Ústav fyziky materiálů AV ČR, v. v. i. > Zaměstnanci > Stratil Luděk

Ing. Luděk Stratil, Ph.D.

Místnost126, Zwick lab.
Telefon+420 532 290 365, +420 532 290 308
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDJ-5655-2016
Pozicevědecký pracovník - Skupina křehkého lomu


Hadraba H., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Jambor M., Bertolla L.: Grain size manipulation of the Eurofer steel via mechanical alloying. J. Mater. Sci. 59 (2024) 11546-11558

Pazderová M., Hojna A., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chocholoušek M., Bricín D., Čížek J.: Liquid lead resistance and cracking of novel 1Al-Sc-Y ODS Eurofer steel. J. Nucl. Mater. 602 (2024) 155306


Neuberger H., Hernandez F., Rieth M., Bonnekoh C., Stratil L., Dlouhý I., Dymáček P., Müller O., Adler L., Kunert U.: Cold Spray metal powder deposition with 9 %Cr-steel applied for the HCPB First Wall fabrication: Proof of concept and options for ODS steel processing. Nucl. Mater. Energy 35 (2023) 101427

Šiška F., Stratil L., Chlup Z., Kotoulova H., Machů Z.: Poisson´s ratio reduction by geometrical patterns implemented in solid composites. MRS Commun. 13 (2023) 486-491

Hojna A., Pazderová M., Rozumová L., Vít J., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Čížek J.: Performance of Sc-Y-ODS variant of Eurofer steel in stagnant PbLi at 600°C. J. Nucl. Mater. 575 (2023) 154227


Šiška F., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Fintová S., Kuběna I.: Effects of grains´ morphology on strengthening mechanisms in ODM401 14Cr ODS steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 852 (2022) 143663


Neuberger H., Hernandez F., Ruck S., Arbeiter F., Bonk S., Rieth M., Stratil L., Müller O., Volker K.: Advances in Additive Manufacturing of fusion materials. Fusion Eng. & Design 167 (2021) 112309

Šiška F., Stratil L., Čížek J., Guo T., Barnett M.: Numerical analysis of twin-precipitate interactions in magnesium alloys. Acta Mater. 202 (2021) 80-87

Fintová S., Kuběna I., Jarý M., Luptáková N., Stratil L., Šiška F., Svoboda J.: Creep properties of heat-treated Fe-Al-O ODS alloy. Kovové materiály 59 (2021) 39-50


Fintová S., Kuběna I., Luptáková N., Jarý M., Šmíd M., Stratil L., Šiška F., Svoboda J.: Development of advanced Fe-Al-O ODS alloy microstructure and properties due to heat treatment. J. Mater. Res. 35 (2020) 2789-2797

Stratil L., Horník V., Dymáček P., Roupcová P., Svoboda J.: The Influence of Aluminum Content on Oxidation Resistance of New-Generation ODS Alloy at 1200°C. Metals 10 (2020) 1478

Šiška F., Čech J., Haušild P., Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Husák R., Stratil L.: Twinning in CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy induced by nanoindentation. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 784 (2020) 139297


Dymáček P., Bártková D., Horník V., Stratil L., Mašek B., Svoboda J.: New Generation of ODS Alloys. Key Eng. Mater. 810 (2019) 113-118

Dymáček P., Svoboda J., Jirková H., Stratil L., Horník V.: Microstructure evolution and creep strength of new-generation oxide dispersion strengthened alloys with high volume fraction of nano-oxides. Procedia Struct. Integr. 17 (2019) 427-433

Neuberger H., Rey J., Arbeiter F., Hernandez F., Ruck S., Koehly C., Stratil L., Niewöhner R., Felde A.: Evaluation of conservative and innovative manufacturing routes for gas cooled Test Blanket Module and Breeding Blanket First Wall. Fusion Eng. & Design 146 (2019) 2140-2143


Záležák T., Šiška F., Stratil L., Fintová S., Horník V., Bártková D., Husák R., Svoboda J., Dlouhý A.: An integration of 3D discrete dislocation dynamics with numerical tensile testing. Acta Phys. Pol. A 134 (2018) 777-780

Hasegawa M., Sakurai K., Stratil L., Dlouhý I., Fukutomi H.: Fracture toughness of a lamellar orientation-controlled TiAl-based alloy processed by either one-step or two-step compression at high temperature. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 721 (2018) 303-310

Šiška F., Stratil L., Hadraba H., Fintová S., Kuběna I., Horník V., Husák R., Bártková D., Záležák T.: Strengthening mechanisms of different oxide particles in 9Cr ODS steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 732 (2018) 112-119

Stratil L., Šiška F., Hadraba H., Dlouhý I.: The size effect on J-R curve for construction steels and its prediction by simplified mechanical model. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP 6B (2018) 141606

Svoboda J., Horník V., Stratil L., Hadraba H., Mašek B., Khalaj O., Jirková H.: Microstructure Evolution in ODS Alloys with a High-Volume Fraction of Nano Oxides. Metals 8 (2018) 1079


Neuberger H., Rey J., Hees M., Materna-Morris E., Bolich D., Aktaa J., Meier A., Fischer S., Schorle C., Fuhrmann U., Heger R., Dlouhý I., Stratil L., Kloetzer B.: Selective Laser Sintering as Manufacturing Process for the Realization of Complex Nuclear Fusion and High Heat Flux Components. Fusion Sci. Technol. 72 (2017) 667-672

Šiška F., Stratil L., Čížek J., Ghaderi A., Barnett M.: Numerical analysis of twin thickening process in magnesium alloys. Acta Mater. 124 (2017) 9-16

Stratil L., Šiška F., Hadraba H., Bártková D., Fintová S., Puchý V.: Fracture behaviour of the ODS steels prepared by internal oxidation. Fusion Eng. & Design 124 (2017) 1108-1111

Stratil L., Šiška F., Hadraba H., Fintová S., Mrňa T., Dlouhý I.: The effect of specimen size for the P91 steel at elevated and high temperatures. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP 1A (2017) 131595

Dlouhý I., Stratil L., Fukutomi H., Hasegawa M.: Crack Resistance Characterization in TiAl Intermetallics with Enhanced Toughness. Key Eng. Mater. 741 (2017) 13-18

Záležák T., Šiška F., Stratil L., Luptáková N., Šmíd M., Bártková D., Svoboda J., Dlouhý A.: A Numerical Analysis of Deformation Processes in Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Materials - Influence of Dislocation-Particle Interactions. Solid State Phenom. 258 (2017) 106-109

Dlouhý I., Stratil L., Šiška F.: Subsized Specimens for Fracture Resistance Characterisation Including Transferability Issues. Key Eng. Mater. 741 (2017) 110-115

Hadraba H., Husák R., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Puchý V., Michalička J.: Survey of oxide candidate for advanced 9%, 14% and 17%Cr ODS steels for fusion applications. Fusion Eng. & Design 124 (2017) 1028-1032

Stratil L., Šiška F., Dlouhý I., Serrano M.: The application of miniaturize three-point-bend specimens for determination of the reference temperature of A533 Cl.1 Steel. J. Press. Vess. Technol. 134 (2017) 041410

Šiška F., Guo T., Stratil L., Čížek J., Barnett M.: Numerical study of stress distribution and size effect during AZ31 nanoindentation. Comp. Mater. Sci. 126 (2017) 393-399

Šiška F., Stratil L., Hadraba H., Fintová S., Kuběna I., Záležák T., Bártková D.: High temperature deformation mechanisms in the 14% Cr ODS alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 689 (2017) 34-39


Šiška F., Stratil L., Šmíd M., Luptáková N., Záležák T., Bártková D.: Deformation and fracture behavior of the P91 martensitic steel at high temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 672 (2016) 1-6


Stratil L., Dlouhý I., Šiška F., Serrano M.: The application of miniaturized three-point-bend specimens for determination of the reference temperature of JRQ steel. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP 1B (2015) 117787

Šiška F., Stratil L., Dlouhý I., Barnett M.: Modelling of the stiffness evolution of truss core structures damaged by plastic buckling. Finite Elem. Anal. Design 100 (2015) 1-11

Stratil L., Šiška F., Hadraba H., Dlouhý I.: The prediction of size effect on J-R curve for Eurofer97 steel by simplified mechanical model. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP 1A (2015) 117787

Bertolla L., Chlup Z., Stratil L., Boccaccini A., Dlouhý I.: Effect of hybrid polymer coating of Bioglass (R) foams on mechanical response during tensile loading. Adv. Appl. Ceram. 114 (2015) S63-S69


Stratil L., Hadraba H., Kozák V., Dlouhý I.: Identification and application of Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model for sub-sized three-point- bend geometry. Acta Technica CSAV 58 (2013) 141-155

Stratil L., Hadraba H., Dlouhý I.: Ductile damage identification and tensile notch effect for Eurofer97 steel. Acta Metall. Slovaca 3 (2013) 185-190


Stratil L., Kozák V., Hadraba H., Dlouhý I.: Stress state analysis of sub-sized pre-cracked three-point-bend specimen. Eng. Mech. 19 (2012) 121-129


Hadraba H., Kazimierzak B., Stratil L., Dlouhý I.: Microstructure and impact properties of ferritic ODS ODM401 (14%Cr-ODS of MA957 type). J. Nucl. Mater. 417 (2011) 241-244

Hadraba H., Fournier B., Stratil L., Malaplate J., Rouffie A., Wident P., Ziolek L., Béchadeb J.: Influence of microstructure on impact properties of 9-18%Cr ODS steels for fusion/fission applications. J. Nucl. Mater. 411 (2011) 112-118

Stratil L., Hadraba H., Buršík J., Dlouhý I.: Comparison of microstructural properties and Charpy impact behaviour between different plates of the Eurofer97 steel and effect of isothermal ageing. J. Nucl. Mater. 416 (2011) 311-317

MSM100411601 Transferability issues in ductile to brittle transition and ductile regime