On Friday, January 3, 2025, our institute co-organized the Three Kings Conference 2025 (3KK-2025). Since many topics were related to quantum science and technology, our conference was likely the first in 2025, which UNESCO declared the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. We are glad to be the first, and we hope you celebrate the Quantum year 2025 with us.
We had an excellent line-up of speakers on 3KK-2025 conference covering, e.g., quantum computer technology: trapped ions (P. Hrmo, ETH Zurich) and superconducting quantum circuits (D. Reitzner, VTT, Finland), quantum computing of electronic structure in crystals (M. Krejčí, IPM Brno) as well as particles physics in LHC (K. Žertová, CERN), quark-gluon plasma (M. Bombara, UPJŠ Košice), and hunt for neutrinos (M. Slavíčková, CTU, Prague). We covered quite many topics, from modelling of catastrophic failure in concrete structures (M. Vořechovský, BUT Brno) via spin excitations (D. Csontosová, MUNI Brno) and spintronics (J. Železný, IoP Prague) to gamma-ray astronomy (P. Čechvala, IoP Prague) – From atoms to the early moments of the universe.
The talks, speakers, and discussions with the audience were so interesting that the chairmen let the talks go on longer (often 40 minutes instead of 20), and most of the participants stayed till nearly 7 pm, two hours after the planned closing of the event. „I am really excited about the idea that we were the first Q-conference in 2025 to celebrate this Q-year!“ said the main organizer, Martin Friák, from the IPM at the end of the conference.
Foto: Jan Klusák