Ústav fyziky materiálů AV ČR, v. v. i. > Zaměstnanci > Schneeweiss Oldřich

Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.

Místnost315, Mössbauer.lab., 120
Telefon+420 532 290 434, +420 532 290 311, +420 532 290 312
E-mail[javascript protected email address]
Researcher IDF-7841-2014
Pozicevědecký pracovník - Skupina elektrických a magnetických vlastností


Kamarád J., Kastil J., Friák M., Turek I., Kubíčková L., Kaman O., Schneeweiss O., Arnold Z.: Magnetization and exchange-bias effect in powders of the Heusler Ni2MnSn-based alloys. J. Alloys Comp. 976 (2024) 173157

Friák M., Schneeweiss O., Kamarád J., Kastil J., Miroshkina O., Gruner M.: Impact of swaps on Mössbauer characteristics of Ni2MnSn: an experimental and quantum-mechanical study. J. Mater. Sci. 59 (2024) 5595-5606

Sojková T., Gröger R., Poloprudský J., Kuběna I., Schneeweiss O., Sojka M., Šiška Z., Pongrácz J., Pizúrová N.: Kinetics of spontaneous phase transitions from wüstite to magnetite in superparamagnetic core-shell nanocubes of iron oxides. Nanoscale 16 (2024) 5551-5560

Švábenská E., Roupcová P., Havlíček L., Schneeweiss O.: Properties of nonocrystalline Fe-Ni particles prepared by thermal reduction of oxalate precursors. NANOCON 2023 Conference Proceedings 2023 (2024) 76-82


Švábenská E., Roupcová P., Friák M., Schneeweiss O.: Nanoparticles from brake pads wear. Nanocon 2022 Conference proceedings 2022 (2023) 249-254

Švábenská E., Roupcová P., Schneeweiss O.: Spectroscopic methods in the analysis of wear particles. Chemical Papers 77 (2023) -


Friák M., Mazalová M., Turek I., Schneeweiss O., Kastil J., Kamarád J., Šob M.: Pressure-Induced Increase of the Total Magnetic Moment in Ferrimagnetic Ni1.9375Mn1.5625Sn0.5 Martensite: A Quantum-Mechanical Study. Mater. Trans. 63 (2022) 430-435

Pizúrová N., Buršík J., Sojková T., Roupcová P., Schneeweiss O.: Magnetic properties and morphology of ultra-small iron oxide nanoparticles. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 2315 (2022) 012023

Friák M., Masničák N., Schneeweiss O., Roupcová P., Michalcová A., Msallamová Š., Šob M.: Multi-methodological study of temperature trends in Mössbauer effect in Sn. Comp. Mater. Sci. 215 (2022) 111780

Friák M., Zelený M., Mazalová M., Miháliková I., Turek I., Kastil J., Kamarád J., Míšek M., Arnold Z., Schneeweiss O., Šob M.: The impact of disorder on the 4O-martensite of Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler alloy. Intermetallics 151 (2022) 107708


Perovič M., Boskovic M., Kusigerski V., Jagličič Z., Blanusa J., Spasojevic V., Pizúrová N., Schneeweiss O.: Search for high temperature memory effets in magnetic nanoparticles. J. Alloys Comp. 855 (2021) 157523

Kamarád J., Kastil J., Friák M., Mazalová M., Schneeweiss O., Míšek M., Kaman O., Arnold Z.: Pressure study of magnetism in off-stoichiometric Ni2MnSn-based alloys. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 539 (2021) 168345

Švábenská E., Chlupová A., Foldyna J., Schneeweiss O.: Evolution of Microstructure of Silicon Steel After Pulsating Water Jet Treatment. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Advances (2021) 219-228

Kamarád J., Kastil J., Friák M., Mazalová M., Schneeweiss O., Arnold Z.: Effect of hydrostatic pressure on magneto-crystalline anisotropy of Heusler Ni2MnSn-based alloy. High Pressure Research 41 (2021) 405-413

Friák M., Mazalová M., Turek I., Zemanová A., Kastil J., Kamarád J., Míšek M., Arnold Z., Schneeweiss O., Všianská M., Zelený M., Kroupa A., Pavlů J., Šob M.: An Ab Initio Study of Pressure-Induced Changes of Magnetism in Austenitic Stoichiometric Ni2MnSn. Materials 14 (2021) 523


Švábenská E., Pizúrová N., Roupcová P., Chlupová A., Brajer J., Foldyna J., Schneeweiss O.: Effect of shock wave on microstructure of silicon steel. Surfaces and Interfaces 20 (2020) 100415-100425


Elhadidy H., Mahi F., Franc J., Schneeweiss O.: Calculations of High-Frequency Noise Spectral Density of Different CdTe Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Schottky Contacts. J. Electronic Mater. 11 (2019) 1-7

Rao Z., Ponge D., Koermann F., Ikeda Y., Schneeweiss O., Friák M., Neugebauer J., Raabe D., Li Z.: Invar effects in FeNiCo medium entropy alloys: From an Invar treasure map to alloy design. Intermetallics 111 (2019) 106520

Kamarád J., Friák M., Kastil J., Schneeweiss O., Šob M., Dlouhý A.: Effect of high pressure on magnetic properties of CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 487 (2019) 165333


Elhadidy H., Musiienko A., Grill R., Schneeweiss O., Franc J., Moravec P.: Study of electromigration phenomena in Au/p-type CdTe with two Schottky contacts. J. Instrument. 13 (2018) C10002

Elhadidy H., Mahi F., Franc J., Musiienko A., Dedic V., Schneeweiss O.: High frequency noise calculation in Schottky metal-semiconductor-metal structure and parameter retrieval of nanometric CdTe structure. Thin Solid Films 65 (2018) 340-344

Švábenská E., Roupcová P., Vondráček M., Lashin A., Schneeweiss O.: High temperature corrosion of Fe-6 wt% Si steel in various atmospheres. Mater. Corros. 69 (2018) 1-12


Bulin T., Švábenská E., Hapla M., Roupcová P., Ondrušek C., Schneeweiss O.: Magnetic properties of 42CrMo4 steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 179 (2017) 012010

Schneeweiss O., Friák M., Dudová M., Holec D., Šob M., Kriegner D., Holý V., Beran P., George E., Neugebauer J., Dlouhý A.: Magnetic properties of the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy. Phys. Rev. B 96 (2017) 014437

Bulin T., Švábenská E., Hapla M., Ondrušek C., Schneeweiss O.: Magnetic Properties and Structure of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Sheets after Different Shape Processing. Acta Phys. Pol. A 131 (2017) 819-821


Elhadidy H., Grill R., Franc J., Šik O., Moravec P., Schneeweiss O.: Ion electromigration in CdTe Schottky metal-semiconductor-metal structure. Solid State Ion. 278 (2015) 20-25

Herz A., Friák M., Rossberg D., Hentschel M., Theska F., Wang D., Holec D., Šob M., Schneeweiss O., Schaaf P.: Facet-controlled phase separation in supersaturated Au-Ni nanoparticles upon shape equilibration. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 (2015) 073109

Smolková S., Kazantseva N., Babayan V., Smolka P., Parmar H., Vilčaková J., Schneeweiss O., Pizúrová N.: Alternating magnetic field energy absorption in the dispersion of iron oxide nanoparticles in a viscous medium. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 374 (2015) 508-515


David B., Pizúrová N., Synek P., Kudrle V., Jašek O., Schneeweiss O.: Epsilon-Fe2O3 nanoparticles synthesized in atmospheric-pressure microwave torch. Mater. Lett. 116 (2014) 370-373

David B., Schneeweiss O., Pizúrová N., Rek A., Kudrle V., Jašek O.: Nanocrystalline alpha-Fe layer examined by Mössbauer spectrometry. Acta Phys. Pol. A 126 (2014) 94-95


David B., Schneeweiss O., Pizúrová N., Šantavá E., Kudrle V., Synek P., Jašek O.: Atmospheric-pressure Microwave Torch Discharge Generated gama-Fe2O3 Nanopowder. Phys. Procedia 44 (2013) 206-212


David B., Pizúrová N., Schneeweiss O., Šantavá E., Jašek O., Kudrle V.: Alpha-Fe nanopowder synthesised in low-pressure microwave plasma and studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 303 (2011) 012090

David B., Pizúrová N., Schneeweiss O., Kudrle V., Jašek O., Synek P.: Iron-based nanopowders containing alpha-Fe, Fe3C, and gamma-Fe particles synthesised in microwave torch plasma and investigated with Mossbauer spectroscopy. Japan. J. Applied Phys. 50 (2011) 08JF11


Schneeweiss O., David B., Žák T., Filip J., Tuček J., Zbořil R.: Magnetic interactions between nanoparticles formed during calcination of ferrihydrite. Acta Phys. Pol. A 118 (2010) 749-750

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