mater. 150 (2018) 110-114

Fischer F., Zickler G., Svoboda J.: Stress-strain analysis of the antiplane shear problem for an infinite cylindrical inclusion with eigenstrain an addendum to Arch. Appl. Mech. 2018. Arch. Appl. Mech. 88 (2018) 1209-1211

Svoboda J., Zickler G., Fischer F.: An innovative concept for interstitial diffusion in stressed crystals. Int. J. Solids Struct. 134 (2018) 173-180

Svoboda J., Fischer F.: Anisotropy of interstitial diffusion in bcc-crystals due to stress-induced unequal occupancies of different types of sites. Int. J. Solids Struct. 152-153 (2018) 66-70