The main objective of the Institute of Physics of Materials of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IPM, CAS) is to clarify the relationship between the behaviour and properties of materials and their structural and microstructural characteristics.


Project SLON solves the banana curve dilemma

The project supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) is focused on developing materials that will simultaneously increase strength and ductility. The target area of use of such materials is in the structural components of reusable launch vehicles.
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New TGA/DSC-MS device for measuring hydrogen desorption

A new TGA/DSC-MS device (Linesis PT1000 STA + QMS) for simultaneous thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric analysis was purchased at IPM as part of the MATUR project. The equipment was purchased primarily to measure the temperature and kinetics of hydrogen desorption, which L. Král works on at IPM.
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